EvilEngine/DYNA/npc:NPC Custom AV

From Heavy Iron Modding

Games usedRise of the Underminer


struct zNPCCustomAVAsset : xDynAsset
    typedef int VERSION;

    unsigned int animID;
    float animDelay;
    unsigned int soundGroupID;
    float soundDelay;
    unsigned char waitOnSound;
    float loopTime;
    unsigned int faceTargetID;
    float animBlendTime;
    float speedMin;
    float speedMax;
    unsigned char randomStartTime;
Offset Type Variable Description
0x10 AssetID animID ANIM
0x14 f32 animDelay
0x18 AssetID soundGroupID SGRP
0x1C f32 soundDelay
0x20 u8 waitOnSound
0x21 u8[3] - Padding
0x24 f32 loopTime
0x28 AssetID faceTargetID
0x2C f32 animBlendTime
0x30 f32 speedMin
0x34 f32 speedMax
0x38 u8 randomStartTime
0x39 u8[3] - Padding