BFBB Beta Mod

From Heavy Iron Modding
Revision as of 23:44, 5 December 2022 by Tll (talk | contribs)


Welcome to the Battle for Bikini Bottom Beta Mod! This is a recreation mod of the early build of BfBB seen in various clips taken by IGN, VideoDetective, and many commercial variants. In the production of this mod, I've watched every Beta video and took note of all the materials found within the files and re-added them back into the game! If you've ever wanted to play a replicated Beta Mod of Battle for Bikini Bottom, then you've come to the right place!

Known Issues

  • If you play this mod with autosave, Patrick's Dream will give you an autosave error. If you want to save the game, YOU NEED to warp to another level, save there, and you're good to go!

  • In the final boss level inside the brain when you activate the cruise bubble, the electric poles will disappear for some odd reason.

YOU NEED to enable/enter this AR code in your Battle for Bikini Bottom ISO below. Otherwise, the Cruise Bubble SFX will sound VERY wonky.

  • 04057488 4E800020

Download, Credits, and Features


Credits & Features

  • NOTE: The build you are about to install is unfinished. This means that this version includes only a handful of new files. The final build will be announced on the server soon.

Previous Versions

It is highly recommended to use the latest build, you may experience crashes with earlier versions.

How to Download


  1. When installed from Google Drive, right click on the downloaded zip file in your specified download location (it should have a name such as "") and Press 'Extract All', which will extract the files for the game.
  2. Create a folder on your desktop named 'stock BfBB game files" or whatever your preference is.
  3. Download GameCube Rebuilder and then proceed to open it
  4. When GameCube Rebuilder boots, select Image on the top left of the screen.
  5. Then, select your STOCK Battle for Bikini Bottom ISO in the location you currently have it placed in.
  6. On the right side of the information about the ISO in GCRebuilder, you'll notice a list of files. Right-click "root" and click Export.
  7. In the window that opens, select the empty folder that you created earlier on your desktop and let the process begin!
  8. Close GC Rebuilder

  1. Now, this is the important part, go to the beta mod folder you just downloaded from Google Drive, click on the v2.0 REVAMP folder inside the downloaded folder until you see the game's files. Then, press (CTRL+A) and (CTRL+C) on your keyboard.
  2. Go to the stock game files folder you just created on your Desktop that was extracted with GC Rebuilder, and when it opens, select root.
  3. Press (Ctrl+V), a process will begin of moving files from your Beta Mod folder over to your stock files. At the end, Windows will let you know there are already files with the same name in the downloaded folder. It is VERY IMPORTANT to select 'REPLACE THE FILES IN THE DESTINATION' or else you won't see any differences in your game.
  4. Now, re-open GC Rebuilder
  5. Click Options, then select "Do not use 'game.toc'." This is necessary because of additional level files in the game.
  6. Click Root, then select Open.
  7. In the window that opens, select your stock files folder from your desktop.
  8. Click Root, then select Save.
  9. In the window that opens, select any location for the ISO file.
  10. Finally, click Root, then select Rebuild.

Ta-daa! You're Done!

Special Thanks

Many Thanks to: @Seil @AkiraTheGamer @YourLocalCashRegister @KoopaEliminator @JustOlaia @TotallyNotMichael @UndeadFrankie @Double H @RedBerd36 and @ProfFaBo for assistance in levels and beta resources needed to make this all possible!

Special Thanks to @igorseabra4 for the amazing software known as Industrial Park!

Something not working right? Drop me a DM @tll#2019.

