
From Heavy Iron Modding

Base Type0x18
Games usedNight of 100 Frights

Battle for Bikini Bottom
The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie

The Incredibles
Source codezEntButton.h

This asset defines an entry for buttons such as switches and pressure plates.


Buttons are entity assets, so they start with their 0x54 byte header, then are followed by:

Offset Type Variable Description
0x54 AssetID modelPressedInfoID Defaults to ModelAssetID in the placeable header (same model for pressed and unpressed).
0x58 int actMethod
  • 0 = Button - Stays pressed upon being hit. (Also has a flashing effect)
  • 1 = Pressure Plate - Stays pressed until it stops being hit, then unpresses.
0x5C int initButtonState
0x60 int isReset 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled). If this is enabled, the button will automatically unpress itself after resetDelay. (Only works on Button, not Pressure Plate.) Useful for timed challenges.
0x64 float resetDelay (seconds) Time to wait after being pressed to unpress.
0x68 int buttonActFlags This bitmask specifies what can press the button.
  • 0x1 - Bubble Spin/Sliding (SpongeBob)
  • 0x2 - Bubble Bounce
  • 0x4 - Bubble Bash
  • 0x8 - Boulder/Bubble Bowl
  • 0x10 - Cruise Bubble
  • 0x20 - Bungee
  • 0x40 - Thrown Enemy/Tiki
  • 0x80 - Throw Fruit
  • 0x100 - Patrick Slam
  • 0x200 - Unknown
  • 0x400 - (Pressure Plate) Player Stand
  • 0x800 - (Pressure Plate) Enemy Stand
  • 0x1000 - (Pressure Plate) Boulder/Bubble Bowl
  • 0x2000 - (Pressure Plate) Stone Tiki
  • 0x4000 - Sandy Melee/Sliding
  • 0x8000 - Patrick Melee/Sliding
  • 0x10000 - (Pressure Plate) Throw Fruit
  • 0x20000 - Patrick Cartwheel (TSSM only, unused in BFBB)
  • The rest of the bits are unused.
0x6C Motion Motion Always type 4 (Mechanism)
0x9C Event[numberOfEvents] Events BFBB
0xA8 Event[numberOfEvents] Events Movie
