The Incredibles

From Heavy Iron Modding


The filesystem of the Incredibles disc is composed of multiple folders, each containing multiple HIP and HOP files. Each pair of HIP/HOP contains data for a level. This is the list of level files from the game (might not be 100% accurrate).

Aside from these, the game also has a few other files, such as boot.HIP and font.HIP, and also in.ini, which is an easily editable INI file containing a lot of general game settings such as player mapping (what character in what stage), scenes (which can be edited to go in any order), combos, hit points, damage invincibilty, and gravity. The FMV folder contains the game's videos and MN contains data for the menus.


  • BM (DLC on Xbox)
    • BM01 - Battle Mode
  • CI
    • CI03 - Syndrome's Base
  • FT
    • FT01 - 100 Mile Dash
    • FT02 - Finding Mr. Incredible
    • FT03 - Incredi-Ball
    • FT04 - Violet's Crossing
  • HS
    • HS01 - Save The World
  • LD
    • LD01 - Apartment Inferno
    • LD04 - Late For School
  • NI
    • NI01 - Robot Arena
    • NI03 - Great Falls
  • NJ
    • NJ01 - Beach Landing
    • NJ02 - Nomanisan Island
    • NJ03 - Volcanic Eruption
  • OM
    • OM01 - Bank Heist
    • OM03 - Skyline Stretch
    • OM04 - Buddy Pine & Bomb Voyage
  • PG?? - Playground
  • RS
    • RS01 - Secret Lava Labs
    • RS02 - Rocket Silo
  • TS?? - Test Stage

Other Files

  • FMV - Full Motion Video
    • Opening Logos, Trailers, and Cutscenes
  • MN - Menu
    • MNEI (PS2/Gamecube only)
    • MNES (PS2/Gamecube only)
    • MNLS
    • MNUD (PS2/Gamecube/PC only)
    • MNUI
    • MNUS
  • PL - Players
    • PLY0 - Mr. Incredible (Young)
    • PLY1 - Mr. Incredible (Disguise)
    • PLY2 - Mr. Incredible (Fat)
    • PLY3 - Mr. Incredible (Red Fat, Unused)
    • PLY4 - Mr. Incredible (Incredible Uniform)
    • PLY5 - Elastigirl (Young)
    • PLY6 - Elastigirl (Incredible Uniform)
    • PLY7 - Dash (School)
    • PLY8 - Dash (Incredible Uniform)
    • PLY9 - Incredi-Ball
    • PLYA - Mr. Incredible (Office, Unused)
    • PLYB - Violet

in.ini Commands

There was a PS2 and Xbox demo of the game released in the Official U.S. Playstation Magazine Vol. 87 and Xbox Exhibition Volume 7 respectively. Compared to the final game's ini file, it's actually organised like Battle for Bikini Bottom and The Spongebob Squarepants Movie's ini files, and the size is also different. (demo's is 4.30 kb, final is 1.80 kb) The demo's ini also has commands that weren't in the final game's ini, but most of them still work in the final game.

  • Commands in the Final Game
    • ScrFxLetterBoxSize (set to 50)
    • ScrFxLetterBoxAlpha (set to 255)
    • VideoSystemAutoDetect (set to 0)
    • VideoSystem
    • DefaultRegion
    • minVSyncCnt (set to 1)
    • ComboTimer (set to 1.5)
    • ComboDisplayTime (set to 2.0)
    • ComboFadeDir
    • NumCombos (set to 5)
    • G.AnalogMin (set to 32)
    • G.AnalogMax (set to 110)
    • G.HitPoints (set to 100)
    • G.DamageInvincibility (set to 0.5)
    • G.Gravity (set to 45)
  • Commands in the Demo
    • DebugMode (unknown if it works)
    • ShowMenuOnBoot (set to 1)
    • AsyncLoadingScreen (set to 1)
    • NoMovies (set to 0, works in final)
    • NoMusic (set to 0, works in final)
    • NoCutscenes (set to 0, works in final)
    • UnlockAll (set to 0)
    • ForceMono (set to 0)
    • FlashWIP (set to 0)
    • AllowMasterCheats (set to 0, activates the debug mode. Here's a guide on how to use it.)
    • ESRB (set to T, unknown what this does)
    • OXMDemo (set to 1, unknown what this does)
    • DemoType (set to 3, unknown what this does)
    • Watermark (commented out, unknown what this does)
    • WatermarkSize (commented out, set to 40, unknown what this does)
    • WatermarkAlpha = (commented out, set to 48, unknown what this does)
    • UseConsoleSettings (set to 0)
    • PlaybackMode = 0
    • PlaybackStartFrame (set to 0, used for screen dumping)
    • PlaybackEndFrame (set to 1000, used for screen dumping)
    • PlaybackFile (used for screen dumping)
    • PlaybackResolution (used for screen dumping)
    • PlaybackFlashDemo (used for screen dumping)
    • ShortbreadCookieJar (set to 0.0, unknown what this does)