Essentials Series/Extracting Models

From Heavy Iron Modding
Essentials Series
  1. Introduction
  2. Industrial Park basics
  3. Editing Assets
  4. Templates
  5. Links
  6. Dispatchers
  7. Tikis and Enemies

This page is part of the Essential Series modding tutorials. It will cover how to use Industrial Park to extract models from the game to a common 3D format, such as DAE or OBJ.

The first thing you should do is find the model you want to extract. Models will be either MODL assets, which are characters and stage objects, present in the Model layer of a level's HOP, or JSP assets, which are stage models, present in the BSP layer. With the model selected, click on Edit Data to open the Asset Data Editor.

Note: it is best to use the Xbox version of the games to extract the models. On GameCube, some models use native data (you can check this on the Asset Data Editor). The export from native data meshes is less optimized. Exporting from PS2 native data is not supported.

Exporting as DFF

This is the only method which preserves the skeleton (rigging) of rigged models. It only works on MODL assets. Use the Export Raw Data button on the model or select RenderWare DFF as the export format if exporting from the Asset Data Editor. If exporting from the Asset Data Editor, you can check Export Textures and the textures will be converted to PNG and saved in the same folder of the model. This will export your model as a DFF, which can be imported into 3ds Max using the DFF plugin or into Blender with DragonFF.

Exporting as ther formats

This method works on MODL, JSP and BSP assets (which are the level models in Scooby), but does not preserve the skeleton (rigging). In the model's Asset Data Editor, click on Export and choose the format you want to export as. DAE is recommended and preferred over OBJ, as it preserves vertex colors when exporting. With Export Textures checked, textures will be converted to PNG and exported to the same folder of the model. You can then import this model into a 3d editor of your choice. If the format doesn't work, you can try another one.

Exporting Textures

If you want or need to export textures separately, you can use Edit -> TXD Archive -> Export (RW3) in the HOP archive to export a TXD archive containing all the textures. This archive can be opened with Magic.TXD, which you can use to convert the textures to another format.

Export Scene

This is a function available in Industrial Park, under Tools. This method will export the entire scene to a folder, in which each asset will be a different file, all with transformations (position, rotation, scale) applied. The formats you can export to are the same for individual models, except for DFF. Only assets currently set to be visible will be exported (so you can hide entire asset types or individual assets to export only a part of them). Only assets with models will be exported - widgets (entity assets without models and assets such as TRIG, CAM, SFX, MVPT) will not be exported.

3ds Max Script

This is a script for importing all model files in a folder in 3ds Max.

Blender Script

This is a script for importing all DAE files in a folder in Blender. You need to replace the path defined below with the folder your models are in. Run the script from Blender's text editor.

import os
import bpy

# put the location to the folder where the objs are located here in this fashion
path_to_obj_dir = os.path.join('C:\\', 'Users\\Desktop\\hb02\\')

# get list of all files in directory
file_list = sorted(os.listdir(path_to_obj_dir))

# get a list of files ending in 'dae'
obj_list = [item for item in file_list if item.endswith('.dae')]

# loop through the strings in obj_list and add the files to the scene
for item in obj_list:
    path_to_file = os.path.join(path_to_obj_dir, item)
    bpy.ops.wm.collada_import(filepath = path_to_file)
    # if heavy importing is expected 
    # you may want use saving to main file after every import
    bpy.ops.wm.save_mainfile(filepath = "C:\\Users\\Desktop\\test.blend")