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List of Events/BFBB: Difference between revisions

→‎List: Switch description
(→‎List: Portal from another level, not the within it)
(→‎List: Switch description)
(26 intermediate revisions by 4 users not shown)
Line 68:
| 0x0015||Move||||||''Unused''
| 0x0016||Destroy||[[DSTR]], [[GRUP]]||0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [[AssetID]]||Sent to a DSTR if it is destroyed.
| 0x0017||Pause||||||''Unused''
Line 76:
| 0x0019||PlayOne||||||''Unused''
| 0x001A||PlayMaybe||[[SFX]]||0Probability, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0||Gives a SFX a specific probability for playing when the Event is sent. The lower the Argument, the more likely it is to play (EX: 0 = 100% Chance, 75 = 25% Chance).
| 0x001B||RoomStart||||||''Unused''
Line 92:
| 0x0021||Dismount||[[game_object:bungee_hook​​]], [[PLAT]]||?||When the player is not on top of the object, this is sent.
| 0x0022||Break||[[PLAT]]||?||Sent to a Breakaway PLAT, such as the sneaking platforms in Rock Bottom, if the platform breaks.
| 0x0023||Pickup||[[PKUP]]||0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0||Collects a [[PKUP]]. Fired by the [[PLYR]] when it touches a [[PKUP]].
Line 100:
| 0x0025||Kill||[[BOUL]], [[GRUP]], [[PLYR]], [[VIL]]||0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [[AssetID]]||Will bring the target to 0 health and kill them.
| 0x0026||On||[[EGEN]], [[FOG]], [[GRUP]], [[MVPT]], [[PARE]], [[SURF]], [[EGEN]]||float '''Unknown''', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0||Activates the properties of the asset.
| 0x0027||Off||[[EGEN]], [[GRUP]], [[MVPT]], [[PARE]], [[PARS]], [[SURF]], [[EGEN]]||0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0||Deactivates the properties of the asset.
| 0x0028||Patrol On||[[VIL]]||0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0||
Line 112:
| 0x002B||Wander Off||||||''Unused''
| 0x002C||Detect Player On||[[GRUP]], [[VIL]]||0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0||When recievedreceived, an enemy starts targeting the [[PLYR]].
| 0x002D||Detect Player Off||[[GRUP]], [[VIL]]||0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0||When recievedreceived, an enemy stops targeting the [[PLYR]].
| 0x002E||Chase Player On||||||''Unused''
Line 140:
| 0x0039||ArriveHalfway||[[PLAT]]||?||When a [[PLAT]] is halfway to the next [[MVPT]] this is sent.
| 0x003A||Hit||[[DSTR]], [[PLAT]], [[SIMP]]||?||Sent to the object if hit with a [[PLYR]] melee.
| 0x003B||ButtonPressAction||||?||
Line 170:
| 0x0048||PadPressSelect||||?||Sent when the (PS2=Select, XB=Back, GCN=Z) button is pressed.
| 0x0049||PadPressUp||[[UI]], [[UIFT]]||?||Sent when D-Pad Up is pressed.
| 0x004A||PadPressDown||[[UI]], [[UIFT]]||?||Sent when D-Pad Down is pressed.
| 0x004B||PadPressRight||[[UI]], [[UIFT]]||?||Sent when D-Pad Right is pressed.
| 0x004C||PadPressLeft||[[UI]], [[UIFT]]||?||Sent when D-Pad Left is pressed.
| 0x004D||FontBackdropOn||[[UIFT]]||None||Shows the background.
Line 202:
| 0x0058||Scene Finish||All||None||Sent to all objects right after Room Finish.
| 0x0059||Room Prepare||All||None||Sent to all objects right after Scene Prepare,. so itIt can be used to override Events that run usingon Scene Prepare.
| 0x005A||Room Finish||All||None||Sent to all objects when the scene is exiting (when warping to a new scene) or resetting (when the player dies).
Line 210:
| 0x005C||<s>LobMaster Reset</s>||||?||''Unused. [[List of Events/Scooby|Scooby]] Event.''
| 0x005D||FallToDeath||[[PLYR]]||?||Defeats the Player, similar to the Kill Event, but without any death sounds.
| 0x005E||UI Focus On+Select||[[UI]], [[UIFT]]||None||Sends UI Focus On then UI Select to self.
Line 224:
| 0x0063||Set Pad Config to Preset D||||?||
| 0x0064||Pad Vibrate On||[[DPAT]]||?||Sets controller Vibration to On.
| 0x0065||Pad Vibrate Off||[[DPAT]]||?||Sets controller Vibration to Off.
| 0x0066||Mono Sound||[[DPAT]]||?||Sets the sound mode to mono.
Line 280:
| 0x007F||SaveState_Count||||?||
| 0x0080||PauseState_Pause||[[DPAT]]||?||Detects that the game is paused.
| 0x0081||PauseState_Options||||?||
Line 288:
| 0x0083||GameState_FirstTime||||?||
| 0x0084||GameState_Play||[[DPAT]]||?||Detects that the game is unpaused and in gameplay.
| 0x0085||GameState_LoseChance||||?||
Line 318:
| 0x0092||SetLoadState_SelectSlot||||?||
| 0x0093||SetLoadState_Loading||[[DPAT]]||?||Hardcoded to MNU3. Sets the Game State to load a saved game.
| 0x0094||SetLoadState_Count||||?||
Line 334:
| 0x009A||SetSaveState_Count||||?||
| 0x009B||SetPauseState_Pause||||?||Opens the pause menu.
| 0x009C||SetPauseState_Options||||?||
Line 356:
| 0x00A5||GameState_Exit||||?||
| 0x00A6||SetGameState_Exit||[[DPAT]]||?||Quits player back to the main menu.
| 0x00A7||<s>LobMaster Shoot From Widget</s>||||?||''Unused. [[List of Events/Scooby|Scooby]] Event.''
Line 404:
| 0x00BD||VilReport_StartingRetreat||||?||
| 0x00BE||Preload||[[CSNM]]||?||Begins showing a cutscene.
| 0x00BF||Done||[[CSNM]], [[SFX]]||?||Sent to a CSNM or SFX when it finishes playing.
| 0x00C0||Arcto||[[EGEN]], [[MVPT]], [[PLAT]]||?||Used by an EGEN to connect its electric beam to an object.
| 0x00C1||<s>Digup Reaction</s>||||?||''Unused. [[List of Events/Scooby|Scooby]] Event.''
| 0x00C2||Set Check Point||[[DPAT]]||rotationRotation (i think?Degrees),?,?,?,[[MRKR]],?||When sent to the [[DPAT]], it updates the player's respawn point to the [[MRKR]] specified.
| 0x00C3||AnimPlay||[[DSTR]], [[GRUP]], [[PLAT]], [[SIMP]]||?||Plays the animation for that asset, which is specified in Animation_AssetID in the asset.
Line 458:
| 0x00D8||<span id="Drivenby">Drivenby</span>||[[PLAT]]||?||Sets the target asset as a parent, so any movement performed by the asset will be followed.
| 0x00D9||FollowTarget||[[PKUP]]||float '''Offset Position''' X, Y, Z||Makes a [[PKUP]] asset follow a [[PLYR]] asset, mimicking movement and keeping offset.
| 0x00D9||FollowTarget||||?||
| 0x00DA||FaceTarget||||?||
Line 476:
| 0x00E1||<s>Shaggy8_ClearMagnet</s>||||?||''Unused. [[List of Events/Scooby|Scooby]] Event.''
| 0x00E2||StartMoving||[[PLAT]]||?||Fired by a [[PLAT]] when it begins to move.
| 0x00E3||StopMoving||[[PLAT]]||?||Fired by a [[PLAT]] when it no longer moves.
| 0x00E4||Swoosh||[[PEND]]||?||
Line 550:
| 0x0105||<s>Unlock F001</s>||||||''Unused. [[List of Events/Scooby|Scooby]] Event.''
| 0x0106||Disable Group Contents||[[GRUP]]||?||Turns off Event handling for items in a GRUP.
| 0x0107||<s>ShaggyPhysHack</s>||||?||''Unused. [[List of Events/Scooby|Scooby]] Event.''
Line 614:
| 0x0125||WaitForInput||||?||
| 0x0126||PlayMovie{{SlashTrick|EvilEngine/Events/Play Movie}}||[[DPAT]]||?||Plays a movie (fmv) with a specified argument, 0 - FOP, 1 - TAK, 2 - JN, 3 - SB, 4 - HILogo, 5 - NickLogo, 6 - RWLogo, 7 - THQLogo, 8 - demo1.
| 0x0127||<s>Mastermind is defeated</s>||||?||''Unused. [[List of Events/Scooby|Scooby]] Event.''
Line 638:
| 0x0131||Screen Adjustment OFF||[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x0132||Set as Skydome||[[PLAT]], [[SIMP]]||?||Causes asset to behave like a skydome.
| 0x0133||Connect_IOwnYou||[[BOUL]], [[GRUP]], [[MVPT]], [[VIL]]||?||The Duplicatotron sends this to connect a GRUP of move points and VILs.
Line 696:
| 0x014E||Set Text||[[UIFT]]||[[AssetID]] textAssetID||Replaces the text.
| 0x014F||Start Conversation||[[CAM]], [[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]], [[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:task_box]]||?||Prepares the given asset to be sent other Events (Ex: Switch for [[CAM]]).
| 0x0150||End Conversation||[[CAM]], [[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]], [[GRUP]]||?||Stops interacting with the asset. Forces a [[CAM]] to switch back to the Player camera.
| 0x0151||Switch||[[CAM]]||float '''Transition time''', ?, ?, ?, ?, ?||Shifts the Player view to the given camera asset. StartConversation must be sent first, however.
| 0x0152||Add Text||||?||
Line 888:
| 0x01AE||NPCSpecial_PlatformFall||[[VIL]]||?||
| 0x01AF||Goo set warb coeffs||[[PLAT]], [[SIMP]]||arg1X floatWave HeightSize, arg2X floatSpeed, Y Wave Size, Y Speed||When this is recievedreceived by something that is SetAsGoo, it will not have waves. Can be modified with arguments.
| 0x01B0||Goo set freeze duration||[[PLAT]], [[SIMP]]||duration,?,?,?||When this is recievedreceived by something that is SetAsGoo, it will change the duration of the time frozen with Freezy Fruit.
| 0x01B1||Goo melt||[[PLAT]], [[SIMP]]||?||When this is recievedreceived by something that is SetAsGoo AND frozen by Freezy Fruit, it will immediately melt the goo, causing the freeze timer to end and the goo returns to normal.
| 0x01B2||Set State Range||[[DSCO]]||?||
Line 960:
| 0x01D2||On Signal19||[[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]]||?||Fired when <code>{signal:19}</code> is encountered in the [[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]]'s [[TEXT]].
| 0x01D3||Spongeball On||[[PLYR]]||?||Forces the [[PLYR]] to transform into the SpongeballSpongeBall.
| 0x01D4||Spongeball Off||[[PLYR]]||?||Forces the [[PLYR]] to transform out of the SpongeballSpongeBall.
| 0x01D5||Launch Shrapnel||[[BOUL]], [[GRUP]], [[PLAT]], [[SIMP]]||?||Generates a Shrapnel on the object. A SHRP asset must be specified for the Event's Argument asset.
| 0x01D6||NPC HP Incremented||||?||RecievedReceived when a [[VIL]] gains health. Mainly used for boss fights.
| 0x01D7||NPC HP Decremented||[[VIL]]||?||RecievedReceived when a [[VIL]] loses health. Mainly used for boss fights.
| 0x01D8||NPC Set Active On||[[GRUP, VIL]]||?||Causes the [[VIL]](s) to be activated.
Line 1,080:
| 0x020E||Force NPC Conversation||||?||Forces the [[PLYR]] to talk to a [[[[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:task_box]]]].
| 0x020F||{{SlashTrick|EvilEngine/Events/Make A Splash}}||[[MVPT]]||?size, duration, unknown, type||Makes a splash effect on a [[MVPT]].
| 0x0210||Credits start||[[DPAT]]||?||
Line 1,090:
| 0x0213||Bubble Wipe||||?||
| 0x0214||Set Lightkit||[[ENV]], [[PLYR]]||?[[AssetID]]||Changes the lightkit used for the [[ENV]] or the [[PLYR]].
| 0x0215||Set Opacity||||?||


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