BOUL | |
Boulder | |
Type | Entity |
Base Type | 0x2F |
Games used | Battle for Bikini Bottom The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie |
Source code | xEntBoulder.h |
This asset defines an entry for boulders such as the ones thrown by cannons.
Format: Battle for Bikini Bottom
Boulders are entity assets, so they start with their 0x54 byte header, then are followed by:
Offset | Type | Variable | Description |
0x54 | float | gravity | |
0x58 | float | mass | |
0x5C | float | bounce | |
0x60 | float | friction | |
0x64 | float | statFric | |
0x68 | float | maxVel | |
0x6C | float | maxAngVel | |
0x70 | float | stickiness | |
0x74 | float | bounceDamp | If Y velocity is below this when hitting the ground, it gets reset to 0. |
0x78 | int | flags |
0x7C | float | killTimer | If 0, lifetime is infinity and Can Hit Walls is forced on. Note that it can still die on OOB surfaces and player attack. |
0x80 | int | hitpoints | |
0x84 | AssetID (Sound) | soundID | Bounce sound. |
0x88 | float | volume | |
0x8C | float | minSoundVel | |
0x90 | float | maxSoundVel | |
0x94 | float | innerRadius | |
0x98 | float | outerRadius | |
Events | |||
0x9C | Event[numberOfEvents] | Events |
Format: The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie - Rise of the Underminer
Boulders are placeable assets, so they start with their 0x50 byte header, then are followed by:
Offset | Type | Variable | Description |
0x50 | float | gravity | |
0x54 | float | mass | |
0x58 | float | bounce | |
0x5C | float | friction | |
0x60 | float | maxVel | |
0x64 | float | maxAngVel | |
0x68 | float | stickiness | |
0x6C | float | bounceDamp | |
0x70 | uint | flags |
0x74 | float | killtimer | |
0x78 | uint | hitpoints | |
0x7C | AssetID | uSoundGroupHash | |
0x80 | float | minSoundVel | |
0x84 | float | maxSoundVel | |
0x88 | float | fSphereRadius | |
0x8C | char | uPad0 | |
0x8D | char | uPad1 | |
0x8E | char | uPad2 | |
0x8F | char | uBoneIndex | |
0x90 | float? | fInitNonCollideTime | Only present in ROTU |
Events | |||
- | Event[numberOfEvents] | Events |