List of Events/BFBB

From Heavy Iron Modding
Revision as of 10:57, 13 September 2018 by Battlepedia>Seil

This is a list of Events. Please note that not every event is designed for every asset type (you can only send GiveShinyObjects to PLYR, for example).

Event Definitions

0x0001 Enable

Object types: All

Parameters: ???

Turns on event handling for an object asset.

0x0002 Disable

Object types: All

Parameters: ???

Turns off event handling for an object asset.

0x0003 Visible

Object types: All

Parameters: ???

Turns on rendering for an object asset.

0x0004 Invisible

Object types: All

Parameters: ???

Turns off rendering for an object asset.

0x0005 EnterPlayer

Object types: TRIG

Parameters: ???

Automatically sent to a TRIG whenever the player enters its volume.

0x0006 ExitPlayer

Object types: TRIG

Parameters: ???

Automatically sent to a TRIG whenever the player exits its volume.

0x0008 ControlOff

Object types: PLYR

Parameters: ???

Turns off gamepad/controller input.

0x0009 ControlOn

Object types: PLYR

Parameters: ???

Turns on gamepad/controller input.

0x000A Reset


Parameters: ???

Resets a CNTR to its initial value.

Resets a TIMR to its initial value.

0x000B Increment

Object types: CNTR

Parameters: ???

Increases a CNTR’s value by 1. Automatically sends one of the events from Count1 to Count20, based on the resulting value of the increment.

0x000C Decrement

Object types: CNTR

Parameters: ???

Decreases a CNTR's value by 1. Automatically sends one of the events from Count1 to Count20, based on the resulting value of the decrement.

0x0010 Teleport Player

Object types: PLYR


Teleports the player using a Portal. If the Portal's destination level is the same as the current level, the player will teleport instantly. Otherwise, a loading screen will appear for the destination level.

0x0011 OutOfBounds

Object types: PLYR

Parameters: ???

Causes the hand to immediately take the player off-screen and place him/her back into the level.

0x0012 Run

Object types: DYNA, PLAT, TIMR

Parameters: ???

Starts ticking down a TIMR.

0x0013 Stop

Object types: DYNA, PLAT, SFX, TIMR

Parameters: ???

Pauses a TIMR?

0x0014 Expired

Object types: CNTR, TIMR

Parameters: ???

Automatically sent to a CNTR when its value is 0?

Automatically sent to a TIMR when its value is 0?

0x0035 GiveShinyObjects

Object types: PLYR


  • float Amount

Gives or takes away a specified Amount of shiny objects from the player.

0x003C Evaluate

Object types: COND

Parameters: ???

Evaluates a COND. Automatically sends True or False to the COND, based on the result of the evaluation.

0x003D True

Object types: COND

Parameters: ???

Automatically sent to a COND from the Evaluate event if the evaluation is true.

0x003E False

Object types: COND

Parameters: ???

Automatically sent to a COND from the Evaluate event if the evaluation is false.

0x0192 Count1

Object types: CNTR

Parameters: ???

Sets the value of a CNTR to 1. Automatically sent from the Increment or Decrement event if the resulting value is 1.

0x0193 Count2

Object types: CNTR

Parameters: ???

Sets the value of a CNTR to 2. Automatically sent from the Increment or Decrement event if the resulting value is 2.

0x0194 Count3

Object types: CNTR

Parameters: ???

Sets the value of a CNTR to 3. Automatically sent from the Increment or Decrement event if the resulting value is 3.

All Events

Event ID Name Asset Types Description
0x0000 Unknown
0x0001 Enable Dispatcher (258), Trigger (214), Button (48), SFX (22), Simple Object (16), Timer (16), Group (14), Counter (13), game_object:Taxi (12), Conditional (11), UI Font (4), Conveyer Belt (2), Mechanism (2), Platform (2), Move Point (1), NPC (1)
0x0002 Disable Trigger (648), Timer (247), Dispatcher (123), Counter (93), Button (57), SFX (45), Simple Object (19), Conditional (16), game_object:Flythrough (16), Mechanism (12), Platform (12), Electric Arc Generator (10), Group (7), Destructible Object (6), game_object:Taxi (6), UI (6), Cutscene Mgr (3), UI Font (3), Camera (2), Move Point (2), NPC (1), Particle Emitter (1), Power Up/Item (1)
0x0003 Visible UI Font (463), UI (336), Group (184), Mechanism (147), Simple Object (118), Platform (110), game_object:text_box (28), Button (4), NPC (3), Destructible Object (2)
0x0004 Invisible UI Font (471), UI (378), Group (270), Mechanism (267), Simple Object (145), Platform (97), game_object:text_box (54), game_object:talk_box (22), NPC (4), Boulder (3)
0x0005 EnterPlayer Trigger (2581) The game sends this event to a Trigger on the frame that the Player enters its collision area. This event is *not* continuously sent during the frames that the Player is still inside.
0x0006 ExitPlayer Trigger (797) The game sends this event to a Trigger on the frame that the Player exits its collision area. This event is *not* continuously sent during the frames that the Player is still outside.
0x0007 TouchPlayer
0x0008 ControlOff Player (255) Disables all user input. This event is mainly used when starting a cutscene.
0x0009 ControlOn Player (174)
0x000A Reset Timer (995), Platform (193), Mechanism (66), Counter (47), Breakaway Platform (39), Group (14), game_object:task_box (9), Simple Object (8), game_object:BoulderGenerator (7), Button (2), Springboard Platform (2), Boulder (1)
0x000B Increment Counter (37)
0x000C Decrement Counter (456), Group (2)
0x000D Open
0x000E Close
0x000F Toggle Button (1)
0x0010 Teleport Player Portal (194)
0x0011 OutOfBounds Player (346)
0x0012 Run Timer (2669), Mechanism (396), Platform (98), Group (64), game_object:Flythrough (63), Breakaway Platform (26), game_object:Camera_Tweak (11), Paddle (5)
0x0013 Stop SFX (407), Timer (141), game_object:Flythrough (79), Group (54), Mechanism (44), Platform (43), game_object:Camera_Tweak (14)
0x0014 Expired Timer (4861), Counter (380), Group (2)
0x0015 Move
0x0016 Destroy Destructible Object (310), Group (3)
0x0017 Pause
0x0018 Play SFX (1955), Cutscene Mgr (39), Group (30)
0x0019 PlayOne
0x001A PlayMaybe SFX (23)
0x001B RoomStart
0x001C Invalidate
0x001D Tilt
0x001E Untilt
0x001F Arrive Mechanism (232), Move Point (133)
0x0020 Mount Platform (195), Mechanism (91), Power Up/Item (74), Breakaway Platform (52), game_object:bungee_hook (6), Springboard Platform (5), Group (2)
0x0021 Dismount Platform (92), Mechanism (26), game_object:bungee_hook (6), Springboard Platform (1)
0x0022 Break Breakaway Platform (42)
0x0023 Pickup Power Up/Item (249)
0x0024 Death NPC (243)
0x0025 Kill Boulder (84), NPC (22), Group (4), Player (1)
0x0026 On Particle Emitter (158), Electric Arc Generator (52), Fog (35), Group (10), Move Point (10), Surface (8)
0x0027 Off Particle Emitter (134), Electric Arc Generator (53), Group (19), Surface (8), Move Point (6), Particle System (2)
0x0028 Patrol On NPC (1)
0x0029 Patrol Off NPC (3)
0x002A Wander On
0x002B Wander Off
0x002C Detect Player On NPC (94), Group (2)
0x002D Detect Player Off NPC (90), Group (4)
0x002E Chase Player On
0x002F Chase Player Off NPC (5)
0x0030 Go To Sleep
0x0031 Wake Up Villain
0x0032 Respawn NPC (6), Group (1)
0x0033 PlayerDeath
0x0034 GiveChance
0x0035 GiveShinyObjects(float amount) Player (99) Changes the Player's Shiny Object count by amount. Animates the UI and plays a sound effect in the same way that you normally collect Shiny Objects. amount can be positive or negative. It's also converted to an integer at runtime, so any decimals will cause it to be rounded up to the next integer. This event is most often sent by Clams to subtract Shiny Objects once you confirm to pay them.
0x0036 GiveHealth Player (58)
0x0037 ButtonPress Button (651), Group (4)
0x0038 ButtonUnpress Button (159)
0x0039 ArriveHalfway Mechanism (15)
0x003A Hit Simple Object (29), Mechanism (10), Destructible Object (1)
0x003B ButtonPressAction
0x003C Evaluate Conditional (317), Group (77)
0x003D True Conditional (486)
0x003E False Conditional (257)
0x003F PadPressX UI Font (445), UI (20)
0x0040 PadPressSquare game_object:talk_box (4)
0x0041 PadPressO UI Font (46), game_object:talk_box (4)
0x0042 PadPressTriangle UI Font (500), game_object:talk_box (4)
0x0043 PadPressL1
0x0044 PadPressL2 game_object:talk_box (1)
0x0045 PadPressR1 game_object:talk_box (424), UI Font (24)
0x0046 PadPressR2 game_object:talk_box (1), UI Font (1)
0x0047 PadPressStart UI Font (37)
0x0048 PadPressSelect
0x0049 PadPressUp UI Font (202), UI (123)
0x004A PadPressDown UI Font (182), UI (120)
0x004B PadPressRight UI Font (156), UI (70)
0x004C PadPressLeft UI Font (156), UI (70)
0x004D FontBackdropOn
0x004E FontBackdropOff
0x004F UI Select UI Font (623), UI (152)
0x0050 UI Unselect UI Font (303), UI (173)
0x0051 UI Focus On Group (100), UI Font (45)
0x0052 UI Focus Off UI Font (28), Group (2)
0x0053 Collision On Platform (13), Mechanism (8), Simple Object (7), Group (4)
0x0054 Collision Off Simple Object (31), Group (25), Platform (13), Destructible Object (7), Mechanism (4)
0x0055 Collision+Visible On Power Up/Item (105), Mechanism (93), Simple Object (62), Platform (54), Springboard Platform (44), Group (38), Conveyer Belt (8)
0x0056 Collision+Visible Off Mechanism (116), Group (96), Simple Object (69), Platform (52), Destructible Object (36), Springboard Platform (11), Power Up/Item (8), Boulder (4)
0x0057 Scene Prepare Dispatcher (776), Mechanism (363), NPC (304), Platform (216), Simple Object (143), Group (108), SFX (91), Electric Arc Generator (86), game_object:BoulderGenerator (85), Power Up/Item (83), Timer (68), Springboard Platform (64), Breakaway Platform (54), Button (40), Fog (30), Boulder (16), game_object:Flythrough (15), Teeter-Totter (10), game_object:talk_box (8), game_object:Taxi (6), Conveyer Belt (5), Conditional (3), Counter (3) Paddle (2), Player (2), Cutscene Mgr (1), Surface (1)
0x0058 Scene Finish
0x0059 Room Prepare Dispatcher (62), Timer (34), NPC (18), Group (4), Mechanism (4), Conditional (3), Counter (3), Env (3), Fog (2), Power Up/Item (2), SFX (2), UI Font (2), Electric Arc Generator (1)
0x005A Room Finish
0x005B LobMaster Shoot
0x005C LobMaster Reset
0x005D FallToDeath Player (1)
0x005E UI Focus On+Select UI Font (249), UI (226)
0x005F UI Focus Off+Unselect UI (180), Group (132), UI Font (118)
0x0060 Set Pad Config to Preset A
0x0061 Set Pad Config to Preset B
0x0062 Set Pad Config to Preset C
0x0063 Set Pad Config to Preset D
0x0064 Pad Vibrate On Dispatcher (15)
0x0065 Pad Vibrate Off Dispatcher (15)
0x0066 Mono Sound Dispatcher (9)
0x0067 Stereo Sound Dispatcher (9)
0x0068 Increase Master Volume
0x0069 Decrease Master Volume
0x006A Increase Music Volume Dispatcher (12)
0x006B Decrease Music Volume Dispatcher (12)
0x006C Increase SFX Volume Dispatcher (12)
0x006D Decrease SFX Volume Dispatcher (12)
0x006E IntroState_Sony
0x006F IntroState_Publisher
0x0070 IntroState_Developer
0x0071 IntroState_License
0x0072 IntroState_Count
0x0073 TitleState_Start
0x0074 TitleState_Attract
0x0075 TitleState_Count
0x0076 LoadState_SelectMemCard
0x0077 LoadState_SelectSlot
0x0078 LoadState_Loading
0x0079 LoadState_Count
0x007A OptionsState_Options
0x007B OptionsState_Count
0x007C SaveState_SelectMemCard
0x007D SaveState_SelectSlot
0x007E SaveState_Saving
0x007F SaveState_Count
0x0080 PauseState_Pause Dispatcher (10)
0x0081 PauseState_Options
0x0082 PauseState_Count
0x0083 GameState_FirstTime
0x0084 GameState_Play Dispatcher (28)
0x0085 GameState_LoseChance
0x0086 GameState_GameOver
0x0087 GameState_SceneSwitch
0x0088 GameState_Dead
0x0089 SetIntroState_Sony
0x008A SetIntroState_Publisher
0x008B SetIntroState_Developer
0x008C SetIntroState_License
0x008D SetIntroState_Count
0x008E SetTitleState_Start
0x008F SetTitleState_Attract
0x0090 SetTitleState_Count
0x0091 SetLoadState_SelectMemCard
0x0092 SetLoadState_SelectSlot
0x0093 SetLoadState_Loading Dispatcher (5)
0x0094 SetLoadState_Count
0x0095 SetOptionsState_Options
0x0096 SetOptionsState_Count
0x0097 SetSaveState_SelectMemCard Dispatcher (2)
0x0098 SetSaveState_SelectSlot
0x0099 SetSaveState_Saving Dispatcher (3)
0x009A SetSaveState_Count
0x009B SetPauseState_Pause
0x009C SetPauseState_Options
0x009D SetPauseState_Count
0x009E SetGameState_FirstTime Dispatcher (4)
0x009F SetGameState_Play Dispatcher (13)
0x00A0 SetGameState_LoseChance
0x00A1 SetGameState_GameOver
0x00A2 SetGameState_SceneSwitch
0x00A3 SetGameState_Dead
0x00A4 Digup
0x00A5 GameState_Exit
0x00A6 SetGameState_Exit Dispatcher (3)
0x00A7 LobMaster Shoot From Widget
0x00A8 Back Dispatcher
0x00A9 Cancel Dispatcher
0x00AA Retry Dispatcher
0x00AB Select Card Dispatcher
0x00AC Select Slot Dispatcher
0x00AD OK Dispatcher
0x00AE VilHurtBoss
0x00AF Attack
0x00B0 AttackOn
0x00B1 AttackOff
0x00B2 Drop pickup Power Up/Item
0x00B3 VilReport_StartingIdle
0x00B4 VilReport_StartingSleep
0x00B5 VilReport_StartingGuard
0x00B6 VilReport_StartingPatrol
0x00B7 VilReport_StartingDazed
0x00B8 VilReport_StartingLook
0x00B9 VilReport_StartingListen
0x00BA VilReport_StartingInvestigate
0x00BB VilReport_StartingChase
0x00BC VilReport_StartingAttack
0x00BD VilReport_StartingRetreat
0x00BE Preload Cutscene Mgr (38)
0x00BF Done Cutscene Mgr (119), SFX (15)
0x00C0 Arcto Move Point (38), Platform (28)
0x00C1 Digup Reaction
0x00C2 Set Check Point Dispatcher
0x00C3 AnimPlay Simple Object (170), Platform (39), Breakaway Platform (21), Destructible Object (18), Mechanism (12), Group (1)
0x00C4 AnimPlayLoop Simple Object (152), Platform (32), Mechanism (9), Group (1)
0x00C5 AnimStop Platform (2), Simple Object (1)
0x00C6 AnimPause Simple Object (5)
0x00C7 AnimResume
0x00C8 AnimTogglePause
0x00C9 AnimPlayRandom
0x00CA AnimPlayMaybe
0x00CB SetSpeed Platform (10)
0x00CC Accelerate
0x00CD MoveToTarget
0x00CE SwingerFollow
0x00CF ShaggyMount
0x00D0 ShaggyWitchDrop
0x00D1 ShaggySwap
0x00D2 ShaggyState
0x00D3 ShaggyAction
0x00D4 EnterEntity Trigger (104)
0x00D5 ExitEntity Trigger (6)
0x00D8 Drivenby Mechanism (360), Platform (229), Springboard Platform (23), Breakaway Platform (12), Teeter-Totter (12)
0x00D9 FollowTarget
0x00DA FaceTarget
0x00DB WatchTarget
0x00DC ShaggyCollideOnly
0x00DD Shaggy1_ThrowTarget
0x00DE Shaggy8_CallEnable
0x00DF Shaggy8_CallDisable
0x00E0 Shaggy8_SetMagnet
0x00E1 Shaggy8_ClearMagnet
0x00E2 StartMoving Mechanism (195), Teeter-Totter (26), Platform (8)
0x00E3 StopMoving Platform (68), Mechanism (50), Teeter-Totter (19)
0x00E4 Swoosh
0x00E5 ShaggySetDown
0x00E6 ShaggyGrabEnable
0x00E7 ShaggyGrabDisable
0x00E8 ShaggyGrabbed
0x00E9 ShaggyThrown
0x00EA VilDoAction
0x00EB GangDoBossAction
0x00EC VilFakeChaseOn
0x00ED VilFakeChaseOff
0x00EE BossMMPushButton
0x00EF VilReport_DecayComplete
0x00F0 VilGuardWidget
0x00F1 TextureAnimateOn
0x00F2 TextureAnimateOff
0x00F3 TextureAnimateToggle
0x00F4 ColorEffectOn
0x00F5 ColorEffectOff
0x00F6 ColorEffectToggle
0x00F7 SetTextureAnimGroup
0x00F8 SetTextureAnimSpeed Surface (1)
0x00F9 TextureAnimateStep
0x00FA Emit
0x00FB Emitted
0x00FC TranslucentOn
0x00FD TranslucentOff
0x00FE TranslucentToggle
0x00FF VilGangTalkOn
0x0100 VilGangTalkOff
0x0101 Give PowerUp(float powerup) Player (2) 0 = Bubble Bowl, 1 = Cruise Bubble
0x0102 Unlock R001
0x0103 Unlock S001
0x0104 Unlock E001
0x0105 Unlock F001
0x0106 Disable Group Contents Group (26)
0x0107 ShaggyPhysHack
0x0108 OccludeOn
0x0109 OccludeOff
0x010A WaveSetLinear - OBSOLETE
0x010B WaveSetRipple - OBSOLETE
0x010C SituationLaugh
0x010D SituationBossBattleGreenGhost
0x010E SituationBossBattleRedBeard
0x010F SituationBossBattleMasterMind
0x0110 SituationBossBattleBlacknight
0x0111 SituationPlayerScare
0x0112 SituationPlayerSafe
0x0113 SituationPlayerDanger
0x0114 SituationPlayerChaseBegin
0x0115 SituationPlayerChaseEnd
0x0116 SituationPlayerSeeShaggy
0x0117 SituationPlayerSeeFood
0x0118 SituationPlayerSeeToken
0x0119 SituationPlayerSeeScoobySnack
0x011A SituationPlayerSeePowerup
0x011B SituationPlayerSeeMonster
0x011C SituationPlayerSuccess
0x011D SituationPlayerFailure
0x011E Show Hud Dispatcher (3), Group (1)
0x011F Hide Hud Dispatcher (1), Group (1)
0x0120 FADE OUT Dispatcher (1)
0x0121 SetRain
0x0122 SetSnow
0x0123 ShaggyMowerStopMode
0x0124 ScriptReset
0x0125 WaitForInput
0x0126 Play Movie Dispatcher (20)
0x0127 Mastermind is defeated
0x0128 - There is no event defined for this ID for some reason.
0x0129 PlayMusic Dispatcher (73)
0x012A Forward Mechanism (303), Group (22)
0x012B Reverse Mechanism (226), Group (14)
0x012C PlayerRumbleTest
0x012D PlayerRumbleLight Player (1)
0x012E PlayerRumbleMedium
0x012F PlayerRumbleHeavy Player (2)
0x0130 Screen Adjustment ON Dispatcher (7)
0x0131 Screen Adjustment OFF Dispatcher (6)
0x0132 Set as Skydome Mechanism (77), Simple Object (2)
0x0133 Connect_IOwnYou NPC (110), Group (73), Move Point (68), Boulder (66)
0x0134 Duplotron_WaveBegin
0x0135 Duplotron_WaveComplete NPC (7)
0x0136 Duplotron_NPCBorn
0x0137 Duplotron_NPCKilled
0x0138 Duplotron_MaxNPCExpired
0x0139 Duplotron_Pause NPC (39), Group (4)
0x013A Duplotron_Resume NPC (49), Group (2)
0x013B Set as Goo Simple Object (41), Mechanism (19), Group (1)
0x013C NPCScript_ScriptBegin
0x013D NPCScript_ScriptEnd
0x013E NPCScript_ScriptReady
0x013F NPCScript_Halt
0x0140 NPCScript_SetPos
0x0141 NPCScript_SetDir
0x0142 NPCScript_LookNormal
0x0143 NPCScript_LookAlert
0x0144 NPCScript_FaceWidget
0x0145 NPCScript_FaceWidgetDone
0x0146 NPCScript_GotoWidget
0x0147 NPCScript_GotoWidgetDone
0x0148 NPCScript_AttackWidget
0x0149 NPCScript_AttackWidgetDone
0x014A NPCScript_FollowWidget
0x014B NPCScript_PlayAnim
0x014C NPCScript_PlayAnimDone
0x014D NPCScript_LeadPlayer
0x014E Set Text
0x014F Start Conversation game_object:talk_box (663), Camera (418), game_object:task_box (36)
0x0150 End Conversation game_object:talk_box (460), Camera (374), Group (2)
0x0151 Switch Camera (976)
0x0152 Add Text
0x0153 Clear Text
0x0154 Open Teleport Box game_object:Teleport
0x0155 Close Teleport Box
0x0156 On Signal 0 game_object:talk_box (86)
0x0157 On Signal 1 game_object:talk_box (221)
0x0158 On Signal 2 game_object:talk_box (96)
0x0159 On Signal 3 game_object:talk_box (86)
0x015A On Signal 4 game_object:talk_box (77)
0x015B On Signal 5 game_object:talk_box (74)
0x015C On Signal 6 game_object:talk_box (47)
0x015D On Signal 7 game_object:talk_box (45)
0x015E On Signal 8 game_object:talk_box (38)
0x015F On Signal 9 game_object:talk_box (31)
0x0160 Stop Wait game_object:talk_box (57)
0x0161 On Conversation Start game_object:talk_box (172)
0x0162 On Conversation End game_object:talk_box (276)
0x0163 Hit Melee Platform (119), Mechanism (8), Simple Object (3)
0x0164 Hit Bubble Bounce
0x0165 Hit Bubble Bash Platform (100), Mechanism (23)
0x0166 Hit Bubble Bowl Mechanism (4), Simple Object (1)
0x0167 Hit Patrick Slam
0x0168 Hit By Throwable
0x0169 Paddle Hit Left Paddle (12)
0x016A Paddle Hit Right Paddle (9)
0x016B Initiate Task game_object:task_box (23)
0x016C Set Success game_object:task_box (98)
0x016D Set Failure game_object:task_box (15)
0x016E On Accept
0x016F On Decline
0x0170 On Complete
0x0171 Generate Boulder game_object:BoulderGenerator (12)
0x0172 Launch Boulder At Widget game_object:BoulderGenerator (72)
0x0173 Launch Boulder At Point
0x0174 Launch Boulder At Player game_object:BoulderGenerator (8)
0x0175 Duplotron_SuperDuperDone
0x0176 Duplotron_DuperIsDoner NPC (11)
0x0177 Bus Switch Character game_object:BusStop (16)
0x0178 Group Update Together Group (40)
0x0179 Set Update Distance Mechanism (62), Platform (45), NPC (32), Simple Object (26), Group (18), Boulder (16), Button (5), Breakaway Platform (3), Conveyer Belt (1), Power Up/Item (1), Springboard Platform (1), Teeter-Totter (1)
0x017A Translate, Local X Platform (26)
0x017B Translate, Local Y Platform (20)
0x017C Translate, Local Z Platform (12)
0x017D Translate, World X Platform (8)
0x017E Translate, World Y Platform (112), Group (3)
0x017F Translate, World Z Platform (1)
0x0180 Rotate, Local X Platform (22)
0x0181 Rotate, Local Y Platform (55)
0x0182 Rotate, Local Z Platform (123)
0x0183 Rotate, World X Platform (6)
0x0184 Rotate, World Y Platform (52)
0x0185 Rotate, World Z Platform (37)
0x0186 Translate, Local X Done
0x0187 Translate, Local Y Done Platform (8)
0x0188 Translate, Local Z Done
0x0189 Translate, World X Done Platform (1)
0x018A Translate, World Y Done Platform (85)
0x018B Translate, World Z Done Platform (2)
0x018C Rotate, Local X Done
0x018D Rotate, Local Y Done Platform (5)
0x018E Rotate, Local Z Done
0x018F Rotate, World X Done
0x0190 Rotate, World Y Done Platform (17)
0x0191 Rotate, World Z Done
0x0192 Count1 Counter (185)
0x0193 Count2 Counter (134)
0x0194 Count3 Counter (22)
0x0195 Count4 Counter (20)
0x0196 Count5 Counter (9)
0x0197 Count6 Counter (12)
0x0198 Count7 Counter (13)
0x0199 Count8 Counter (7)
0x019A Count9 Counter (7)
0x019B Count10 Counter (6)
0x019C Count11 Counter (1)
0x019D Count12 Counter (1)
0x019E Count13 Counter (1)
0x019F Count14 Counter (4)
0x01A0 Count15
0x01A1 Count16
0x01A2 Count17
0x01A3 Count18
0x01A4 Count19
0x01A5 Count20
0x01A6 Set State
0x01A7 Enter SpongeBob Trigger (152)
0x01A8 Enter Patrick Trigger (61)
0x01A9 Enter Sandy Trigger (26)
0x01AA Exit SpongeBob Trigger (9)
0x01AB Exit Patrick Trigger (15)
0x01AC Exit Sandy Trigger (8)
0x01AD NPCSpecial_PlatformSnap NPC (10)
0x01AE NPCSpecial_PlatformFall NPC (10)
0x01AF Goo set warb coeffs Simple Object (31), Mechanism (14)
0x01B0 Goo set freeze duration Mechanism (1)
0x01B1 Goo melt
0x01B2 Set State Range Disco Floor (5)
0x01B3 Set State Delay
0x01B4 Set Transition Delay
0x01B5 NPC Fight On NPC (6)
0x01B6 NPC Fight Off
0x01B7 NPC Patrol Spline On
0x01B8 NPC Patrol Spline Off
0x01B9 NPC Kill Quietly
0x01BA Hit (General)
0x01BB Hit (Head)
0x01BC Hit (Left Arm)
0x01BD Hit (Right Arm)
0x01BE Hit (Left Leg)
0x01BF Hit (Right Leg)
0x01C0 Hit (Lower Body)
0x01C1 GiveSocks (current level) Player (3)
0x01C2 GiveCollectables (current level) Player (21)
0x01C3 SetSocks (current level)
0x01C4 SetCollectables (current level)
0x01C5 On Answer Yes game_object:talk_box (307)
0x01C6 On Answer No game_object:talk_box (65)
0x01C7 Hit Cruise Bubble Mechanism (4)
0x01C8 Duplotron_KillKids NPC (4)
0x01C9 On Signal10 game_object:talk_box (17)
0x01CA On Signal11 game_object:talk_box (13)
0x01CB On Signal12 game_object:talk_box (11)
0x01CC On Signal13 game_object:talk_box (11)
0x01CD On Signal14 game_object:talk_box (6)
0x01CE On Signal15 game_object:talk_box (8)
0x01CF On Signal16 game_object:talk_box (4)
0x01D0 On Signal17 game_object:talk_box (2)
0x01D1 On Signal18 game_object:talk_box (1)
0x01D2 On Signal19 game_object:talk_box (111)
0x01D3 Spongeball On Player (2)
0x01D4 Spongeball Off Player (1)
0x01D5 Launch Shrapnel Boulder (60), Platform (21), Simple Object (16), Mechanism (9), Group (5)
0x01D6 NPC HP Incremented
0x01D7 NPC HP Decremented NPC (7)
0x01D8 NPC Set Active On NPC (24), Group (17)
0x01D9 NPC Set Active Off NPC (68), Group (26)
0x01DA Switch Player Character Player (7)
0x01DB Level Begin game_object:Flythrough (1)
0x01DC Scene Reset (death) Dispatcher (2)
0x01DD Scene Enter Cutscene Mgr (2), Button (1), Dispatcher (1)
0x01DE Destroyed Tiki
0x01DF Destroyed Robot
0x01E0 See Wood Tiki
0x01E1 See Lovey Tiki
0x01E2 See Shhh Tiki
0x01E3 See Thunder Tiki
0x01E4 See Stone Tiki
0x01E5 See Fodder
0x01E6 See Hammer
0x01E7 See Tar-Tar
0x01E8 See G-Love
0x01E9 See Monsoon
0x01EA See Sleepy Time
0x01EB See Arf
0x01EC See Tubelets
0x01ED See Slick
0x01EE See King Jellyfish
0x01EF See Prawn
0x01F0 See Dutchman
0x01F1 See Sandy Boss
0x01F2 See Patrick Boss
0x01F3 See SpongeBob Boss
0x01F4 See Robot Plankton
0x01F5 Change Texture of UI
0x01F6 NPC Cheer For Me NPC (7)
0x01F7 Fast Visible
0x01F8 Fast Invisible
0x01F9 ZipLine Mount
0x01FA ZipLine Dismount
0x01FB Target
0x01FC Fire
0x01FD Camera FX Shake
0x01FE Bullet Time
0x01FF Thrown
0x0200 UpdateAnimMatrices
0x0201 EnterCruise Trigger (4)
0x0202 ExitCruise Trigger (1)
0x0203 CruiseFired
0x0204 CruiseDied
0x0205 CruiseAddLife
0x0206 CruiseSetLife Player (3)
0x0207 CruiseResetLife
0x0208 Camera Collide Off Group (1)
0x0209 Camera Collide On Group (3), Mechanism (2), Platform (1)
0x020A Slide On
0x020B Slide Off
0x020C Timer Set
0x020D Timer Add
0x020E Force NPC Conversation
0x020F Make A Splash Move Point (8)
0x0210 Credits start Dispatcher (7)
0x0211 Credits stop Dispatcher (2)
0x0212 Credits ended Dispatcher (19)
0x0213 Bubble Wipe
0x0214 Set Lightkit
0x0215 Set Opacity
0x0216 Take Socks Player (8)
0x0217 Debug BREAK
0x0218 Born
0x0219 Platform Pause Mechanism (7), Simple Object (7)
0x021A Platform Unpause Mechanism (7), Simple Object (7)
0x021B Store Options Dispatcher (3)
0x021C Restore Options Dispatcher (12)