
From Heavy Iron Modding
(Redirected from CSNM)

Cutscene Mgr
Base Type0x28
Games usedNight of 100 Frights

Battle for Bikini Bottom
The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie
The Incredibles

Rise of the Underminer
Source codexCutsceneMgr.h

Format: Night of 100 Frights and Battle for Bikini Bottom

Cutscene managers are base assets, so they start with their 0x8 byte header, then are followed by:

Offset Type Variable Description
0x08 AssetID (Cutscene) cutsceneAssetID
0x0C unsigned int flags
0x10 float interpSpeed
0x14 float[15] startTime
0x50 float[15] endTime
0x8C AssetID[15] emitID
0xC8 Event[numberOfEvents] Events

Format: The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie and The Incredibles

Offset Type Variable Description
0x08 AssetID (Cutscene) cutsceneAssetID
0x0C unsigned int flags Usually 1C
0x10 float interpSpeed
0x14 SUBT uSubtitlesID Subtitles_AssetID
0x18 float[15] startTime
0x54 float[15] endTime
0x90 unsigned int[15] emitID
0xCC Event[numberOfEvents] Events