Sound Group
Base Type0x4A
Games usedThe SpongeBob SquarePants Movie

The Incredibles

Rise of the Underminer


SGRP are base assets, so they start with their 0x8 byte header, then are followed by:

Offset Type Variable Description
0x8 int uPlayedMask Always 0
0xC byte uInfoCount usually 0x00
0xD byte uSetBits usually 0x30
0xE byte uMaxPlays usually 0x80
0xF byte uPriority usually 0x00
0x10 byte uFlags usually 0x00. 01 - PlayGlobally
0x11 byte eSoundCategory usually 0x00. 01 - Choose Random Entry
0x12 byte ePlayRule usually 0x42
0x13 byte uInfoPad0 usually 0x00
0x14 float InnerRadius usually 8.0
0x18 float OuterRadius usually 25.0
0x1C char pszGroupName usually 0
0x20 SoundEntry[amountOfSounds] Sound reference entries
- Event[numberOfEvents] Events

Sound Entry

Offset Type Variable Description
0x0 Asset ID soundAssetID SND/SNDS
0x4 float Volume usually between 0-1
0x8 float minPitchMult usually 0
0xC float maxPitchMult usually 0