
From Heavy Iron Modding
(Redirected from NPCS)

NPC Settings
Games usedThe Incredibles
Rise of the Underminer


Utilizes MinfParams from MINF assets.

Offset Type Variable Description
0x00 uint32 NumParameters Amount of Parameters.


Offset Type Description
0x00 uint32 Param Type - a BKDR hash of the name of the parameter type
0x04 uint8 Length - packed length of entry. To get the actual length of the entry (including trailing padding zeroes, but not including the 4 bytes of the param type), add 1 to this then multiply by 4.
0x05 string Value - Zero-terminated string, usually representing a floating point value or a vector.
- uint8[] Padding - 1 to 3 zeroes to align to 4 bytes