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'''HIP archives''', also referred to as '''HIP/HOP files''' or '''packages''', are container files used by Heavy Iron Studios in their 5 RenderWare games covered on this wiki. They are used to store [[assets]], which are the resources and objects used to create levels, characters and menus for the games.
HIP archives are container formats used by Heavy Iron Studios in some of their games, including Spongebob Squarepants: Battle For Bikini Bottom. They are used mainly to contain assets, which are the resources used to create levels, characters and menus for the games. The files usually have the extension .HIP, but some have the .HOP extension; although the types of assets kept in both are usually different, HIP and HOP do not differ by internal structure. The archives are divided into multiple sections, each of which starts with an 8 byte header containing the section name in ASCII and the total size of the section, all of which are listed below.
In [[:Category:Scooby|Scooby-Doo! Night of 100 Frights]], all HIP archives use the file extension <code>.HIP</code>. [[:Category:Scooby|SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom]] introduced the file extension <code>.HOP</code>, which has the exact same file format as <code>.HIP</code> but is typically used to store different types of assets. Each level and some global scenes (such as player data) are stored as <code>.HIP</code>/<code>.HOP</code> pairs in BFBB and subsequent games, and the rest of the HIP archives just use <code>.HIP</code> (boot.HIP, font.HIP, etc.).
There are at least three different revisions of the format: the first one used in Scooby Doo: Night of 100 Frights, a second one used in Spongebob Squarepants: Battle For Bikini Bottom and a third one which is used in The Incredibles Game, The Spongebob Squarepants Movie and The Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer.
==GeneralFile InfoFormat==
There are three known revisions of the HIP archive format: the first one used in [[:Category:Scooby|Scooby-Doo! Night of 100 Frights]], a second one used in [[:Category:BFBB|SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle For Bikini Bottom]] and a third one which is used in [[:Category:TSSM|The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie]], [[:Category:Incredibles|The Incredibles]] and [[:Category:ROTU|The Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer]].
HIP archives are big endian in all versions of each game. It's made up of 4 main sections:
* '''HIPA''': this section is empty. It's used to mark the start of the file.
A HIP archive is stored as a hierarchical structure of ''blocks''. Each block has a 4-byte ID and length, and can contain data as well as child blocks. The ID is typically human-readable and can be read as a 4-byte ASCII string, although it's technically read as an int in BFBB's source code. The length determines how many bytes the entire block takes up, including both its data and child blocks. The header is stored as follows:
* '''PACK''': this section contains general data about the archive, such as game name, creation date and number of assets.
* '''DICT''': this section contains asset headers and layers. Each layer has a type and is composed of certain types of assets.
* '''STRM''': this section contains the raw data for the assets. Each asset header references the STRM by an absolute offset.
===Header Format===
This header is present at the start of all sections.
int blockID
char[4] sectionName
int sectionSizeblockLength
Following the header, any block-specific data is stored, followed by any child blocks.
===String Format===
Strings do not contain a character count, are zero-terminated and aligned by two bytes (all strings will have either one or two zeroes after them). This also applies to empty strings (in this case, there will be two zeroes).
===PaddingOverall Structure===
The basic block hierarchy common to all HIP archives is as follows:
The data array of the DPAK section contains a lot of padding in order to align the file data. All padding is done by bytes which are equal to 0x33.
* [[#HIPA|HIPA]]
* [[#PACK|PACK]]
** [[#PVER|PVER]]
** [[#PFLG|PFLG]]
** [[#PCNT|PCNT]]
** [[#PCRT|PCRT]]
** [[#PMOD|PMOD]]
** [[#PLAT|PLAT]] (Not present in Scooby)
* [[#DICT|DICT]]
** [[#ATOC|ATOC]]
*** [[#AINF|AINF]]
*** [[#AHDR|AHDR]]+ (Multiple can be present)
**** [[#ADBG|ADBG]]
** [[#LTOC|LTOC]]
*** [[#LINF|LINF]]
*** [[#LHDR|LHDR]]+ (Multiple can be present)
**** [[#LDBG|LDBG]]
* [[#STRM|STRM]]
** [[#DHDR|DHDR]]
** [[#DPAK|DPAK]]
Layers are used by HIP archives to group assets of specific types together. For example, <code>TEXTURE</code> layers contain all of the [[RWTX]] assets in a HIP archive and <code>MODEL</code> layers contain all of the [[MODL]] assets. All assets in a HIP archive have their data grouped together by layer inside the [[#DPAK|DPAK]] block, with padding in between each asset's data as well as in between each layer. [[#DPAK|DPAK]] explains more about how padding and alignment of assets and layers works.
TODO: list all known type IDs
All strings in HIP archives are [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Null-terminated_string null-terminated], i.e. end with a 0 byte (<code>\x00</code>). They do not have a character count at the beginning. All strings are padded at the end so that their length is a multiple of two bytes. This means that all strings will have either one or two 0s at the end. Empty strings are simply stored as two 0s.
Strings are referred to as <code>string</code> in the [[#Block|Block]] format descriptions.
HIP archives are stored as [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endianness big endian] in all versions of each game.
This section contains the format for each block described in [[#Overall Structure|Overall Structure]]. Each section heading refers to the block's 4-byte ID.
This block contains no data or child blocks. It is used to mark the start of the file, and the ID can serve as a [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_number_(programming)#In_files magic number] to identify the file's type.
This section is empty.
This sectionblock contains no data andbut it does 6contain subchild sectionsblocks: [[#PVER|PVER]], [[#PFLG|PFLG]], [[#PCNT|PCNT]], [[#PCRT|PCRT]], and [[#PMOD|PMOD]], andas PLATwell (althoughas [[#PLAT|PLAT]] isin notevery presentgame inpast Scooby Doo: Night of 100 Frights). This block is used to group together various metadata about the archive.
section PVER
section PFLG
section PCNT
section PCRT
section PMOD
section PLAT
This sectionblock contains information about the archive version.
int subVersion
Line 47 ⟶ 68:
int compatible
TODO: document all possible values
This sectionblock contains archive flags. It is unused by the game.
int flags
* In all games, this value always includes 0x2E in the flags. Its meaning is unknown.
* In BFBB, every file except font2.HIP has some extra flags:
** 0x290000 is used in GC US hips
** 0x2A0000 is used in Xbox hips
** 0x2C0000 is used in PS2 hips
** 0x510000 is used in GC mn-pal/mnu3.HIP and mn-pal/mnu3.HOP
** 0x02000000 is used in all BFBB hips except font2.HIP
This block contains counts of specific things, only the first 2 are used by the game.
This section contains counters.
int assetCount
int AHDRCount \\ Amount of AHDR sections
int layerCount
int LHDRCount \\ Amount of LHDR sections
int maxAssetSize
int sizeOfLargestSourceFileAsset
int maxLayerSize
int sizeOfLargestLayer
int maxXformAssetSize
int sizeOfLargestSourceVirtualAsset
'''assetCount''' determines how many assets are in the HIP archive and thus how many [[#AHDR|AHDR]] blocks should be present.
'''layerCount''' determines how many layers are in the HIP archive and thus how many [[#LHDR|LHDR]] blocks should be present.
'''maxAssetSize''' is the largest asset size in bytes out of all assets in the archive.
'''maxLayerSize''' is the size in bytes of the layer that takes up the most space in the [[#DPAK|DPAK]] block, minus the padding bytes at the end.
'''maxXformAssetSize''' is the largest asset size in bytes out of all assets specifically with the <code>READ_TRANSFORM</code> flag set (see [[#AHDR|AHDR]] flags).
This sectionblock contains athe creation date of the archive.
time_t createdDate
int fileDate \\ Date file was compiled
string createdDateString
string dateString \\ Date as string
[https://en.cppreference.com/w/c/chrono/time_t <code>time_t</code>] is stored as a 4-byte int and originates from C/C++. In HIP archives, it is the number of seconds since 00:00, Jan 1 1970 UTC, with a timezone offset of UTC-7:00 (Pacific Time).
'''createdDateString''' always ends with a newline character (<code>'\n'</code>, <code>'\x0A'</code>) in Scooby.
This block contains the latest modification date of the archive.
time_t modifiedDate
This section contains a date
int modDate \\ Date file was last changed
See [[#PCRT|PCRT]] for a definition of <code>time_t</code>.
This sectionblock contains information about the specific game, platform, language, dataetc. the archive was built for. It's not present in Scooby Doo. The format differs between BFBB and its subsequent games:
* Format for Battle for Bikini Bottom
int platformID
string targetPlatform
string targetPlatformNameplatformName
string regionFormatregion
string language
string targetGamegameName
TSSM, Incredibles, ROTU:
* Format for The Incredibles, Spongebob Movie and Rise of the Underminer
int platformID
string targetPlatform
string language
string regionFormatregion
string targetGamegameName
'''platformID''' is a 4-byte ID referring to which platform the archive was built for.
'''platformName''' is a human-readable string corresponding to the platformID.
'''region''' is the archive's target region, either NTSC or PAL.
'''language''' is the archive's target language.
'''gameName''' is the archive's target game. This is always "Sponge Bob" in BFBB and "Incredibles" in TSSM, Incredibles, and ROTU.
TODO: list all possible values for everything
This sectionblock serves as a "dictionary" for all the assets and layers in the HIP archive. It contains no data and 2 subchild sectionsblocks: [[#ATOC|ATOC]] and [[#LTOC|LTOC]].
section ATOC
section LTOC
This section holds all the asset entries for the HIP archive. It contains no data and a [[#AINF|AINF]] child block followed by a variable number of [[#AHDR|AHDR]] child blocks. The number of AHDR blocks should match the '''assetCount''' value found in [[#PCNT|PCNT]]. All AHDR blocks together form a list and is sorted by the '''id''' value found within each block when building the HIP archive.
This section contains one AINF sub section and an array of AHDR sub sections as specified in PCNT.
section AINF
section[AHDRCount] AHDR
This block is unused by the game.
int unknownainf
This value is always 0.
This block defines an entry for an [[asset]]. It contains some data followed by an [[#ADBG|ADBG]] child block.
This section contains data and one ADBG sub section. AHDR is used to define an asset entry.
int id
uint assetID \\ identifier ID for this asset, must be unique for each asset
int type
char[4] [[Asset|assetType]] \\ asset type
int offset
int fileOffset \\ absolute
int fileSizesize
int plus
int plusValue \\ amount of padding after file data
int flags
section ADBG
'''id''' is the asset's unique 4-byte ID, which is calculated by the asset's name using a variation of the BKDR hash algorithm, described [[Data Types#AssetID|here]].
'''type''' is the asset's 4-byte type ID, which is typically human-readable and can be read as an ASCII string if preferred. All known type IDs can be found [[Asset#List of asset types|here]].
'''offset''' is the starting position of the asset's data, relative to the beginning of the file.
'''size''' is the length in bytes of the asset's data.
'''plus''' is the amount of padding bytes present between the end of the asset's data and the next asset in the layer's data. It's calculated from the '''alignment''' value in the [[#ADBG|ADBG]] block. The last asset in each layer has a plus value of 0.
'''flags''' is a bitfield of settings which specifies how the asset's data is stored and how it should be handled by the game:
* 0x1 - SOURCE_FILE - The asset's data was sourced from an external file. The filename/path can be found in the [[#ADBG|ADBG]] child block.
* 0x2 - SOURCE_VIRTUAL - The asset's data was created within the level editor Heavy Iron used. The filename in [[#ADBG|ADBG]] is empty.
* 0x4 - READ_TRANSFORM - The asset's data is stored in a special format which needs to be "transformed" by the game into a runtime-specific format. This applies to all [[RenderWare]] assets, such as [[MODL]], which is stored as a <code>.dff</code> file and needs to be transformed into an "RpClump" (RenderWare object) at runtime.
* 0x8 - WRITE_TRANSFORM - The asset's data needs to be transformed from a runtime-specific format into a special binary format, likely used by Heavy Iron's level editor.
This block defines debug-specific info for its parent [[#AHDR|AHDR]] block. None of this is used by the release builds of any games, but Heavy Iron left it in anyways, and thank goodness for that.
int alignment
int alignment \\ file must be aligned to this amount of bytes in the stream, this will define the plusValue in the AHDR
string assetNamename
string assetFileNamefilename
uintint checksum \\ ignored
'''alignment''' is the multiple of bytes that the asset's data aligns to. This value can be -1 (or any negative value), which means it uses the "default" alignment value for the asset's specific type ID. The default alignment value for each asset type can be found in <code>.LIP</code>/<code>.LOP</code> files in BFBB and Scooby (either 16 or 32 for most types).
'''name''' is the asset's name, which also determines the asset's ID.
'''filename''' is the asset's source filename if the <code>SOURCE_FILE</code> flag is set in the parent [[#AHDR|AHDR]] block.
'''checksum''' is the checksum of the asset's data. The algorithm to calculate the checksum is currently unknown, but it's unused by the game anyways.
This section holds all the layer entries for the HIP archive. It contains no data and a [[#LINF|LINF]] child block followed by a variable number of [[#LHDR|LHDR]] child blocks. The number of LHDR blocks should match the '''layerCount''' value found in [[#PCNT|PCNT]].
This section contains one LINF sub section and an array of LHDR sub sections as specified in PCNT.
section LINF
section[LHDRCount] LHDR
This block is unused by the game.
int unknownlinf
This value is always 0.
This block defines an entry for a layer. It contains some data followed by an [[#LDBG|LDBG]] child block.
This section contains data and one LDBG sub section. LHDR is used to define a layer entry.
int layerTypetype
int assetAmountassetCount
int[assetAmountassetCount] assetIDlistassetIDs
section LDBG
'''type''' is the layer's type ID, which determines what types of assets are stored within this layer. Multiple layers can have the same type ID, which means that assets will be divided evenly between those layers. [[#Layers|Layers]] lists all known type IDs.
'''assetCount''' is the number of assets in this layer.
'''assetIDs''' is a list of all the assets' IDs. The order of IDs in this list determines the order that the assets' data will be stored in [[#DPAK|DPAK]].
This block is unused by the game.
int unknownldbg
This value is always -1 (0xFFFFFFFF).
This sectionblock organizes all of the data for the assets in the HIP archive. It contains no data and 2 subchild sectionsblocks: [[#DHDR|DHDR]] and [[#DPAK|DPAK]].
section DHDR
section DPAK
This block is unused by the game.
int unknowndhdr
This value is always -1 (0xFFFFFFFF).
This section contains a byte array whichblock contains all asset data. AHDR references this, sectiongrouped by fileOffsetlayer.
If AHDRCount is 0, this section is empty (no firstPadding or data).
Each layer is aligned to a fixed size which depends on the target platform:
* GameCube: 32 bytes
* PS2/Xbox: 2048 bytes
Each asset is aligned to the alignment value specified by their corresponding [[#ADBG|ADBG]] block.
In order to align assets and layers, padding bytes are used. All padding bytes have the value <code>0x33</code>.
* All assets, ''except'' for the last asset in each layer, have padding bytes after them. The plus value in each asset's [[#AHDR|AHDR]] block is set to the amount of padding bytes used.
* All layers, including the last one, have padding at the end. The '''maxLayerSize''' value in [[#PCNT|PCNT]] does not include the amount of padding bytes used.
If there are 0 assets ('''assetCount''' in [[#PCNT|PCNT]] is 0), this block contains no data. Otherwise:
int paddingAmount
int firstPadding \\ Initital padding at start of data
char[paddingAmount] padding
byte[] data
char[] data
There is padding between the start of the block and the beginning of the asset data. The amount of padding is calculated from the fixed layer alignment size (described above), minus the first 4 bytes which is reserved for '''paddingAmount'''. It specifies how many padding bytes will follow.
[[HipHopFile]] is a library which can be used to work with HIP files.
==External links==
* [https://github.com/bfbbdecomp/bfbb/blob/master/src/Core/x/xhipio.cpp xhipio.cpp] - BFBB's source code for reading basic blocks and values from HIP archives
* [https://github.com/bfbbdecomp/bfbb/blob/master/src/Core/x/xpkrsvc.cpp xpkrsvc.cpp] - BFBB's source code for reading all assets and layers from BFBB-specific HIP archives
[[Category:File Format]]