
From Heavy Iron Modding
(Redirected from DYNA/effect:Lightning)

Games usedThe SpongeBob SquarePants Movie

The Incredibles
Rise of the Underminer

Ratatouille Prototype


class zLightningAsset : public xDynAsset
    xVec3 start;
    xVec3 end;
    xColor_tag color;
    float thickness;
    float branchSpeed;
    unsigned int mainTexture;
    unsigned int branchTexture;
    signed int damage;
    float knockBackSpeed;
    unsigned int sound;
    unsigned int soundHit1;
    unsigned int soundHit2;
    unsigned int followStart;
    unsigned int followEnd;
    unsigned int collisionEnabled;
Offset Type Variable Description
0x10 Vector3 start Start point
0x1C Vector3 end End point
0x28 Color color Color multiplier
0x2C f32 thickness Width multiplier
0x30 f32 branchSpeed
0x34 RWTX mainTexture Lightning texture
0x38 RWTX branchTexture Glow texture
0x3C s32 damage Always 1
0x40 f32 knockbackSpeed Speed at which to knock the player back upon touching
0x44 SGRP sound Lightning sounds
0x48 SGRP soundHit1
0x4C SGRP soundHit2
0x50 SIMP/PLAT followStart
0x54 SIMP/PLAT followEnd
0x58 u32 collisionEnabled 0 = don't damage player
1 = damage player