
From Heavy Iron Modding

Games usedThe SpongeBob SquarePants Movie

The Incredibles

Rise of the Underminer

Format: The Incredibles

Offset Type Variable Description
0x00 uint flags
0x04 uint attach_to
0x08 uint target
0x0C uchar attach_bone
0x10 uchar target_bone
0x14 uchar padding1
0x18 uchar padding2
0x1C float radius
0x20 float view_angle
0x24 float max_dist
0x28 xColor_tag color
0x2C float t
0x30 float u
0x34 float v
0x38 uint texture
0x3C xColor_tag color
0x40 float size_min
0x44 float size_max
0x48 uchar glow_min
0x49 uchar glow_max
0x4A uchar pad1
0x4B uchar pad2