EvilEngine/DYNA/game object:text box

From Heavy Iron Modding
(Redirected from DYNA/game object:text box)

Games usedBattle for Bikini Bottom

The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie
The Incredibles
Rise of the Underminer

Ratatouille Prototype
Source codezTextBox.h
Offset Type Description
0x00 AssetID (Text) text
0x04 float bounds.x - X position (0 to 1)
0x08 float bounds.y - Y position (0 to 1)
0x0C float bounds.w - Width (0 to 1)
0x10 float bounds.h - Height (0 to 1)
0x14 uint font
  • 0 - Default (SpongeBob font)
  • 1 - Arial (Copyright screen)
  • 2 - System (Debug screen)
  • 3 - Numbers (HUD)
0x18 float size.width - Text width (0 to 1)
0x1C float size.height - Text height (0 to 1)
0x20 float space.x - Char X spacing (0 to 1)
0x24 float space.y - Char Y spacing (0 to 1)
0x28 Color color
0x2C float inset.left (0 to 1)
0x30 float inset.top (0 to 1)
0x34 float inset.right (0 to 1)
0x38 float inset.bottom (0 to 1)
0x3C int xjustify (text alignment)
  • 0 - XJ_LEFT
  • 1 - XJ_CENTER
  • 2 or higher - XJ_RIGHT
0x40 int expand (expand mode)
  • 0 - EX_UP - Expand textbox up to fit text
  • 1 - EX_CENTER - Expand textbox up+down to fit text?
  • 2 - EX_DOWN - Expand textbox down to fit text
  • 3 or higher (usually 100 for some reason) - MAX_EX - Don't expand textbox, instead clip the text if it takes up too much space
0x44 float max_height (0 to 1)
  • If expand is EX_UP, EX_CENTER, or EX_DOWN, this is the maximum height the textbox will grow to fit the text inside of it. If there's still more text beyond this height, it will be cut off.
  • If expand is MAX_EX, this is always 0.
0x48 uint backdrop.type
  • 0 - Solid Color
  • 1 - Texture
  • 100 - None
0x4C Color backdrop.color
0x50 AssetID (Texture) backdrop.texture - this is 0 if backdrop.type isn't set to Texture.