Industrial Park (level editor): Difference between revisions

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These are the commands to move the view around:
* W, A, S, D: move view forward, left, backward, right
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** Save: saves the currently open file and overwrites it.
** Save As: allows you to pick a new destination to save the file.
** Display Mode: Choose how asset names will be displayed.
** Import TXD Archive: Allows you to choose a TXD file to import; rather than importing the entire archive, the tool will batch create one asset from each texture of the archive and import it as a RWTX asset.
** Export Textures: exports all RWTX assets to a folder.
** Export knowlife's TXT: exports some assets to a text format. I don't think you really have a reason to use this as it's a function made specifically to help knowlife4 with BFBB HD.
** Close: closes this Archive Editor and unloads the HIP/HOP file. This doesn't save the file.
Closing the Archive Editor through the X button will not close it, only hide it.
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* Layer: assets in HIP/HOP archives are organized into layers. Each layer has a list of assets and if you're adding new assets you should add them to the appropriate layer.
** Layer Box: this will allow you to pick a layer and view its assets.
** Layer Type: this will allow you to see and edit a layer's type. I don't recommend changing this.
** Add: this will add a new layer to the archive.
** Remove: this will delete the selected layer from the archive along with all its assets.
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** Find Asset: type an asset ID here. If an asset with this ID is present, it'll be selected.
** Add: shows the new asset dialog, which allows you to import raw data for a new asset.
** Copy: duplicates an asset. The new asset is a copy of the selected one, but with a new name and asset ID. The internal asset ID of the asset's data, if present, will not be changed.
** Remove: deletes the selected asset from the archive.
** View: will move the view to the selected asset's position. SomeThis button only works for assets don't havewith a position in the world and thus this button won't work.
** Export rawRaw: allows you to export an asset's raw data to a file.
** Edit Header: allows you to edit an existing asset's [[HIP#AHDR|AHDR]], which includes the ID, name and other information, and also replace the raw data with a new file.
** Internal Edit Data: opens the selected asset in the internal editor. This allows you to edit some of the asset's data. NotThis alleditor ofis theonly dataavailable isfor shown[[#Asset inTypes|some of the internal editor andassets]]; for somethe assetsothers, you must export the raw data and edit it externally in a hex editor.
* You can click on an asset in the view to select it in the Archive Editor.
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! Asset
! Status
! Info
| align=center | [[BOUL]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>, <span style="color:#0000FF">Display from model</span>
| align=center | [[BSP]]
|| <span style="color:#0000FF">Display</span>
|| BSP models will be displayed in the world. You can import new ones made in other editors/exporters, but Industrial Park doesn't have converting or editing features.
| align=center | [[BUTN]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>, <span style="color:#0000FF">Display from model</span>
| align=center | [[CAM]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>, <span style="color:#0000FF">Display as widget</span>
|| The view button will place Industrial Park's view in the exact position the camera assumes ingame. The internal editor features functions to get the position and direction of the camera from Industrial Park's view.
| align=center | [[CNTR]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>
| align=center | [[COND]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>
| align=center | [[DPAT]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>
| align=center | [[DSTR]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>, <span style="color:#0000FF">Display from model</span>
| align=center | [[DYNA]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>
|| Allows editing of almost all DYNA types, but not TaskBox.
| align=center | [[FOG]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>
|| Allows editing of fog settings and colors.
| align=center | [[GRUP]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>
| align=center | [[JSP]]
|| <span style="color:#0000FF">Display</span>
|| JSP models will be displayed in the world. You can import new ones made in other editors/exporters, but Industrial Park doesn't have converting or editing features.
| align=center | [[MAPR]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>
| align=center | [[MINF]]
|| <span style="color:#0000FF">Use for display</span>
|| MINF assets cannot be edited, but they will be used to find a MODL to display assets as.
| align=center | [[MODL]]
|| <span style="color:#0000FF">Display</span>
|| Assets with references to MINF or MODL will be displayed as that model in the world. You can import new DFFs made in other editors/exporters, but Industrial Park doesn't have converting or editing features.
| align=center | [[MRKR]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>, <span style="color:#0000FF">Display as markerwidget</span>
| align=center | [[MVPT]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>, <span style="color:#0000FF">Display as marker/triggerwidget</span>
| align=center | [[PICK]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>, <span style="color:#0000FF">Use for display</span>
|| PKUP assets will try to find their models from the references in the PICK asset, so for that, boot.hip must be opened in an Archive Editor. Otherwise, the PKUPs will be displayed as widgets.
| align=center | [[PIPT]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>
| align=center | [[PKUP]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>, <span style="color:#0000FF">Display from model</span>
| align=center | [[PLAT]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>, <span style="color:#0000FF">Display from model</span>
| align=center | [[PLYR]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>, <span style="color:#0000FF">Display from model</span>
| align=center | [[PORT]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>
| align=center | [[SHDW]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>
| align=center | [[SIMP]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>, <span style="color:#0000FF">Display from model</span>
| align=center | [[SURF]]
|| <span style="color:#FF0000">Limited editing</span>
|| Doesn't allow you to edit all fields yet.
| align=center | [[TEXT]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>
| align=center | [[TIMR]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>
| align=center | [[TRIG]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>, <span style="color:#0000FF">Display as triggerwidget</span>
| align=center | [[VIL]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>, <span style="color:#0000FF">Display from model</span>