Essentials Series/Boulders

From Heavy Iron Modding
Essentials Series
  1. Introduction
  2. Industrial Park basics
  3. Editing Assets
  4. Templates
  5. Links
  6. Dispatchers
  7. Tikis and Enemies

This page is part of the Essential Series modding tutorials. A Boulder (BOUL) is an entity asset that creates a model in the world which follows a physics algorithm for a ball. Boulders can exist by themselves or be generated through events. BOULs are usually found in the Default layer of the level's HIP.

Using Boulders

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Boulder Generator

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Generate Boulder

Launch Boulder At Widget

Launches a boulder towards a widget.


Widget must be one of the following types:

# Name Description
1 Time This is (on average) how much time in seconds it should take for the boulder to reach the widget. Shorter times = faster/straighter shots, longer times = slower/higher shots.
2 Range This adds randomness to the boulder generator's aim. A random offset between -Range and +Range is applied to the boulder's target position. For example if Range is 5 and the widget is at (50,100,50), the boulder will be launched at a random position between (45,95,45) and (55,105,55).

Launch Boulder At Point

Launches a boulder towards a 3D point.


# Name Description
1 X X coordinate of the point.
2 Y Y coordinate of the point.
3 Z Z coordinate of the point.
4 Time This is (on average) how much time in seconds it should take for the boulder to reach the point. Shorter times = faster/straighter shots, longer times = slower/higher shots.

Launch Boulder At Player

Launches a boulder towards the player.


# Name Description
1 Time This is (on average) how much time in seconds it should take for the boulder to reach the player. Shorter times = faster/straighter shots, longer times = slower/higher shots.
2 Predict Factor This is how "smart" the boulder generator is, meaning how much it will try to launch the boulder in the direction the player is moving. A value of 0.0 = disabled (doesn't take the player's movement into account). A value of 1.0 = perfect aim (follows player's movement 1:1).
3 Range This adds randomness to the boulder generator's aim. A random offset between -Range and +Range is applied to the boulder's target position. For example if Range is 5 and the player is at (50,100,50), the boulder will be launched at a random position between (45,95,45) and (55,105,55).
