List of Events/BFBB: Difference between revisions

→‎List: Switch description
(→‎List: Added desc for Hit.)
(→‎List: Switch description)
(20 intermediate revisions by 4 users not shown)
Line 68:
| 0x0015||Move||||||''Unused''
| 0x0016||Destroy||[[DSTR]], [[GRUP]]||0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [[AssetID]]||Sent to a DSTR if it is destroyed.
| 0x0017||Pause||||||''Unused''
Line 76:
| 0x0019||PlayOne||||||''Unused''
| 0x001A||PlayMaybe||[[SFX]]||0Probability, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0||Gives a SFX a specific probability for playing when the Event is sent. The lower the Argument, the more likely it is to play (EX: 0 = 100% Chance, 75 = 25% Chance).
| 0x001B||RoomStart||||||''Unused''
Line 100:
| 0x0025||Kill||[[BOUL]], [[GRUP]], [[PLYR]], [[VIL]]||0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [[AssetID]]||Will bring the target to 0 health and kill them.
| 0x0026||On||[[EGEN]], [[FOG]], [[GRUP]], [[MVPT]], [[PARE]], [[SURF]], [[EGEN]]||float '''Unknown''', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0||Activates the properties of the asset.
| 0x0027||Off||[[EGEN]], [[GRUP]], [[MVPT]], [[PARE]], [[PARS]], [[SURF]], [[EGEN]]||0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0||Deactivates the properties of the asset.
| 0x0028||Patrol On||[[VIL]]||0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0||
Line 170:
| 0x0048||PadPressSelect||||?||Sent when the (PS2=Select, XB=Back, GCN=Z) button is pressed.
| 0x0049||PadPressUp||[[UI]], [[UIFT]]||?||Sent when D-Pad Up is pressed.
| 0x004A||PadPressDown||[[UI]], [[UIFT]]||?||Sent when D-Pad Down is pressed.
| 0x004B||PadPressRight||[[UI]], [[UIFT]]||?||Sent when D-Pad Right is pressed.
| 0x004C||PadPressLeft||[[UI]], [[UIFT]]||?||Sent when D-Pad Left is pressed.
| 0x004D||FontBackdropOn||[[UIFT]]||None||Shows the background.
Line 210:
| 0x005C||<s>LobMaster Reset</s>||||?||''Unused. [[List of Events/Scooby|Scooby]] Event.''
| 0x005D||FallToDeath||[[PLYR]]||?||Defeats the Player, similar to the Kill Event, but without any death sounds.
| 0x005E||UI Focus On+Select||[[UI]], [[UIFT]]||None||Sends UI Focus On then UI Select to self.
Line 224:
| 0x0063||Set Pad Config to Preset D||||?||
| 0x0064||Pad Vibrate On||[[DPAT]]||?||Sets controller Vibration to On.
| 0x0065||Pad Vibrate Off||[[DPAT]]||?||Sets controller Vibration to Off.
| 0x0066||Mono Sound||[[DPAT]]||?||Sets the sound mode to mono.
Line 280:
| 0x007F||SaveState_Count||||?||
| 0x0080||PauseState_Pause||[[DPAT]]||?||Detects that the game is paused.
| 0x0081||PauseState_Options||||?||
Line 288:
| 0x0083||GameState_FirstTime||||?||
| 0x0084||GameState_Play||[[DPAT]]||?||Detects that the game is unpaused and in gameplay.
| 0x0085||GameState_LoseChance||||?||
Line 318:
| 0x0092||SetLoadState_SelectSlot||||?||
| 0x0093||SetLoadState_Loading||[[DPAT]]||?||Hardcoded to MNU3. Sets the Game State to load a saved game.
| 0x0094||SetLoadState_Count||||?||
Line 334:
| 0x009A||SetSaveState_Count||||?||
| 0x009B||SetPauseState_Pause||||?||Opens the pause menu.
| 0x009C||SetPauseState_Options||||?||
Line 356:
| 0x00A5||GameState_Exit||||?||
| 0x00A6||SetGameState_Exit||[[DPAT]]||?||Quits player back to the main menu.
| 0x00A7||<s>LobMaster Shoot From Widget</s>||||?||''Unused. [[List of Events/Scooby|Scooby]] Event.''
Line 404:
| 0x00BD||VilReport_StartingRetreat||||?||
| 0x00BE||Preload||[[CSNM]]||?||Begins showing a cutscene.
| 0x00BF||Done||[[CSNM]], [[SFX]]||?||Sent to a CSNM or SFX when it finishes playing.
| 0x00C0||Arcto||[[EGEN]], [[MVPT]], [[PLAT]]||?||Used by an EGEN to connect its electric beam to an object.
| 0x00C1||<s>Digup Reaction</s>||||?||''Unused. [[List of Events/Scooby|Scooby]] Event.''
| 0x00C2||Set Check Point||[[DPAT]]||rotationRotation (i think?Degrees),?,?,?,[[MRKR]],?||When sent to the [[DPAT]], it updates the player's respawn point to the [[MRKR]] specified.
| 0x00C3||AnimPlay||[[DSTR]], [[GRUP]], [[PLAT]], [[SIMP]]||?||Plays the animation for that asset, which is specified in Animation_AssetID in the asset.
Line 458:
| 0x00D8||<span id="Drivenby">Drivenby</span>||[[PLAT]]||?||Sets the target asset as a parent, so any movement performed by the asset will be followed.
| 0x00D9||FollowTarget||[[PKUP]]||float '''Offset Position''' X, Y, Z||Makes a [[PKUP]] asset follow a [[PLYR]] asset, mimicking movement and keeping offset.
| 0x00D9||FollowTarget||||?||
| 0x00DA||FaceTarget||||?||
Line 476:
| 0x00E1||<s>Shaggy8_ClearMagnet</s>||||?||''Unused. [[List of Events/Scooby|Scooby]] Event.''
| 0x00E2||StartMoving||[[PLAT]]||?||Fired by a [[PLAT]] when it begins to move.
| 0x00E3||StopMoving||[[PLAT]]||?||Fired by a [[PLAT]] when it no longer moves.
| 0x00E4||Swoosh||[[PEND]]||?||
Line 614:
| 0x0125||WaitForInput||||?||
| 0x0126||PlayMovie{{SlashTrick|EvilEngine/Events/Play Movie}}||[[DPAT]]||?||Plays a movie (fmv) with a specified argument, 0 - FOP, 1 - TAK, 2 - JN, 3 - SB, 4 - HILogo, 5 - NickLogo, 6 - RWLogo, 7 - THQLogo, 8 - demo1.
| 0x0127||<s>Mastermind is defeated</s>||||?||''Unused. [[List of Events/Scooby|Scooby]] Event.''
Line 638:
| 0x0131||Screen Adjustment OFF||[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x0132||Set as Skydome||[[PLAT]], [[SIMP]]||?||Causes asset to behave like a skydome.
| 0x0133||Connect_IOwnYou||[[BOUL]], [[GRUP]], [[MVPT]], [[VIL]]||?||The Duplicatotron sends this to connect a GRUP of move points and VILs.
Line 696:
| 0x014E||Set Text||[[UIFT]]||[[AssetID]] textAssetID||Replaces the text.
| 0x014F||Start Conversation||[[CAM]], [[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]], [[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:task_box]]||?||Prepares the given asset to be sent other Events (Ex: Switch for [[CAM]]).
| 0x0150||End Conversation||[[CAM]], [[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]], [[GRUP]]||?||Stops interacting with the asset. Forces a [[CAM]] to switch back to the Player camera.
| 0x0151||Switch||[[CAM]]||float '''Transition time''', ?, ?, ?, ?, ?||Shifts the Player view to the given camera asset. StartConversation must be sent first, however.
| 0x0152||Add Text||||?||
Line 888:
| 0x01AE||NPCSpecial_PlatformFall||[[VIL]]||?||
| 0x01AF||Goo set warb coeffs||[[PLAT]], [[SIMP]]||arg1X floatWave HeightSize, arg2X floatSpeed, Y Wave Size, Y Speed||When this is received by something that is SetAsGoo, it will not have waves. Can be modified with arguments.
| 0x01B0||Goo set freeze duration||[[PLAT]], [[SIMP]]||duration,?,?,?||When this is received by something that is SetAsGoo, it will change the duration of the time frozen with Freezy Fruit.
Line 1,080:
| 0x020E||Force NPC Conversation||||?||Forces the [[PLYR]] to talk to a [[[[Game Object (Dynamic Type)#game_object:talk_box|game_object:task_box]]]].
| 0x020F||{{SlashTrick|EvilEngine/Events/Make A Splash}}||[[MVPT]]||?size, duration, unknown, type||Makes a splash effect on a [[MVPT]].
| 0x0210||Credits start||[[DPAT]]||?||
Line 1,090:
| 0x0213||Bubble Wipe||||?||
| 0x0214||Set Lightkit||[[ENV]], [[PLYR]]||?[[AssetID]]||Changes the lightkit used for the [[ENV]] or the [[PLYR]].
| 0x0215||Set Opacity||||?||
