List of Events/BFBB: Difference between revisions

(→‎List: typo and task)
Line 12:
| 0x0000||Unknown||||||
| 0x0001||Enable||All||0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [[AssetID]]None||Turns on event handling for an object asset.
| 0x0002||Disable||All||0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [[AssetID]]None||Turns off event handling for an object asset.
| 0x0003||Visible||All||
Line 30:
||Turns off rendering for an object asset. If '''Unknown''' is 77, plays a [ pop-out animation].
| 0x0005||<span id="EnterPlayer">EnterPlayer</span>||[[TRIG]]||0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0None||Fired by the [[PLYR]] whenever it enters a [[TRIG]]'s volume.
| 0x0006||<span id="ExitPlayer">ExitPlayer</span>||[[TRIG]]||0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0None||Fired by the [[PLYR]] whenever it exits a [[TRIG]]'s volume.
| 0x0007||TouchPlayer||||||Unused
| 0x0008||ControlOff||[[PLYR]]||0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [[AssetID]]None||Disables controller input except for the camera controls, and shows black bars on the top and bottom of the screen.
| 0x0009||ControlOn||[[PLYR]]||0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0None||Enables controller input and removes the black bars from the screen.
| 0x000A||Reset||All||0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [[AssetID]]None||Resets an object asset to its initial position/values.
| 0x000B||<span id="Increment">Increment</span>||[[CNTR]]||0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0||Increases a [[CNTR]]'s value by 1. If the new value is between 1 and 20, one of the events from [[#Count1|Count1]] to [[#Count20|Count20]] is fired.
Line 126:
| 0x0032||Respawn||[[GRUP]], [[VIL]]||0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0||
| 0x0033||PlayerDeath||All||None||UnusedSent to all objects when the player dies while on a Bungee.
| 0x0034||GiveChance||||||Unused
Line 178:
| 0x004C||PadPressLeft||[[UI]], [[UIFT]]||?||
| 0x004D||FontBackdropOn||[[UIFT]]||?None||Shows the background.
| 0x004E||FontBackdropOff||[[UIFT]]||?None||Hides the background.
| 0x004F||UI Select||[[UI]], [[UIFT]]||?None||Selects
| 0x0050||UI Unselect||[[UI]], [[UIFT]]||?None||Unselects
| 0x0051||UI Focus On||[[GRUPUI]], [[UIFT]]||?None||Unknown, sends Visible to self?
| 0x0052||UI Focus Off||[[GRUPUI]], [[UIFT]]||?None||Unknown, sends Invisible to self?
| 0x0053||Collision On||[[GRUP]], [[PLAT]], [[SIMP]]||?||Enables the solidity flag on a [[Placeable Asset|placeable asset]].
Line 198:
| 0x0056||Collision+Visible Off||[[BOUL]], [[DSTR]], [[GRUP]], [[PKUP]], [[PLAT]], [[SIMP]]||?||Disables both the solidity and visibility flag on a [[Placeable Asset|placeable asset]].
| 0x0057||Scene Prepare||All||?None||Sent to all assetsobjects whichwhen arethe enabledscene onis levelfinished startloading.
| 0x0058||Scene Finish||All||?None||Sent to all objects right after Room Finish.
| 0x0059||Room Prepare||All||?None||Sent to all objects right after Scene Prepare.
| 0x005A||Room Finish||All||None||Sent to all objects when the scene is exiting (when warping to a new scene) or resetting (when the player dies).
| 0x005A||Room Finish||||?||
| 0x005B||LobMaster Shoot||||?||
Line 212:
| 0x005D||FallToDeath||[[PLYR]]||?||
| 0x005E||UI Focus On+Select||[[UI]], [[UIFT]]||?None||Sends UI Focus On then UI Select to self.
| 0x005F||UI Focus Off+Unselect||[[GRUP]], [[UI]], [[UIFT]]||?None||Sends UI Focus Off then UI Unselect to self.
| 0x0060||Set Pad Config to Preset A||||?||
Line 694:
| 0x014D||NPCScript_LeadPlayer||||?||
| 0x014E||Set Text||[[UIFT]]||?[[AssetID]] textAssetID||Replaces the text.
| 0x014F||Start Conversation||[[CAM]], [[game_object:talk_box]], [[game_object:task_box]]||?||
Line 704:
| 0x0152||Add Text||||?||
| 0x0153||Clear Text||[[UIFT]]||?None||Clears the text.
| 0x0154||Open Teleport Box||[[game_object:Teleport]]||?||Opens a [[game_object:Teleport]] Box.
Line 776:
| 0x0176||Duplotron_DuperIsDoner||[[VIL]]||?||Sent when all enemies specified in a Dupetron's events are killed.
| 0x0177||Bus Switch Character||[[game_object:BusStop]]||?None||Sent when the player character is switched at a Bus Stop.
| 0x0178||Group Update Together||[[GRUP]]||?||All objects in the group will update together, so they will not desync their movement when not loaded.
Line 976:
| 0x01DA||Switch Player Character||[[PLYR]]||character (0 for Patrick, 1 for Sandy),?||Switches the [[PLYR]] to another character, set by the argument.
| 0x01DB||Level Begin||All||None||Sent to all objects right after Scene Enter, only if the scene is in a different "level" than the previous scene, e.g. Bikini Bottom to Jellyfish Fields.
| 0x01DB||Level Begin||[[game_object:Flythrough]]||?||
| 0x01DC||Scene Reset (death)||[[DPAT]]All||?None||Sent to all objects right after Room Prepare, when the player respawns from a death.
| 0x01DD||Scene Enter||[[BUTN]], [[CSNM]], [[DPAT]]All||?None||Sent to all objects right after Room Prepare.
| 0x01DE||Destroyed Tiki||||?||
Line 1,028:
| 0x01F4||See Robot Plankton||||?||
| 0x01F5||Change Texture of UI||[[UI]], [[UIFT]]||?[[AssetID]] textureID||Replaces background texture. If textureID is 0 or invalid, clears background texture.
| 0x01F6||NPC Cheer For Me||[[VIL]]||?||
| 0x01F7||Fast Visible||All?||?||
| 0x01F8||Fast Invisible||All?||?||
| 0x01F9||ZipLine Mount||||?||
Line 1,086:
| 0x0211||Credits stop||[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x0212||Credits ended||[[DPAT]]||?None||Sent when a [[CRDT]] asset is done playing.
| 0x0213||Bubble Wipe||||?||
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