
From Heavy Iron Modding
Revision as of 23:31, 25 May 2021 by Seil (talk | contribs)

Base Type0x10
Games usedNight of 100 Frights

Battle for Bikini Bottom
The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie
The Incredibles

Rise of the Underminer
Source codezPortal.h


Portals are base assets, so they start with their 0x8 byte header, then are followed by:

Offset Type Variable Description
0x08 AssetID (Camera) assetCameraID Unknown
0x0C AssetID (Marker) assetMarkerID Marker to teleport to. If it can't be found, the position of the Player asset is used.
0x10 float ang Rotation in degrees, that the player and camera will face in.
0x14 uint sceneID ID of the level to warp to. This is backwards on the GameCube version (i.e. instead of "HB01", use "10BH"). If it's the same as the current level's ID, the teleportation will happen instantly. Otherwise, a loading screen will appear for the new level.
0x18 Event[numberOfEvents] Events