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This is a list of [[Events]] for Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom.
== List ==
Line 6:
! align="center" |Event ID
! align="center" |Name
! align="center" |Object Asset Types
! align="center" |Variables
! align="center" |Description
Line 12:
| 0x0000||Unknown||||||
| 0x0001||{{SlashTrick|Events/Enable}}||All||?None||Turns on event handling for an object asset.
| 0x0002||{{SlashTrick|Events/Disable}}||All||?None||Turns off event handling for an object asset.
| 0x0003||{{SlashTrick|Events/Visible}}||All||?||Turns on rendering for an object asset.
[[SIMP]], [[PLAT]], [[BOUL]]:
* float '''Unknown''', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
* [[CRDT]] '''Credits''', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
||Turns on rendering for an object asset. If '''Argument 1''' is 77, plays a [ pop-in animation].
| 0x0004||{{SlashTrick|Events/Invisible}}||All||?||Turns off rendering for an object asset.
[[SIMP]], [[PLAT]], [[BOUL]]:
* float '''Unknown'''
* 0, 0, 0, 0, [[CRDT]] '''Credits''', 0
||Turns off rendering for an object asset. If '''Argument 1''' is 77, plays a [ pop-out animation].
| 0x0005||<span id="EnterPlayer">{{SlashTrick|Events/EnterPlayer}}</span>||[[TRIG]]||?None||TheFired game sends this event to a Trigger onby the frame[[PLYR]] thatwhenever the Playerit enters itsa collision area. This event is *not* continuously sent during the frames that the Player is still[[TRIG]]'s insidevolume.
| 0x0006||<span id="ExitPlayer">{{SlashTrick|Events/ExitPlayer}}</span>||[[TRIG]]||?None||TheFired game sends this event to a Trigger onby the frame[[PLYR]] thatwhenever the Playerit exits itsa collision area. This event is *not* continuously sent during the frames that the Player is still[[TRIG]]'s outsidevolume.
| 0x0007||{{SlashTrick|Events/TouchPlayer}}||||?||''Unused''
| 0x0008||{{SlashTrick|Events/ControlOff}}||[[PLYR]]||?None||Disables all usercontroller input. Thisexcept for the camera controls, and shows black bars eventon isthe mainlytop usedand whenbottom startingof athe cutscenescreen.
| 0x0009||{{SlashTrick|Events/ControlOn}}||[[PLYR]]||?None||TurnsEnables on gamepad/controller input and removes the black bars from the screen.
| 0x000A||{{SlashTrick|Events/Reset}}||BOUL, BUTN, CNTR, DYNA, SIMP, TIMRAll||?None||Resets an object asset to originalits initial position/valuevalues.
| 0x000B||{{SlashTrick|Events/Increment}}||Counter (37)[[CNTR]]||?0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0||Increases a CNTR’s[[CNTR]]'s value by 1. AutomaticallyIf sendsthe new value is between 1 and 20, one of the events from [[#Count1|Count1]] to [[#Count20, based on the|Count20]] resulting value of theis incrementfired.
| 0x000C||{{SlashTrick|Events/Decrement}}||Counter[[CNTR]], (456)[[GRUP]]||float '''Unknown''', Group0, (2)||?0, 0, 0, 0||Decreases a [[CNTR]]'s value by 1. AutomaticallyIf sendsthe onenew ofvalue theis events0, from[[#Expired|Expired]] Count1is tofired. Count20Otherwise, based onif the resultingnew value is between 1 and 20, one of the decrementevents from [[#Count1|Count1]] to [[#Count20|Count20]] is fired.
| 0x000D||Open||||?||''Unused''
| 0x000E||Close||||?||''Unused''
| 0x000F||Toggle||[[BUTN]]||?0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0||Toggles a [[BUTN]]'s pressed state.
| 0x0010||Teleport Player||PLYR[[PORT]]||AssetID0, PORT0, 0, 0, 0, 0||Teleports the [[PLYR|player]] using a Portal[[PORT|portal]]. If the Portalportal's destination level is the same as the current level, the player will teleportteleports instantly. Otherwise, a loading screen will appearappears for the destination level. Moves the player to the portal's [[MRKR|marker]] and rotates both the player and the camera to the portal's rotation.
| 0x0011||OutOfBounds||[[PLYR]]||?float '''Unknown''', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0||Causes the hand to immediately take the player off-screen and place him/her back into the level.
| 0x0012||Run||[[game_object:Camera_Tweak​|game_object:Camera_Tweak]], [[game_object:Flythrough|game_object:Flythrough​]], [[GRUP]], [[PLAT]], [[TIMR]]
| 0x0012||Run||DYNA, PLAT, TIMR||?||Starts a TIMR
||float '''Unknown''', float '''Unknown''', float '''Unknown''', float '''Unknown''', [[AssetID]], [[AssetID]]
||Starts a [[TIMR]].
| 0x0013||Stop||DYNA[[game_object:Camera_Tweak​|game_object:Camera_Tweak]], FLY[[game_object:Flythrough|game_object:Flythrough​]], [[GRUP]], [[PLAT]], [[SFX]], [[TIMR]]||?0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [[AssetID]]||Pauses a [[TIMR?]].
| 0x0014||<span id="Expired">Expired</span>||[[CNTR]], [[GRUP]], [[TIMR]]||0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0||Fired from [[#Decrement|Decrement]] if a [[CNTR]]'s new value is 0.
| 0x0014||Expired||TIMR, CNTR||?||Sent when counter/timer reaches 0
Fired when a running [[TIMR]] reaches 0.
| 0x0015||Move||||?||''Unused''
| 0x0016||Destroy||Destructible[[DSTR]], Object[[GRUP]]||0, (310)0, Group0, (3)||?0, 0, [[AssetID]]||Sent to a DSTR if it is destroyed.
| 0x0017||Pause||||?||''Unused''
| 0x0018||Play||SFX[[CSNM]], (1955)[[GRUP]], Cutscene[[SFX]]||0, Mgr0, (39)0, Group0, (30)||?[[AssetID]], [[AssetID]]||
| 0x0019||PlayOne||||?||''Unused''
| 0x001A||PlayMaybe||[[SFX]]||Probability, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0||Gives a SFX a specific probability for playing when the Event is sent. The lower the Argument, the more likely it is to play (EX: 0 = 100% Chance, 75 = 25% Chance).
| 0x001A||PlayMaybe||SFX (23)||?||
| 0x001B||RoomStart||||?||''Unused''
| 0x001C||Invalidate||||?||''Unused''
| 0x001D||Tilt||||?||''Unused''
| 0x001E||Untilt||||?||''Unused''
| 0x001F||Arrive||Mechanism (232)[[MVPT]], Move Point (133)[[PLAT]]||?||When a [[PLAT]] reaches a [[MVPT]] or finishes moving, this is sent.
| 0x0020||Mount||[[game_object:bungee_hook​]], [[GRUP]] [[PKUP]], [[PLAT]]||0, 0, 0, 0, [[AssetID]], 0||When the player lands on the object, this is sent. This can also be used with [[PKUP]] to allow them to move along with [[PLAT]]s movement (like drivenby).
| 0x0020||Mount||Platform (195), Mechanism (91), Power Up/Item (74), Breakaway Platform (52), game_object:bungee_hook (6), Springboard Platform (5), Group (2)||?||
| 0x0021||Dismount||Platform (92), Mechanism (26), [[game_object:bungee_hook (6)bungee_hook​​]], Springboard Platform (1)[[PLAT]]||?||When the player is not on top of the object, this is sent.
| 0x0022||Break||[[PLAT]]||?||Sent to a Breakaway PLAT, such as the sneaking platforms in Rock Bottom, if the platform breaks.
| 0x0022||Break||Breakaway Platform (42)||?||
| 0x0023||Pickup||[[PKUP]]||0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0||Collects a [[PKUP]]. Fired by the [[PLYR]] when it touches a [[PKUP]].
| 0x0023||Pickup||Power Up/Item (249)||?||
| 0x0024||Death||NPC (243)[[VIL]]||?0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0||This is sent when the [[VIL]] is defeated.
| 0x0025||Kill||Boulder[[BOUL]], (84)[[GRUP]], NPC[[PLYR]], (22)[[VIL]]||0, Group0, (4)0, Player0, 0, (1)||?[[AssetID]]||Will bring the target to 0 health and kill them.
| 0x0026||On||Particle[[EGEN]], Emitter[[FOG]], (158)[[GRUP]], Electric[[MVPT]], Arc[[PARE]], Generator[[SURF]]||float (52)'''Unknown''', Fog0, (35)0, Group0, (10)0, Move0||Activates Pointthe (10),properties Surfaceof (8)||?||the asset.
| 0x0027||Off||Particle[[EGEN]], Emitter[[GRUP]], (134)[[MVPT]], Electric[[PARE]], Arc[[PARS]], Generator[[SURF]]||0, (53)0, Group0, (19)0, Surface (8)0, Move0||Deactivates Pointthe (6),properties Particleof Systemthe (2)||?||asset.
| 0x0028||Patrol On||NPC (1)[[VIL]]||?0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0||
| 0x0029||Patrol Off||NPC (3)[[VIL]]||?0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0||
| 0x002A||Wander On||||?||''Unused''
| 0x002B||Wander Off||||?||''Unused''
| 0x002C||Detect Player On||NPC[[GRUP]], (94)[[VIL]]||0, Group0, (2)||?0, 0, 0, 0||When received, an enemy starts targeting the [[PLYR]].
| 0x002D||Detect Player Off||NPC[[GRUP]], (90)[[VIL]]||0, Group0, (4)||?0, 0, 0, 0||When received, an enemy stops targeting the [[PLYR]].
| 0x002E||Chase Player On||||?||''Unused''
| 0x002F||Chase Player Off||NPC (5)[[VIL]]||?0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0||
| 0x0030||Go To Sleep||||?||''Unused''
| 0x0031||Wake Up Villain||||?||''Unused''
| 0x0032||Respawn||NPC (6)[[GRUP]], Group (1)[[VIL]]||?0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0||
| 0x0033||PlayerDeath||All||?None||Sent to all objects when the player dies while on a Bungee.
| 0x0034||GiveChance||||?||''Unused''
| 0x0035||GiveShinyObjects||[[PLYR]]||float '''Amount''', 0, 0, 0, 0, [[AssetID]]||Gives '''Amount''' Shiny Objects to the player. A negative number takes away Shiny Objects.
| 0x0035||GiveShinyObjects||Player (99)||float amount||Changes the Player's Shiny Object count by amount. Animates the UI and plays a sound effect in the same way that you normally collect Shiny Objects. amount can be positive or negative. It's also converted to an integer at runtime, so any decimals will cause it to be rounded up to the next integer. This event is most often sent by Clams to subtract Shiny Objects once you confirm to pay them.
| 0x0036||GiveHealth||Player (58)[[PLYR]]||?float '''Amount''', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0||Gives or'''Amount''' Underwear to the player. A negative number takes away Underwear. If '''Amount''' is -666, Underwear is not taken away if the player healthonly has one Underwear left.
| 0x0037||ButtonPress||[[BUTN]], [[GRUP]]||?0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0||SentFired by [[BUTN]] upon being pressed.
| 0x0038||ButtonUnpress||[[BUTN]]||?0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [[AssetID]]||SentFired by [[BUTN]] upon being unpressed.
| 0x0039||ArriveHalfway||Mechanism (15)[[PLAT]]||?||When a [[PLAT]] is halfway to the next [[MVPT]] this is sent.
| 0x003A||Hit||[[DSTR]], [[PLAT]], [[SIMP]]||?||Sent to the object if hit with a [[PLYR]] melee.
| 0x003A||Hit||Simple Object (29), Mechanism (10), Destructible Object (1)||?||
| 0x003B||ButtonPressAction||||?||
| 0x003C||Evaluate||[[COND]], [[GRUP]]||?||Evaluates a [[COND]], causing it to fire either [[#True|True]] or [[#False|False]].
| 0x003D||<span id="True">True</span>||[[COND]]||?||SentFired by thea [[COND]] upon evaluation of condition to true.
| 0x003E||<span id="False">False</span>||[[COND]]||?||SentFired by thea [[COND]] upon evaluation of condition to false.
| 0x003F||PadPressX||[[UI Font (445)]], UI (20)[[UIFT]]||?||Sent when the button used to "Confirm/Continue" is pressed.<br>(PS2=X, XB=A, GCN=A)
| 0x0040||PadPressSquare||game_object:talk_box[[Game Object (4Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]]||?||Sent when the (PS2=Square, XB=Y, GCN=Y) button is pressed.
| 0x0041||PadPressO||UI[[Game FontObject (46),Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]], (4)[[UI]]||?||Sent when the button used to enter the Options Menu is pressed.<br>(PS2=O, XB=X, GCN=X)
| 0x0042||PadPressTriangle||UI[[Game FontObject (500),Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]], (4)[[UIFT]]||?||Sent when the button used to "Quit/Return" is pressed.<br>(PS2=Triangle, XB=B, GCN=B)
| 0x0043||PadPressL1||||?||Sent when the (PS2=L1, XB=LT, GCN=L) button is pressed.
| 0x0044||PadPressL2||game_object:talk_box[[Game Object (1Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]]||?||
| 0x0045||PadPressR1||[[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]], [[UIFT]]||?||Sent when the (PS2=R1, XB=RT, GCN=R) button is pressed.
| 0x0045||PadPressR1||game_object:talk_box (424), UI Font (24)||?||
| 0x0046||PadPressR2||game_object:talk_box[[Game Object (1Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]], UI Font (1)[[UIFT]]||?||
| 0x0047||PadPressStart||UI Font (37)[[UIFT]]||?||Sent when the Start button is pressed.
| 0x0048||PadPressSelect||||?||Sent when the (PS2=Select, XB=Back, GCN=Z) button is pressed.
| 0x0049||PadPressUp||[[UI Font (202)]], UI (123)[[UIFT]]||?||Sent when D-Pad Up is pressed.
| 0x004A||PadPressDown||[[UI Font (182)]], UI (120)[[UIFT]]||?||Sent when D-Pad Down is pressed.
| 0x004B||PadPressRight||[[UI Font (156)]], UI (70)[[UIFT]]||?||Sent when D-Pad Right is pressed.
| 0x004C||PadPressLeft||[[UI Font (156)]], UI (70)[[UIFT]]||?||Sent when D-Pad Left is pressed.
| 0x004D||FontBackdropOn||[[UIFT]]||?None||Shows the background.
| 0x004E||FontBackdropOff||[[UIFT]]||?None||Hides the background.
| 0x004F||UI Select||[[UI Font (623)]], UI (152)[[UIFT]]||?None||Selects
| 0x0050||UI Unselect||[[UI Font (303)]], UI (173)[[UIFT]]||?None||Unselects
| 0x0051||UI Focus On||Group (100)[[UI]], UI Font (45)[[UIFT]]||?None||Unknown, sends Visible to self?
| 0x0052||UI Focus Off||[[UI Font (28)]], Group (2)[[UIFT]]||?None||Unknown, sends Invisible to self?
| 0x0053||Collision On||Platform[[GRUP]], (13)[[PLAT]], Mechanism[[SIMP]]||?||Enables (8),the Simplesolidity Objectflag (7),on Groupa (4)||?|[[Placeable Asset|placeable asset]].
| 0x0054||Collision Off||Simple Object[[DSTR]], (31)[[GRUP]], Group (25)[[PLAT]], Platform[[SIMP]]||?||Disables (13),the Destructiblesolidity Objectflag (7),on Mechanisma (4)||?|[[Placeable Asset|placeable asset]].
| 0x0055||Collision+Visible On||Power Up/Item[[GRUP]], (105)[[PKUP]], Mechanism (93)[[PLAT]], Simple[[SIMP]]||?||Enables Objectboth (62),the Platformsolidity (54),and Springboardvisibility Platformflag (44),on Groupa (38),[[Placeable ConveyerAsset|placeable Belt (8)||?||asset]].
| 0x0056||Collision+Visible Off||Mechanism[[BOUL]], (116)[[DSTR]], Group (96)[[GRUP]], Simple Object (69)[[PKUP]], Platform (52)[[PLAT]], Destructible[[SIMP]]||?||Disables Objectboth (36),the Springboardsolidity Platformand (11),visibility Powerflag Up/Itemon (8),a Boulder[[Placeable (4)||?|Asset|placeable asset]].
| 0x0057||Scene Prepare||All||None||Sent to all objects when the scene is finished loading.
| 0x0057||Scene Prepare||Dispatcher (776), Mechanism (363), NPC (304), Platform (216), Simple Object (143), Group (108), SFX (91), Electric Arc Generator (86), game_object:BoulderGenerator (85), Power Up/Item (83), Timer (68), Springboard Platform (64), Breakaway Platform (54), Button (40), Fog (30), Boulder (16), game_object:Flythrough (15), Teeter-Totter (10), game_object:talk_box (8), game_object:Taxi (6), Conveyer Belt (5), Conditional (3), Counter (3) Paddle (2), Player (2), Cutscene Mgr (1), Surface (1)||?||
| 0x0058||Scene Finish||All||?None||Sent to all objects right after Room Finish.
| 0x0059||Room Prepare||All||None||Sent to all objects right after Scene Prepare. It can be used to override Events that run on Scene Prepare.
| 0x0059||Room Prepare||Dispatcher (62), Timer (34), NPC (18), Group (4), Mechanism (4), Conditional (3), Counter (3), Env (3), Fog (2), Power Up/Item (2), SFX (2), UI Font (2), Electric Arc Generator (1)||?||
| 0x005A||Room Finish||All||None||Sent to all objects when the scene is exiting (when warping to a new scene) or resetting (when the player dies).
| 0x005A||Room Finish||||?||
| 0x005B||<s>LobMaster Shoot</s>||||?||''Unused. [[List of Events/Scooby|Scooby]] Event.''
| 0x005C||<s>LobMaster Reset</s>||||?||''Unused. [[List of Events/Scooby|Scooby]] Event.''
| 0x005D||FallToDeath||Player (1)[[PLYR]]||?||Defeats the Player, similar to the Kill Event, but without any death sounds.
| 0x005E||UI Focus On+Select||[[UI Font (249)]], UI (226)[[UIFT]]||?None||Sends UI Focus On then UI Select to self.
| 0x005F||UI Focus Off+Unselect||[[UI (180)]], Group[[UIFT]]||None||Sends (132),UI Focus Off then UI FontUnselect (118)||?||to self.
| 0x0060||Set Pad Config to Preset A||||?||
Line 210 ⟶ 224:
| 0x0063||Set Pad Config to Preset D||||?||
| 0x0064||Pad Vibrate On||Dispatcher (15)[[DPAT]]||?||Sets controller Vibration to On.
| 0x0065||Pad Vibrate Off||Dispatcher (15)[[DPAT]]||?||Sets controller Vibration to Off.
| 0x0066||Mono Sound||Dispatcher (9)[[DPAT]]||?||Sets the sound mode to mono.
| 0x0067||Stereo Sound||Dispatcher (9)[[DPAT]]||?||Sets the sound mode to stereo.
| 0x0068||Increase Master Volume||||?||
Line 222 ⟶ 236:
| 0x0069||Decrease Master Volume||||?||
| 0x006A||Increase Music Volume||Dispatcher (12)[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x006B||Decrease Music Volume||Dispatcher (12)[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x006C||Increase SFX Volume||Dispatcher (12)[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x006D||Decrease SFX Volume||Dispatcher (12)[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x006E||IntroState_Sony||||?||
Line 266 ⟶ 280:
| 0x007F||SaveState_Count||||?||
| 0x0080||PauseState_Pause||Dispatcher (10)[[DPAT]]||?||Detects that the game is paused.
| 0x0081||PauseState_Options||||?||
Line 274 ⟶ 288:
| 0x0083||GameState_FirstTime||||?||
| 0x0084||GameState_Play||Dispatcher (28)[[DPAT]]||?||Detects that the game is unpaused and in gameplay.
| 0x0085||GameState_LoseChance||||?||
Line 304 ⟶ 318:
| 0x0092||SetLoadState_SelectSlot||||?||
| 0x0093||SetLoadState_Loading||Dispatcher (5)[[DPAT]]||?||Hardcoded to MNU3. Sets the Game State to load a saved game.
| 0x0094||SetLoadState_Count||||?||
Line 312 ⟶ 326:
| 0x0096||SetOptionsState_Count||||?||
| 0x0097||SetSaveState_SelectMemCard||Dispatcher (2)[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x0098||SetSaveState_SelectSlot||||?||
| 0x0099||SetSaveState_Saving||Dispatcher (3)[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x009A||SetSaveState_Count||||?||
| 0x009B||SetPauseState_Pause||||?||Opens the pause menu.
| 0x009C||SetPauseState_Options||||?||
Line 326 ⟶ 340:
| 0x009D||SetPauseState_Count||||?||
| 0x009E||SetGameState_FirstTime||Dispatcher (4)[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x009F||SetGameState_Play||Dispatcher (13)[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x00A0||SetGameState_LoseChance||||?||
Line 338 ⟶ 352:
| 0x00A3||SetGameState_Dead||||?||
| 0x00A4||<s>Digup</s>||||?||''Unused. [[List of Events/Scooby|Scooby]] Event.''
| 0x00A5||GameState_Exit||||?||
| 0x00A6||SetGameState_Exit||Dispatcher (3)[[DPAT]]||?||Quits player back to the main menu.
| 0x00A7||<s>LobMaster Shoot From Widget</s>||||?||''Unused. [[List of Events/Scooby|Scooby]] Event.''
| 0x00A8||Back||Dispatcher[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x00A9||Cancel||Dispatcher[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x00AA||Retry||Dispatcher[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x00AB||Select Card||Dispatcher[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x00AC||Select Slot||Dispatcher[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x00AD||OK||Dispatcher[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x00AE||VilHurtBoss||||?||
Line 366 ⟶ 380:
| 0x00B1||AttackOff||||?||
| 0x00B2||Drop pickup||Power Up/Item[[PKUP]]||?||
| 0x00B3||VilReport_StartingIdle||||?||
Line 390 ⟶ 404:
| 0x00BD||VilReport_StartingRetreat||||?||
| 0x00BE||Preload||Cutscene Mgr (38)[[CSNM]]||?||Begins showing a cutscene.
| 0x00BF||Done||Cutscene Mgr (119)[[CSNM]], [[SFX (15)]]||?||Sent to a CSNM or SFX when it finishes playing.
| 0x00C0||Arcto||Move Point[[EGEN]], (38)[[MVPT]], Platform (28)[[PLAT]]||?||Used by an EGEN to connect its electric beam to an object.
| 0x00C1||<s>Digup Reaction</s>||||?||''Unused. [[List of Events/Scooby|Scooby]] Event.''
| 0x00C2||Set Check Point||[[DPAT]]||Rotation (Degrees),?,?,?,[[MRKR]],?||When sent to the [[DPAT]], it updates the player's respawn point to the [[MRKR]] specified.
| 0x00C2||Set Check Point||Dispatcher||?||
| 0x00C3||AnimPlay||[[DSTR]], [[GRUP]], [[PLAT]], [[SIMP]]||?||Plays the animation for that asset, which is specified in Animation_AssetID in the asset.
| 0x00C3||AnimPlay||Simple Object (170), Platform (39), Breakaway Platform (21), Destructible Object (18), Mechanism (12), Group (1)||?||
| 0x00C4||AnimPlayLoop||Simple Object (152)[[GRUP]], Platform (32)[[PLAT]], Mechanism (9), Group (1)[[SIMP]]||?||Plays a looping animation for an asset.
| 0x00C5||AnimStop||Platform (2)[[PLAT]], Simple Object (1)[[SIMP]]||?||Stops the animation for an asset.
| 0x00C6||AnimPause||Simple Object (5)[[SIMP]]||?||Pauses the animation for an asset.
| 0x00C7||AnimResume||||?||Resumes a paused animation for an asset.
| 0x00C8||AnimTogglePause||||?||
Line 416 ⟶ 430:
| 0x00CA||AnimPlayMaybe||||?||
| 0x00CB||SetSpeed||Platform (10)[[PLAT]]||?||
| 0x00CC||Accelerate||||?||
Line 424 ⟶ 438:
| 0x00CE||SwingerFollow||||?||
| 0x00CF||<s>ShaggyMount</s>||||?||''Unused. [[List of Events/Scooby|Scooby]] Event.''
| 0x00D0||<s>ShaggyWitchDrop</s>||||?||''Unused. [[List of Events/Scooby|Scooby]] Event.''
| 0x00D1||<s>ShaggySwap</s>||||?||''Unused. [[List of Events/Scooby|Scooby]] Event.''
| 0x00D2||<s>ShaggyState</s>||||?||''Unused. [[List of Events/Scooby|Scooby]] Event.''
| 0x00D3||<s>ShaggyAction</s>||||?||''Unused. [[List of Events/Scooby|Scooby]] Event.''
| 0x00D4||<span id="EnterEntity">EnterEntity</span>||[[TRIG]]||0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [[AssetID]]||Fired by the [[Asset]] that enters the [[TRIG]]'s volume.
| 0x00D4||EnterEntity||Trigger (104)||?||
| 0x00D5||<span id="ExitEntity">ExitEntity</span>||[[TRIG]]||0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [[AssetID]]||Fired by the [[Asset]] that exits the [[TRIG]]'s volume.
| 0x00D5||ExitEntity||Trigger (6)||?||
| 0x00D6||ENTER FLAGGED - DO NOT USE||||?||
Line 442 ⟶ 456:
| 0x00D7||EXIT FLAGGED - DO NOT USE||||?||
| 0x00D8||<span id="Drivenby">Drivenby</span>||[[PLAT]]||?||Sets the target asset as a parent, so any movement performed by the asset will be followed.
| 0x00D8||Drivenby||Mechanism (360), Platform (229), Springboard Platform (23), Breakaway Platform (12), Teeter-Totter (12)||?||
| 0x00D9||FollowTarget||[[PKUP]]||float '''Offset Position''' X, Y, Z||Makes a [[PKUP]] asset follow a [[PLYR]] asset, mimicking movement and keeping offset.
| 0x00D9||FollowTarget||||?||
| 0x00DA||FaceTarget||||?||
Line 450 ⟶ 464:
| 0x00DB||WatchTarget||||?||
| 0x00DC||<s>ShaggyCollideOnly</s>||||?||''Unused. [[List of Events/Scooby|Scooby]] Event.''
| 0x00DD||<s>Shaggy1_ThrowTarget</s>||||?||''Unused. [[List of Events/Scooby|Scooby]] Event.''
| 0x00DE||<s>Shaggy8_CallEnable</s>||||?||''Unused. [[List of Events/Scooby|Scooby]] Event.''
| 0x00DF||<s>Shaggy8_CallDisable</s>||||?||''Unused. [[List of Events/Scooby|Scooby]] Event.''
| 0x00E0||<s>Shaggy8_SetMagnet</s>||||?||''Unused. [[List of Events/Scooby|Scooby]] Event.''
| 0x00E1||<s>Shaggy8_ClearMagnet</s>||||?||''Unused. [[List of Events/Scooby|Scooby]] Event.''
| 0x00E2||StartMoving||Mechanism (195), Teeter-Totter (26), Platform (8)[[PLAT]]||?||Fired by a [[PLAT]] when it begins to move.
| 0x00E3||StopMoving||Platform (68), Mechanism (50), Teeter-Totter (19)[[PLAT]]||?||Fired by a [[PLAT]] when it no longer moves.
| 0x00E4||Swoosh||[[PEND]]||?||
| 0x00E5||<s>ShaggySetDown</s>||||?||''Unused. [[List of Events/Scooby|Scooby]] Event.''
| 0x00E6||<s>ShaggyGrabEnable</s>||||?||''Unused. [[List of Events/Scooby|Scooby]] Event.''
| 0x00E7||<s>ShaggyGrabDisable</s>||||?||''Unused. [[List of Events/Scooby|Scooby]] Event.''
| 0x00E8||<s>ShaggyGrabbed</s>||||?||''Unused. [[List of Events/Scooby|Scooby]] Event.''
| 0x00E9||<s>ShaggyThrown</s>||||?||''Unused. [[List of Events/Scooby|Scooby]] Event.''
| 0x00EA||VilDoAction||||?||
Line 486 ⟶ 500:
| 0x00ED||VilFakeChaseOff||||?||
| 0x00EE||<s>BossMMPushButton</s>||||?||''Unused. [[List of Events/Scooby|Scooby]] Event.''
| 0x00EF||VilReport_DecayComplete||||?||
Line 506 ⟶ 520:
| 0x00F7||SetTextureAnimGroup||||?||
| 0x00F8||SetTextureAnimSpeed||Surface (1)[[SURF]]||?||
| 0x00F9||TextureAnimateStep||||?||
Line 524 ⟶ 538:
| 0x0100||VilGangTalkOff||||?||
| 0x0101||Give PowerUp||Player (2)[[PLYR]]||float powerup||0 = Bubble Bowl, 1 = Cruise Bubble
*float '''PowerUp''' - The powerup to enable.<br>0 = Bubble Bowl, 1 = Cruise Bubble
|| Enables one of the player's moves. (Only affects SpongeBob)
| 0x0102||<s>Unlock R001R00</s>1||||?||''Unused. [[List of Events/Scooby|Scooby]] Event.''
| 0x0103||<s>Unlock S001</s>||||?||''Unused. [[List of Events/Scooby|Scooby]] Event.''
| 0x0104||<s>Unlock E001</s>||||?||''Unused. [[List of Events/Scooby|Scooby]] Event.''
| 0x0105||<s>Unlock F001</s>||||?||''Unused. [[List of Events/Scooby|Scooby]] Event.''
| 0x0106||Disable Group Contents||Group (26)[[GRUP]]||?||Turns off Event handling for items in a GRUP.
| 0x0107||<s>ShaggyPhysHack</s>||||?||''Unused. [[List of Events/Scooby|Scooby]] Event.''
| 0x0108||OccludeOn||||?||
Line 548 ⟶ 564:
| 0x010C||SituationLaugh||||?||
| 0x010D||<s>SituationBossBattleGreenGhost</s>||||?||''Unused. [[List of Events/Scooby|Scooby]] Event.''
| 0x010E||<s>SituationBossBattleRedBeard</s>||||?||''Unused. [[List of Events/Scooby|Scooby]] Event.''
| 0x010F||<s>SituationBossBattleMasterMind</s>||||?||''Unused. [[List of Events/Scooby|Scooby]] Event.''
| 0x0110||<s>SituationBossBattleBlacknight</s>||||?||''Unused. [[List of Events/Scooby|Scooby]] Event.''
| 0x0111||SituationPlayerScare||||?||
Line 566 ⟶ 582:
| 0x0115||SituationPlayerChaseEnd||||?||
| 0x0116||<s>SituationPlayerSeeShaggy</s>||||?||''Unused. [[List of Events/Scooby|Scooby]] Event.''
| 0x0117||<s>SituationPlayerSeeFood</s>||||?||''Unused. [[List of Events/Scooby|Scooby]] Event.''
| 0x0118||<s>SituationPlayerSeeToken</s>||||?||''Unused. [[List of Events/Scooby|Scooby]] Event.''
| 0x0119||<s>SituationPlayerSeeScoobySnack</s>||||?||''Unused. [[List of Events/Scooby|Scooby]] Event.''
| 0x011A||<s>SituationPlayerSeePowerup</s>||||?||''Unused. [[List of Events/Scooby|Scooby]] Event.''
| 0x011B||<s>SituationPlayerSeeMonster</s>||||?||''Unused. [[List of Events/Scooby|Scooby]] Event.''
| 0x011C||SituationPlayerSuccess||||?||
Line 582 ⟶ 598:
| 0x011D||SituationPlayerFailure||||?||
| 0x011E||Show Hud||Dispatcher (3)[[DPAT]], Group (1)[[GRUP]]||?||
| 0x011F||Hide Hud||Dispatcher (1)[[DPAT]], Group (1)[[GRUP]]||?||
| 0x0120||FADE OUT||Dispatcher (1)[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x0121||SetRain||||?||
Line 592 ⟶ 608:
| 0x0122||SetSnow||||?||
| 0x0123||<s>ShaggyMowerStopMode</s>||||?||''Unused. [[List of Events/Scooby|Scooby]] Event.''
| 0x0124||ScriptReset||||?||
Line 598 ⟶ 614:
| 0x0125||WaitForInput||||?||
| 0x0126||{{SlashTrick|EvilEngine/Events/Play Movie}}||[[DPAT]]||?||Plays a movie (fmv) with a specified argument, 0 - FOP, 1 - TAK, 2 - JN, 3 - SB, 4 - HILogo, 5 - NickLogo, 6 - RWLogo, 7 - THQLogo, 8 - demo1.
| 0x0126||Play Movie||Dispatcher (20)||?||
| 0x0127||<s>Mastermind is defeated</s>||||?||''Unused. [[List of Events/Scooby|Scooby]] Event.''
| 0x0128||-||||?||There is no event defined for this ID for some reason.
| 0x0129||PlayMusic||[[DPAT]]||?||Plays music with a [[Essentials Series/Sound and Music#PlayMusic_Event|specified argument]].
| 0x0129||PlayMusic||Dispatcher (73)||?||
| 0x012A||Forward||Mechanism (303)[[GRUP]], Group (22)[[PLAT]]||?||Causes a PLAT to play its movement forward.
| 0x012B||Reverse||Mechanism (226)[[GRUP]], Group (14)[[PLAT]]||?||Causes a PLAT to play its movement in reverse.
| 0x012C||PlayerRumbleTest||||?||
| 0x012D||PlayerRumbleLight||Player (1)[[PLYR]]||?||
| 0x012E||PlayerRumbleMedium||[[PLYR]]||?||
| 0x012F||PlayerRumbleHeavy||Player (2)[[PLYR]]||?||
| 0x0130||Screen Adjustment ON||Dispatcher (7)[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x0131||Screen Adjustment OFF||Dispatcher (6)[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x0132||Set as Skydome||Mechanism (77)[[PLAT]], Simple Object (2)[[SIMP]]||?||Causes asset to behave like a skydome.
| 0x0133||Connect_IOwnYou||NPC (110)[[BOUL]], Group (73)[[GRUP]], Move Point (68)[[MVPT]], Boulder (66)[[VIL]]||?||The Duplicatotron sends this to connect a GRUP of move points and VILs.
| 0x0134||Duplotron_WaveBegin||[[VIL]]||?||Duplicatotron receives this event when it starts spawning a new wave of enemies.
| 0x0135||Duplotron_WaveComplete||NPC (7)[[VIL]]||?||Fires when all enemies in a Duplo's wave are destroyed (when WaveMode Discreet), or all enemies + duplotron are destroyed otherwise
| 0x0136||Duplotron_NPCBorn||[[VIL]]||?||Fired when an enemy of a Duplicatotron is created.
| 0x0137||Duplotron_NPCKilled||[[VIL]]||?||Fired when an enemy of a Duplicatotron is killed.
| 0x0138||Duplotron_MaxNPCExpired||[[VIL]]||?||Fired when the amount set in DuploSpawnLifeMax is reached.
| 0x0139||Duplotron_Pause||NPC (39)[[GRUP]], Group (4)[[VIL]]||?||Pauses Duplotron spawning when received.
| 0x013A||Duplotron_Resume||NPC (49)[[GRUP]], Group (2)[[VIL]]||?||Resumes Duplotron spawning when received.
| 0x013B||Set as Goo||[[GRUP]], [[PLAT]], [[SIMP]]||?||Causes an object to gain the properties of goo, meaning landing on it will knock you back and can drown you, along with having waves.
| 0x013B||Set as Goo||Simple Object (41), Mechanism (19), Group (1)||?||
| 0x013C||NPCScript_ScriptBegin||||?||
Line 678 ⟶ 694:
| 0x014D||NPCScript_LeadPlayer||||?||
| 0x014E||Set Text||[[UIFT]]||?[[AssetID]] textAssetID||Replaces the text.
| 0x014F||Start Conversation||game_object:talk_box[[CAM]], [[Game Object (663Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]], Camera[[Game Object (418),Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:task_box (36)]]||?||Prepares the given asset to be sent other Events (Ex: Switch for [[CAM]]).
| 0x0150||End Conversation||[[CAM]], [[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]], [[GRUP]]||?||Stops interacting with the asset. Forces a [[CAM]] to switch back to the Player camera.
| 0x0150||End Conversation||game_object:talk_box (460), Camera (374), Group (2)||?||
| 0x0151||Switch||[[CAM]]||float '''Transition time''', ?, ?, ?, ?, ?||Shifts the Player view to the given camera asset. StartConversation must be sent first, however.
| 0x0151||Switch||Camera (976)||?||
| 0x0152||Add Text||||?||
| 0x0153||Clear Text||[[UIFT]]||?None||Clears the text.
| 0x0154||Open Teleport Box||[[game_object:Teleport]]||?||Opens a [[game_object:Teleport]] Box.
| 0x0155||Close Teleport Box||||?||Closes a [[game_object:Teleport]] Box.
| 0x0156||On Signal 0||[[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]]||?||Fired when <code>{signal:0}</code> is encountered in the [[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]]'s [[TEXT]].
| 0x0156||On Signal 0||game_object:talk_box (86)||?||
| 0x0157||On Signal 1||[[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]]||?||Fired when <code>{signal:1}</code> is encountered in the [[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]]'s [[TEXT]].
| 0x0157||On Signal 1||game_object:talk_box (221)||?||
| 0x0158||On Signal 2||[[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]]||?||Fired when <code>{signal:2}</code> is encountered in the [[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]]'s [[TEXT]].
| 0x0158||On Signal 2||game_object:talk_box (96)||?||
| 0x0159||On Signal 3||[[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]]||?||Fired when <code>{signal:3}</code> is encountered in the [[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]]'s [[TEXT]].
| 0x0159||On Signal 3||game_object:talk_box (86)||?||
| 0x015A||On Signal 4||[[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]]||?||Fired when <code>{signal:4}</code> is encountered in the [[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]]'s [[TEXT]].
| 0x015A||On Signal 4||game_object:talk_box (77)||?||
| 0x015B||On Signal 5||[[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]]||?||Fired when <code>{signal:5}</code> is encountered in the [[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]]'s [[TEXT]].
| 0x015B||On Signal 5||game_object:talk_box (74)||?||
| 0x015C||On Signal 6||[[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]]||?||Fired when <code>{signal:6}</code> is encountered in the [[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]]'s [[TEXT]].
| 0x015C||On Signal 6||game_object:talk_box (47)||?||
| 0x015D||On Signal 7||[[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]]||?||Fired when <code>{signal:7}</code> is encountered in the [[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]]'s [[TEXT]].
| 0x015D||On Signal 7||game_object:talk_box (45)||?||
| 0x015E||On Signal 8||[[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]]||?||Fired when <code>{signal:8}</code> is encountered in the [[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]]'s [[TEXT]].
| 0x015E||On Signal 8||game_object:talk_box (38)||?||
| 0x015F||On Signal 9||[[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]]||?||Fired when <code>{signal:9}</code> is encountered in the [[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]]'s [[TEXT]].
| 0x015F||On Signal 9||game_object:talk_box (31)||?||
| 0x0160||Stop Wait||game_object:talk_box[[Game Object (57Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]]||?||
| 0x0161||On Conversation Start||game_object:talk_box[[Game Object (172Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]]||?||
| 0x0162||On Conversation End||game_object:talk_box[[Game Object (276Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]]||?||
| 0x0163||Hit Melee||Platform (119)[[PLAT]], Mechanism (8), Simple Object (3)[[SIMP]]||?||Sent when hit by [[PLYR]] melee.
| 0x0164||Hit Bubble Bounce||||?||Sent when hit by SpongeBob's bounce.
| 0x0165||Hit Bubble Bash||Platform (100), Mechanism (23)[[PLAT]]||?||Sent when hit by SpongeBob's bash.
| 0x0166||Hit Bubble Bowl||Mechanism (4)[[PLAT]], Simple Object (1)[[SIMP]]||?||Sent when hit by SpongeBob's Bubble Bowl.
| 0x0167||Hit Patrick Slam||||?||Sent when hit by Patrick's slam
| 0x0168||Hit By Throwable||||?||Sent when hit by a throwable object. (enemy, fruit, tiki)
| 0x0169||Paddle Hit Left||Paddle (12)[[PLAT]]||?||Sent to a Paddlewheel when hit from the left side to turn clockwise.
| 0x016A||Paddle Hit Right||Paddle (9)[[PLAT]]||?||Sent to a Paddlewheel when hit from the right side to turn counterclockwise.
| 0x016B||Initiate Task||game_object:task_box[[Game Object (23Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:task_box]]||?||Starts a Task for an NPC.
| 0x016C||Set Success||[[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:task_box]]||?||Sets a Task as successful which leads to the reward.
| 0x016C||Set Success||game_object:task_box (98)||?||
| 0x016D||Set Failure||game_object:task_box[[Game Object (15Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:task_box]]||?||
| 0x016E||On Accept||||?||
Line 748 ⟶ 764:
| 0x0170||On Complete||||?||
| 0x0171||Generate Boulder||[[game_object:BoulderGenerator (12)]]||?||
| 0x0172||Launch Boulder At Widget||[[game_object:BoulderGenerator (72)]]||?||
| 0x0173||Launch Boulder At Point||||?||
| 0x0174||Launch Boulder At Player||[[game_object:BoulderGenerator (8)]]||?||
| 0x0175||Duplotron_SuperDuperDone||[[VIL]]||?||Send this event to a Duplicatotron to resume it.
| 0x0176||Duplotron_DuperIsDoner||NPC (11)[[VIL]]||?||Sent when all enemies specified in a Dupetron's events are killed.
| 0x0177||Bus Switch Character||game_object:BusStop[[Game Object (16Dynamic Type)#game_object:BusStop|game_object:BusStop]]|?|None||Sent when the player character is switched at a Bus Stop.
| 0x0178||Group Update Together||Group (40)[[GRUP]]||?||All objects in the group will update together, so they will not desync their movement when not loaded.
| 0x0179||Set Update Distance||Mechanism (62)[[BOUL]], Platform (45)[[BUTN]], NPC (32)[[GRUP]], Simple Object (26)[[PKUP]], Group (18)[[PLAT]], Boulder (16)[[SIMP]], Button (5)[[VIL]]||distance,?||Sets Breakawaydistance Platforman (3),object Conveyerstays Beltloaded (1)in, Powerspecified Up/Itemwith (1), Springboard Platform (1), Teeter-Totter (1)||?||argument.
| 0x017A||Translate, Local X||[[PLAT]]||Distance, Time, AccelTime, DecelTime||Slides object along the X axis relative to its parent object's position (using Drivenby).
| 0x017A||Translate, Local X||Platform (26)||?||
| 0x017B||Translate, Local Y||[[PLAT]]||Distance, Time, AccelTime, DecelTime||Slides object along the Y axis relative to its parent object's position (using Drivenby).
| 0x017B||Translate, Local Y||Platform (20)||?||
| 0x017C||Translate, Local Z||[[PLAT]]||Distance, Time, AccelTime, DecelTime||Slides object along the Z axis relative to its parent object's position (using Drivenby).
| 0x017C||Translate, Local Z||Platform (12)||?||
| 0x017D||Translate, World X||Platform (8)[[PLAT]]||?Distance, Time, AccelTime, DecelTime||Slides object along the X axis relative to its own position.
| 0x017E||Translate, World Y||Platform[[GRUP]], (112)[[PLAT]]||Distance, GroupTime, (3)||?AccelTime, DecelTime||Slides object along the Y axis relative to its own position.
| 0x017F||Translate, World Z||Platform (1)[[PLAT]]||?Distance, Time, AccelTime, DecelTime||Slides object along the Z axis relative to its own position.
| 0x0180||Rotate, Local X||[[PLAT]]||Distance (Degrees), Time, AccelTime, DecelTime||Rotates pitch of object relative to its parent object's position (using Drivenby).
| 0x0180||Rotate, Local X||Platform (22)||?||
| 0x0181||Rotate, Local Y||[[PLAT]]||Distance (Degrees), Time, AccelTime, DecelTime||Rotates yaw of object relative to its parent object's position (using Drivenby).
| 0x0181||Rotate, Local Y||Platform (55)||?||
| 0x0182||Rotate, Local Z||[[PLAT]]||Distance (Degrees), Time, AccelTime, DecelTime||Rotates roll of object relative to its parent object's position (using Drivenby).
| 0x0182||Rotate, Local Z||Platform (123)||?||
| 0x0183||Rotate, World X||Platform[[PLAT]]||Distance (6Degrees), Time, AccelTime, DecelTime||?||Rotates pitch of object relative to its own position.
| 0x0184||Rotate, World Y||Platform[[PLAT]]||Distance (52Degrees), Time, AccelTime, DecelTime||?||Rotates yaw of object relative to its own position.
| 0x0185||Rotate, World Z||Platform[[PLAT]]||Distance (37Degrees), Time, AccelTime, DecelTime||?||Rotates roll of object relative to its own position.
| 0x0186||Translate, Local X Done||||?||
| 0x0187||Translate, Local Y Done||Platform (8)[[PLAT]]||?||
| 0x0188||Translate, Local Z Done||||?||
| 0x0189||Translate, World X Done||Platform (1)[[PLAT]]||?||
| 0x018A||Translate, World Y Done||Platform (85)[[PLAT]]||?||
| 0x018B||Translate, World Z Done||Platform (2)[[PLAT]]||?||
| 0x018C||Rotate, Local X Done||||?||
| 0x018D||Rotate, Local Y Done||Platform (5)[[PLAT]]||?||
| 0x018E||Rotate, Local Z Done||||?||
Line 810 ⟶ 826:
| 0x018F||Rotate, World X Done||||?||
| 0x0190||Rotate, World Y Done||Platform (17)[[PLAT]]||?||
| 0x0191||Rotate, World Z Done||||?||
| 0x0192||<span id="Count1">Count1</span>||[[CNTR]]||?||Sets the value of a [[CNTR]] to 1. Automatically sentFired from the [[#Increment|Increment]] or [[#Decrement event|Decrement]] if the resulting[[CNTR]]'s new value is 1.
| 0x0193||<span id="Count2">Count2</span>||[[CNTR]]||?||Sets the value of a [[CNTR]] to 2. Automatically sentFired from the [[#Increment|Increment]] or [[#Decrement event|Decrement]] if the resulting[[CNTR]]'s new value is 2.
| 0x0194||<span id="Count3">Count3</span>||[[CNTR]]||?||Sets the value of a [[CNTR]] to 3. Automatically sentFired from the [[#Increment|Increment]] or [[#Decrement event|Decrement]] if the resulting[[CNTR]]'s new value is 3.
| 0x0195||<span id="Count4">Count4</span>||[[CNTR]]||?||Sets the value of a [[CNTR]] to 4. Automatically sentFired from the [[#Increment|Increment]] or [[#Decrement event|Decrement]] if the resulting[[CNTR]]'s new value is 4.
| 0x0196||<span id="Count5">Count5</span>||[[CNTR]]||?||Sets the value of a [[CNTR]] to 5. Automatically sentFired from the [[#Increment|Increment]] or [[#Decrement event|Decrement]] if the resulting[[CNTR]]'s new value is 5.
| 0x0197||<span id="Count6">Count6</span>||[[CNTR]]||?||Sets the value of a [[CNTR]] to 6. Automatically sentFired from the [[#Increment|Increment]] or [[#Decrement event|Decrement]] if the resulting[[CNTR]]'s new value is 6.
| 0x0198||<span id="Count7">Count7</span>||[[CNTR]]||?||Sets the value of a [[CNTR]] to 7. Automatically sentFired from the [[#Increment|Increment]] or [[#Decrement event|Decrement]] if the resulting[[CNTR]]'s new value is 7.
| 0x0199||<span id="Count8">Count8</span>||[[CNTR]]||?||Sets the value of a [[CNTR]] to 8. Automatically sentFired from the [[#Increment|Increment]] or [[#Decrement event|Decrement]] if the resulting[[CNTR]]'s new value is 8.
| 0x019A||<span id="Count9">Count9</span>||[[CNTR]]||?||Sets the value of a [[CNTR]] to 9. Automatically sentFired from the [[#Increment|Increment]] or [[#Decrement event|Decrement]] if the resulting[[CNTR]]'s new value is 9.
| 0x019B||<span id="Count10">Count10</span>||[[CNTR]]||?||Sets the value of a [[CNTR]] to 10. Automatically sentFired from the [[#Increment|Increment]] or [[#Decrement event|Decrement]] if the resulting[[CNTR]]'s new value is 10.
| 0x019C||<span id="Count11">Count11</span>||[[CNTR]]||?||Sets the value of a [[CNTR]] to 11. Automatically sentFired from the [[#Increment|Increment]] or [[#Decrement event|Decrement]] if the resulting[[CNTR]]'s new value is 11.
| 0x019D||<span id="Count12">Count12</span>||[[CNTR]]||?||Sets the value of a [[CNTR]] to 12. Automatically sentFired from the [[#Increment|Increment]] or [[#Decrement event|Decrement]] if the resulting[[CNTR]]'s new value is 12.
| 0x019E||<span id="Count13">Count13</span>||[[CNTR]]||?||Sets the value of a [[CNTR]] to 13. Automatically sentFired from the [[#Increment|Increment]] or [[#Decrement event|Decrement]] if the resulting[[CNTR]]'s new value is 13.
| 0x019F||<span id="Count14">Count14</span>||[[CNTR]]||?||Sets the value of a [[CNTR]] to 14. Automatically sentFired from the [[#Increment|Increment]] or [[#Decrement event|Decrement]] if the resulting[[CNTR]]'s new value is 14.
| 0x01A0||<span id="Count15">Count15</span>||[[CNTR]]||?||Sets the value of a [[CNTR]] to 15. Automatically sentFired from the [[#Increment|Increment]] or [[#Decrement event|Decrement]] if the resulting[[CNTR]]'s new value is 15.
| 0x01A1||<span id="Count16">Count16</span>||[[CNTR]]||?||Sets the value of a [[CNTR]] to 16. Automatically sentFired from the [[#Increment|Increment]] or [[#Decrement event|Decrement]] if the resulting[[CNTR]]'s new value is 16.
| 0x01A2||<span id="Count17">Count17</span>||[[CNTR]]||?||Sets the value of a [[CNTR]] to 17. Automatically sentFired from the [[#Increment|Increment]] or [[#Decrement event|Decrement]] if the resulting[[CNTR]]'s new value is 17.
| 0x01A3||<span id="Count18">Count18</span>||[[CNTR]]||?||Sets the value of a [[CNTR]] to 18. Automatically sentFired from the [[#Increment|Increment]] or [[#Decrement event|Decrement]] if the resulting[[CNTR]]'s new value is 18.
| 0x01A4||<span id="Count19">Count19</span>||[[CNTR]]||?||Sets the value of a [[CNTR]] to 19. Automatically sentFired from the [[#Increment|Increment]] or [[#Decrement event|Decrement]] if the resulting[[CNTR]]'s new value is 19.
| 0x01A5||<span id="Count20">Count20</span>||[[CNTR]]||?||Sets the value of a [[CNTR]] to 20. Automatically sentFired from the [[#Increment|Increment]] or [[#Decrement event|Decrement]] if the resulting[[CNTR]]'s new value is 20.
| 0x01A6||Set State||||?||
| 0x01A7||<span id="Enter SpongeBob">Enter SpongeBob</span>||Trigger (152)[[TRIG]]||?||TheFired game sends this event to a Trigger onby the frame[[PLYR]] thatwhenever Spongebobit enters itsa collision[[TRIG]]'s area.volume This event is *not* continuously sent duringand the framescurrent that the Playercharacter is still insideSpongeBob.
| 0x01A8||<span id="Enter Patrick">Enter Patrick</span>||Trigger (61)[[TRIG]]||?||TheFired game sends this event to a Trigger onby the frame[[PLYR]] thatwhenever Patrickit enters itsa collision[[TRIG]]'s area.volume This event is *not* continuously sent duringand the framescurrent that the Playercharacter is still insidePatrick.
| 0x01A9||<span id="Enter Sandy">Enter Sandy</span>||Trigger (26)[[TRIG]]||?||TheFired game sends this event to a Trigger onby the frame[[PLYR]] thatwhenever Sandyit enters itsa collision[[TRIG]]'s area.volume This event is *not* continuously sent duringand the framescurrent that the Playercharacter is still insideSandy.
| 0x01AA||<span id="Exit SpongeBob">Exit SpongeBob</span>||Trigger (9)[[TRIG]]||?||TheFired game sends this event to a Trigger onby the frame[[PLYR]] thatwhenever Spongebobit exitsenters itsa collision[[TRIG]]'s area.volume This event is *not* continuously sent duringand the framescurrent that the Playercharacter is still outsideSpongeBob.
| 0x01AB||<span id="Exit Patrick">Exit Patrick</span>||[[TRIG]]||?||Fired by the [[PLYR]] whenever it enters a [[TRIG]]'s volume and the current character is Patrick.
| 0x01AB||Exit Patrick||Trigger (15)||?||The game sends this event to a Trigger on the frame that Patrick exits its collision area. This event is *not* continuously sent during the frames that the Player is still outside.
| 0x01AC||<span id="Exit Sandy">Exit Sandy</span>||[[TRIG]]||?||Fired by the [[PLYR]] whenever it enters a [[TRIG]]'s volume and the current character is Sandy.
| 0x01AC||Exit Sandy||Trigger (8)||?||The game sends this event to a Trigger on the frame that Sandy exits its collision area. This event is *not* continuously sent during the frames that the Player is still outside.
| 0x01AD||NPCSpecial_PlatformSnap||NPC (10)[[VIL]]||?||
| 0x01AE||NPCSpecial_PlatformFall||NPC (10)[[VIL]]||?||
| 0x01AF||Goo set warb coeffs||[[PLAT]], [[SIMP]]||X Wave Size, X Speed, Y Wave Size, Y Speed||When this is received by something that is SetAsGoo, it will not have waves. Can be modified with arguments.
| 0x01AF||Goo set warb coeffs||Simple Object (31), Mechanism (14)||?||
| 0x01B0||Goo set freeze duration||Mechanism[[PLAT]], (1)[[SIMP]]||duration,?,?,?||When this is received by something that is SetAsGoo, it will change the duration of the time frozen with Freezy Fruit.
| 0x01B1||Goo melt||[[PLAT]], [[SIMP]]||?||When this is received by something that is SetAsGoo AND frozen by Freezy Fruit, it will immediately melt the goo, causing the freeze timer to end and the goo returns to normal.
| 0x01B1||Goo melt||||?||
| 0x01B2||Set State Range||Disco Floor (5)[[DSCO]]||?||
| 0x01B3||Set State Delay||||?||
Line 884 ⟶ 900:
| 0x01B4||Set Transition Delay||||?||
| 0x01B5||NPC Fight On||NPC (6)[[VIL]]||?||
| 0x01B6||NPC Fight Off||||?||
Line 908 ⟶ 924:
| 0x01C0||Hit (Lower Body)||||?||
| 0x01C1||GiveSocks (current level)||Player (3)[[PLYR]]||amount,?||Gives the player socks for the current level specified by the argument.
| 0x01C2||GiveCollectables (current level)||Player (21)[[PLYR]]||amount,?||Gives the player collectables for the current level specified by the argument.
| 0x01C3||SetSocks (current level)||||amount,?||Sets the player's socks for the current level specified by the argument.
| 0x01C4||SetCollectables (current level)||||amount,?||Sets the player's collectables for the current level specified by the argument.
| 0x01C5||On Answer Yes||game_object:talk_box[[Game Object (307Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]]||?||
| 0x01C6||On Answer No||game_object:talk_box[[Game Object (65Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]]||?||
| 0x01C7||Hit Cruise Bubble||Mechanism (4)[[PLAT]]||?||Sent when hit by SpongeBob's Cruise Bubble.
| 0x01C8||Duplotron_KillKids||NPC (4)[[VIL]]||?||Kills all enemies spawned by a Duplicatotron.
| 0x01C9||On Signal10||[[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]]||?||Fired when <code>{signal:10}</code> is encountered in the [[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]]'s [[TEXT]].
| 0x01C9||On Signal10||game_object:talk_box (17)||?||
| 0x01CA||On Signal11||[[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]]||?||Fired when <code>{signal:11}</code> is encountered in the [[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]]'s [[TEXT]].
| 0x01CA||On Signal11||game_object:talk_box (13)||?||
| 0x01CB||On Signal12||[[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]]||?||Fired when <code>{signal:12}</code> is encountered in the [[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]]'s [[TEXT]].
| 0x01CB||On Signal12||game_object:talk_box (11)||?||
| 0x01CC||On Signal13||[[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]]||?||Fired when <code>{signal:13}</code> is encountered in the [[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:task_box]]'s [[TEXT]].
| 0x01CC||On Signal13||game_object:talk_box (11)||?||
| 0x01CD||On Signal14||[[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]]||?||Fired when <code>{signal:14}</code> is encountered in the [[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]]'s [[TEXT]].
| 0x01CD||On Signal14||game_object:talk_box (6)||?||
| 0x01CE||On Signal15||[[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]]||?||Fired when <code>{signal:15}</code> is encountered in the [[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]]'s [[TEXT]].
| 0x01CE||On Signal15||game_object:talk_box (8)||?||
| 0x01CF||On Signal16||[[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]]||?||Fired when <code>{signal:16}</code> is encountered in the [[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]]'s [[TEXT]].
| 0x01CF||On Signal16||game_object:talk_box (4)||?||
| 0x01D0||On Signal17||[[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]]||?||Fired when <code>{signal:17}</code> is encountered in the [[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]]'s [[TEXT]].
| 0x01D0||On Signal17||game_object:talk_box (2)||?||
| 0x01D1||On Signal18||[[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]]||?||Fired when <code>{signal:18}</code> is encountered in the [[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]]'s [[TEXT]].
| 0x01D1||On Signal18||game_object:talk_box (1)||?||
| 0x01D2||On Signal19||[[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]]||?||Fired when <code>{signal:19}</code> is encountered in the [[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]]'s [[TEXT]].
| 0x01D2||On Signal19||game_object:talk_box (111)||?||
| 0x01D3||Spongeball On||Player (2)[[PLYR]]||?||Forces the [[PLYR]] to transform into the SpongeBall.
| 0x01D4||Spongeball Off||Player (1)[[PLYR]]||?||Forces the [[PLYR]] to transform out of the SpongeBall.
| 0x01D5||Launch Shrapnel||[[BOUL]], [[GRUP]], [[PLAT]], [[SIMP]]||?||Generates a Shrapnel on the object. A SHRP asset must be specified for the Event's Argument asset.
| 0x01D5||Launch Shrapnel||Boulder (60), Platform (21), Simple Object (16), Mechanism (9), Group (5)||?||
| 0x01D6||NPC HP Incremented||||?||Received when a [[VIL]] gains health. Mainly used for boss fights.
| 0x01D7||NPC HP Decremented||NPC (7)[[VIL]]||?||Received when a [[VIL]] loses health. Mainly used for boss fights.
| 0x01D8||NPC Set Active On||NPC (24)[[GRUP, Group (17)VIL]]||?||Causes the [[VIL]](s) to be activated.
| 0x01D9||NPC Set Active Off||NPC (68)[[GRUP, Group (26)VIL]]||?||Causes the [[VIL]](s) to be deactivated and deload.
| 0x01DA||Switch Player Character||Player[[PLYR]]||character (71 for Patrick, 2 for Sandy)||,?||Switches the [[PLYR]] to another character, set by the argument.
| 0x01DB||Level Begin||All||None||Sent to all objects right after Scene Enter, only if the scene is in a different "level" than the previous scene, e.g. Bikini Bottom to Jellyfish Fields.
| 0x01DB||Level Begin||game_object:Flythrough (1)||?||
| 0x01DC||Scene Reset (death)||Dispatcher (2)All||?None||Sent to all objects right after Room Prepare, when the player respawns from a death.
| 0x01DD||Scene Enter||All||None||Sent to all objects right after Room Prepare. It runs only if the level is loaded using a Portal from another level or reloaded from the pause menu.
| 0x01DD||Scene Enter||Cutscene Mgr (2), Button (1), Dispatcher (1)||?||
| 0x01DE||Destroyed Tiki||||?||
Line 1,012 ⟶ 1,028:
| 0x01F4||See Robot Plankton||||?||
| 0x01F5||Change Texture of UI||[[UI]], [[UIFT]]||?[[AssetID]] textureID||Replaces background texture. If textureID is 0 or invalid, clears background texture.
| 0x01F6||NPC Cheer For Me||NPC (7)[[VIL]]||?||
| 0x01F7||Fast Visible||All?||?||
| 0x01F8||Fast Invisible||All?||?||
| 0x01F9||ZipLine Mount||||?||
Line 1,036 ⟶ 1,052:
| 0x0200||UpdateAnimMatrices||||?||
| 0x0201||EnterCruise||Trigger (4)[[TRIG]]||?||Sent when the Cruise Bubble enters the [[TRIG]] volume.
| 0x0202||ExitCruise||Trigger (1)[[TRIG]]||?||Sent when the Cruise Bubble exits the [[TRIG]] volume.
| 0x0203||CruiseFired||[[PLYR]]||?||Sent to the [[PLYR]] when the Cruise Bubble begins flight.
| 0x0204||CruiseDied||[[PLYR]]||?||Sent to the [[PLYR]] when the Cruise Bubble is popped.
| 0x0205||CruiseAddLife||||seconds,?||Adds additional time to the Cruise Bubble, specified by the arguments.
| 0x0206||CruiseSetLife||Player (3)[[PLYR]]||seconds,?||Sets the time for the Cruise Bubble, specified by the argument.
| 0x0207||CruiseResetLife||||?||Resets the time for the Cruise Bubble as if it was just launched.
| 0x0208||Camera Collide Off||Group (1)[[GRUP]]||?||Disables camera collision with models, allowing the camera to go through them.
| 0x0209||Camera Collide On||Group (3)[[GRUP]], Mechanism (2), Platform (1)[[PLAT]]||?||Enables camera collision with models, in which the camera won't got through models.
| 0x020A||Slide On||||?||
Line 1,058 ⟶ 1,074:
| 0x020B||Slide Off||||?||
| 0x020C||Timer Set||[[TIMR]]||?seconds||Will set a [[TIMR]]'s count to the specified number.
| 0x020D||Timer Add||[[TIMR]]||?seconds||Will add the specified number to a [[TIMR]]'s count
| 0x020E||Force NPC Conversation||||?||Forces the [[PLYR]] to talk to a [[[[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:task_box]]]].
| 0x020F||{{SlashTrick|EvilEngine/Events/Make A Splash}}||Move[[MVPT]]||size, Pointduration, (8)||?unknown, type||Makes a splash effect on a [[MVPT]].
| 0x0210||Credits start||Dispatcher (7)[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x0211||Credits stop||Dispatcher (2)[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x0212||Credits ended||Dispatcher (19)[[DPAT]]||?None||Sent when a [[CRDT]] asset is done playing.
| 0x0213||Bubble Wipe||||?||
| 0x0214||Set Lightkit||[[ENV]], [[PLYR]]||?[[AssetID]]||Changes the lightkit used for the [[ENV]] or the [[PLYR]].
| 0x0215||Set Opacity||||?||
| 0x0216||Take Socks||Player (8)[[PLYR]]||?amount||Takes socks from the [[PLYR]], specified by the argument.
| 0x0217||Debug BREAK||||?||
Line 1,084 ⟶ 1,100:
| 0x0218||Born||||?||
| 0x0219||Platform Pause||Mechanism (7)[[PLAT]], Simple Object (7)[[SIMP]]||?||
| 0x021A||Platform Unpause||Mechanism (7)[[PLAT]], Simple Object (7)[[SIMP]]||?||
| 0x021B||Store Options||Dispatcher (3)[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x021C||Restore Options||Dispatcher (12)[[DPAT]]||?||
[[Category:SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom]]
