List of Events/BFBB: Difference between revisions

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| 0x0000||Unknown||||||
| 0x0001||Enable||All||N/A0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [[AssetID]]||Turns on event handling for an object asset.
| 0x0002||Disable||All||N/A0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [[AssetID]]||Turns off event handling for an object asset.
| 0x0003||Visible||All||
[[SIMP]], [[PLAT]], [[BOUL]]:
* float '''Unknown''', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
* [[CRDT]] '''Credits''', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
||Turns on rendering for an object asset. If '''Unknown''' is 77, plays a [ pop-in animation].
| 0x0004||Invisible||All||
[[SIMP]], [[PLAT]], [[BOUL]]:
* float '''Unknown'''
* 0, 0, 0, 0, [[CRDT]] '''Credits''', 0
||Turns off rendering for an object asset. If '''Unknown''' is 77, plays a [ pop-out animation].
| 0x0005||<span id="EnterPlayer">EnterPlayer</span>||[[TRIG]]||N/A0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0||Fired by the [[PLYR]] whenever it enters a [[TRIG]]'s volume.
| 0x0006||<span id="ExitPlayer">ExitPlayer</span>||[[TRIG]]||N/A0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0||Fired by the [[PLYR]] whenever it exits a [[TRIG]]'s volume.
| 0x0007||TouchPlayer||||?||Unused
| 0x0008||ControlOff||[[PLYR]]||N/A0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [[AssetID]]||Disables controller input except for the camera controls, and shows black bars on the top and bottom of the screen.
| 0x0009||ControlOn||[[PLYR]]||N/A0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0||Enables controller input and removes the black bars from the screen.
| 0x000A||Reset||All||N/A0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [[AssetID]]||Resets an object asset to its initial position/values.
| 0x000B||<span id="Increment">Increment</span>||[[CNTR]]||?0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0||Increases a [[CNTR]]'s value by 1. If the new value is between 1 and 20, one of the events from [[#Count1|Count1]] to [[#Count20|Count20]] is fired.
| 0x000C||<span id="Decrement">Decrement</span>||[[CNTR]], [[GRUP]]||?float '''Unknown''', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0||Decreases a [[CNTR]]'s value by 1. If the new value is 0, [[#Expired|Expired]] is fired. Otherwise, if the new value is between 1 and 20, one of the events from [[#Count1|Count1]] to [[#Count20|Count20]] is fired.
| 0x000D||Open||||?||Unused
| 0x000E||Close||||?||Unused
| 0x000F||Toggle||[[BUTN]]||?0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0||Toggles a [[BUTN]]'s pressed state.
| 0x0010||Teleport Player||[[PORT]]||0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0||Teleports the [[PLYR|player]] using a '''Portal'''[[PORT|portal]]. If the '''Portal'''portal's destination level is the same as the current level, the player teleports instantly. Otherwise, a loading screen appears for the destination level. Moves the [[PLYR]]player to the '''Portal'''portal's Marker[[MRKR|marker]] and rotates both the [[PLYR]]player and the camera to the '''Portal'''portal's Rotationrotation.
| 0x0010||Teleport Player||[[PLYR]]||
* [[PORT]] '''Portal'''
||Teleports the player using a '''Portal'''. If the '''Portal''''s destination level is the same as the current level, the player teleports instantly. Otherwise, a loading screen appears for the destination level. Moves the [[PLYR]] to the '''Portal''''s Marker and rotates both the [[PLYR]] and the camera to the '''Portal''''s Rotation.
| 0x0011||OutOfBounds||[[PLYR]]||?float '''Unknown''', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0||Causes the hand to immediately take the player off-screen and place him/her back into the level.
| 0x0012||Run||[[DYNA\game_object:Camera_Tweak​|game_object:Camera_Tweak]], [[DYNA\game_object:Flythrough|game_object:Flythrough​]], [[GRUP]], [[PLAT]], [[TIMR]]||?||Starts a [[TIMR]].
||float '''Unknown''', float '''Unknown''', float '''Unknown''', float '''Unknown''', [[AssetID]], [[AssetID]]
||Starts a [[TIMR]].
| 0x0013||Stop||[[DYNA\game_object:Camera_Tweak​|game_object:Camera_Tweak]], [[DYNA\game_object:Flythrough|game_object:Flythrough​]], [[GRUP]], [[PLAT]], [[SFX]], [[TIMR]]||?0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [[AssetID]]||Pauses a [[TIMR]]?
| 0x0014||<span id="Expired">Expired</span>||[[CNTR]], [[GRUP]], [[TIMR]]||?0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0||Fired from [[#Decrement|Decrement]] if a [[CNTR]]'s new value is 0.
Fired when a running [[TIMR]] reaches 0.
| 0x0015||Move||||?||Unused
| 0x0016||Destroy||[[DSTR]], [[GRUP]]||?0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [[AssetID]]||
| 0x0017||Pause||||?||Unused
| 0x0018||Play||[[CSNM]], [[GRUP]], [[SFX]]||?0, 0, 0, 0, [[AssetID]], [[AssetID]]||
| 0x0019||PlayOne||||?||Unused
| 0x001A||PlayMaybe||[[SFX]]||?0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0||
| 0x001B||RoomStart||||?||Unused
| 0x001C||Invalidate||||?||Unused
| 0x001D||Tilt||||?||Unused
| 0x001E||Untilt||||?||Unused
| 0x001F||Arrive||[[MVPT]], [[PLAT]]||?||
| 0x0020||Mount||[[DYNA\game_object:bungee_hook​|game_object:bungee_hook​]], [[GRUP]] [[PKUP]], [[PLAT]]||?0, 0, 0, 0, [[AssetID]], 0||
| 0x0021||Dismount||[[DYNA\game_object:bungee_hook​|game_object:bungee_hook​]], [[PLAT]]||?||
Line 88 ⟶ 94:
| 0x0022||Break||[[PLAT]]||?||
| 0x0023||Pickup||[[PKUP]]||?0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0||Collects a [[PKUP]]. Fired by the [[PLYR]] when it touches a [[PKUP]].
| 0x0024||Death||[[VIL]]||?0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0||
| 0x0025||Kill||[[BOUL]], [[GRUP]], [[PLYR]], [[VIL]]||?0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [[AssetID]]||
| 0x0026||On||[[EGEN]], [[FOG]], [[GRUP]], [[MVPT]], [[PARE]], [[SURF]]||?float '''Unknown''', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0||
| 0x0027||Off||[[EGEN]], [[GRUP]], [[MVPT]], [[PARE]], [[PARS]], [[SURF]]||?0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0||
| 0x0028||Patrol On||[[VIL]]||?0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0||
| 0x0029||Patrol Off||[[VIL]]||?0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0||
| 0x002A||Wander On||||?||Unused
| 0x002B||Wander Off||||?||Unused
| 0x002C||Detect Player On||[[GRUP]], [[VIL]]||?0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0||
| 0x002D||Detect Player Off||[[GRUP]], [[VIL]]||?0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0||
| 0x002E||Chase Player On||||?||Unused
| 0x002F||Chase Player Off||[[VIL]]||?0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0||
| 0x0030||Go To Sleep||||?||Unused
| 0x0031||Wake Up Villain||||?||Unused
| 0x0032||Respawn||[[GRUP]], [[VIL]]||?0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0||
| 0x0033||PlayerDeath||||?||Unused
| 0x0034||GiveChance||||?||Unused
| 0x0035||GiveShinyObjects||[[PLYR]]||float '''Amount''', 0, 0, 0, 0, [[AssetID]]||Gives '''Amount''' Shiny Objects to the player. A negative number takes away Shiny Objects.
*float '''Amount''' - How many Shiny Objects to give. A negative number means to take away Shiny Objects.
||Gives '''Amount''' Shiny Objects to the player.
*| 0x0036||GiveHealth||[[PLYR]]||float '''Amount''', -0, How0, many0, 0, 0||Gives '''Amount''' Underwear to givethe player. A negative number means to taketakes away Underwear. If set'''Amount''' tois -666, Underwear is onlynot taken away if the player hasonly at leasthas one Underwear left.
| 0x0036||GiveHealth||[[PLYR]]||
*float '''Amount''' - How many Underwear to give. A negative number means to take away Underwear. If set to -666, Underwear is only taken away if the player has at least one Underwear left.
||Gives '''Amount''' Underwear to the player.
| 0x0037||ButtonPress||[[BUTN]], [[GRUP]]||?0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0||Fired by [[BUTN]] upon being pressed.
| 0x0038||ButtonUnpress||[[BUTN]]||?0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [[AssetID]]||Fired by [[BUTN]] upon being unpressed.
| 0x0039||ArriveHalfway||[[PLAT]]||?||
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