EvilEngine/DYNA/game object:flame emitter

From Heavy Iron Modding

Games usedThe SpongeBob SquarePants Movie

The Incredibles
Rise of the Underminer

Ratatouille Prototype


Version 4 (TSSM - The Incredibles)

class asset_type : public xDynAsset
    unsigned int flags;
    xVec3 loc;
    xVec3 dir;
    xVec3 scale;
    float heat_random;
    float damage;
    float knockback;
Offset Type Variable Description
0x10 u32 flags 2 = Visible
0x14 Vector3 loc
0x20 Vector3 dir
0x2C Vector3 scale
0x38 f32 heat_random
0x3C f32 damage
0x40 f32 knockback

Version 5 (ROTU - Ratatouille Prototype)

struct asset_type : xDynAsset
    unsigned int flags;
    xVec3 loc;
    xVec3 dir;
    xVec3 scale;
    float heat_random;
    float damage;
    float damageBoxHeightRatio;
    float knockback;
    unsigned int soundID;
    unsigned int driverID;
Offset Type Variable Description
0x10 u32 flags 2 = Visible
0x14 Vector3 loc
0x20 Vector3 dir
0x2C Vector3 scale
0x38 f32 heat_random
0x3C f32 damage
0x40 f32 damageBoxHeightRatio
0x44 f32 knockback
0x48 AssetID soundID
0x4C AssetID driverID