List of Events/BFBB: Difference between revisions

mNo edit summary
Line 20:
| 0x0004||Invisible||All||?||Turns off rendering for an object asset.
| 0x0005||<span id="EnterPlayer">EnterPlayer</span>||[[TRIG]]||?||TheSent game sends this event toby a Trigger[[TRIG]] onwhenever the frame that the Playerplayer enters its collision area. This event is *not* continuously sent during the frames that the Player is still insidevolume.
| 0x0006||<span id="ExitPlayer">ExitPlayer</span>||[[TRIG]]||?||TheSent game sends this event toby a Trigger[[TRIG]] onwhenever the frameplayer that the Player exitsenters its collision area. This event is *not* continuously sent during the frames that the Player is still outsidevolume.
| 0x0007||TouchPlayer||||?||
| 0x0008||ControlOff||[[PLYR]]||?||DisablesTurns alloff usergamepad/controller input. This event is mainly used when starting a cutscene.
| 0x0009||ControlOn||[[PLYR]]||?||Turns on gamepad/controller input.
| 0x000A||Reset||[[BOUL]], [[BUTN]], [[CNTR]], [[DYNA\game_object:task_box​|game_object:task_box​]], [[DYNA\game_object:BoulderGenerator|​game_object:BoulderGenerator]], [[GRUP]], [[PLAT]], [[SIMP]], [[TIMR]]||?||Resets asset to original position/value.
| 0x000B||<span id="Increment">Increment</span>||Counter (37)[[CNTR]]||?||Increases a CNTR’s[[CNTR]]’s value by 1. Automatically sends one of the events from [[#Count1|Count1]] to [[#Count20|Count20]], based on the resulting value of the increment.
| 0x000C||<span id="Decrement">Decrement</span>||Counter (456)[[CNTR]], Group (2)[[GRUP]]||?||Decreases a [[CNTR]]'s value by 1. Automatically sends one of the events from [[#Count1|Count1]] to [[#Count20|Count20]], based on the resulting value of the decrement.
| 0x000D||Open||||?||
Line 40:
| 0x000E||Close||||?||
| 0x000F||Toggle||[[BUTN]]||?||Toggles [[BUTN]] state.
| 0x0010||Teleport Player||[[PLYR]]||
| 0x0010||Teleport Player||PLYR||AssetID PORT||Teleports the player using a Portal. If the Portal's destination level is the same as the current level, the player will teleport instantly. Otherwise, a loading screen will appear for the destination level.
* [[AssetID]] '''[[PORT|Portal]]'''
| 0x0010||Teleport Player||PLYR||AssetID PORT||Teleports the player using a '''Portal'''. If the '''Portal''''s destination level is the same as the current level, the player will teleport instantly. Otherwise, a loading screen will appear for the destination level.
| 0x0011||OutOfBounds||[[PLYR]]||?||Causes the hand to immediately take the player off-screen and place him/her back into the level.
| 0x0012||Run||[[DYNA\game_object:Camera_Tweak​|game_object:Camera_Tweak]], [[DYNA\game_object:Flythrough|game_object:Flythrough​]], [[GRUP]], [[PLAT]], [[TIMR]]||?||Starts a [[TIMR]].
| 0x0013||Stop||[[DYNA\game_object:Camera_Tweak​|game_object:Camera_Tweak]], [[DYNA\game_object:Flythrough|game_object:Flythrough​]], FLY[[GRUP]], [[PLAT]], [[SFX]], [[TIMR]]||?||Pauses a [[TIMR]]?
| 0x0014||Expired||TIMR[[CNTR]], CNTR[[GRUP]], [[TIMR]]||?||Sent when countera [[CNTR]]/timer[[TIMR]] value reaches 0.
| 0x0015||Move||||?||
| 0x0016||Destroy||Destructible Object (310)[[DSTR]], Group (3)[[GRUP]]||?||
| 0x0017||Pause||||?||
| 0x0018||Play||SFX (1955)[[CSNM]], Cutscene Mgr (39)[[GRUP]], Group (30)[[SFX]]||?||
| 0x0019||PlayOne||||?||
| 0x001A||PlayMaybe||[[SFX (23)]]||?||
| 0x001B||RoomStart||||?||
Line 72 ⟶ 74:
| 0x001E||Untilt||||?||
| 0x001F||Arrive||Mechanism (232)[[MVPT]], Move Point (133)[[PLAT]]||?||
| 0x0020||Mount||Platform (195), Mechanism (91), Power Up/Item (74), Breakaway Platform (52), [[DYNA\game_object:bungee_hook (6)bungee_hook​|game_object:bungee_hook​]], Springboard[[GRUP]] Platform (5)[[PKUP]], Group (2)[[PLAT]]||?||
| 0x0021||Dismount||Platform (92), Mechanism (26), [[DYNA\game_object:bungee_hook (6)bungee_hook​|game_object:bungee_hook​]], Springboard Platform (1)[[PLAT]]||?||
| 0x0022||Break||Breakaway Platform (42)[[PLAT]]||?||
| 0x0023||Pickup||Power Up/Item (249)[[PKUP]]||?||
| 0x0024||Death||NPC (243)[[VIL]]||?||
| 0x0025||Kill||Boulder (84)[[BOUL]], NPC (22)[[GRUP]], Group (4)[[PLYR]], Player (1)[[VIL]]||?||
| 0x0026||On||Particle Emitter (158)[[EGEN]], Electric Arc Generator (52)[[FOG]], Fog (35)[[GRUP]], Group (10)[[MVPT]], Move Point (10)[[PARE]], Surface (8)[[SURF]]||?||
| 0x0027||Off||Particle Emitter (134)[[EGEN]], Electric Arc Generator (53)[[GRUP]], Group (19)[[MVPT]], Surface (8)[[PARE]], Move Point (6)[[PARS]], Particle System (2)[[SURF]]||?||
| 0x0028||Patrol On||NPC (1)[[VIL]]||?||
| 0x0029||Patrol Off||NPC (3)[[VIL]]||?||
| 0x002A||Wander On||||?||
Line 98 ⟶ 100:
| 0x002B||Wander Off||||?||
| 0x002C||Detect Player On||NPC (94)[[GRUP]], Group (2)[[VIL]]||?||
| 0x002D||Detect Player Off||NPC (90)[[GRUP]], Group (4)[[VIL]]||?||
| 0x002E||Chase Player On||||?||
| 0x002F||Chase Player Off||NPC (5)[[VIL]]||?||
| 0x0030||Go To Sleep||||?||
Line 110 ⟶ 112:
| 0x0031||Wake Up Villain||||?||
| 0x0032||Respawn||NPC (6)[[GRUP]], Group (1)[[VIL]]||?||
| 0x0033||PlayerDeath||||?||
Line 116 ⟶ 118:
| 0x0034||GiveChance||||?||
| 0x0035||GiveShinyObjects||[[PLYR]]||
| 0x0035||GiveShinyObjects||Player (99)||float amount||Changes the Player's Shiny Object count by amount. Animates the UI and plays a sound effect in the same way that you normally collect Shiny Objects. amount can be positive or negative. It's also converted to an integer at runtime, so any decimals will cause it to be rounded up to the next integer. This event is most often sent by Clams to subtract Shiny Objects once you confirm to pay them.
*float '''Amount'''
||Gives or takes away an '''Amount''' of Shiny Objects to or from the player.
| 0x0036||GiveHealth||Player (58)[[PLYR]]||?||Gives or takes away player health.
| 0x0037||ButtonPress||[[BUTN]], [[GRUP]]||?||Sent by [[BUTN]] upon being pressed.
| 0x0038||ButtonUnpress||[[BUTN]]||?||Sent by [[BUTN]] upon being unpressed.
| 0x0039||ArriveHalfway||Mechanism (15)[[PLAT]]||?||
| 0x003A||Hit||Simple Object (29)[[DSTR]], Mechanism (10)[[PLAT]], Destructible Object (1)[[SIMP]]||?||
| 0x003B||ButtonPressAction||||?||
| 0x003C||Evaluate||[[COND]], [[GRUP]]||?||Evaluates a [[COND]], causing it to fire either [[#True|True]] or [[#False|False]].
| 0x003D||<span id="True">True</span>||[[COND]]||?||Sent by the [[COND]] upon evaluation of condition to true.
| 0x003E||<span id="False">False</span>||[[COND]]||?||Sent by the [[COND]] upon evaluation of condition to false.
| 0x003F||PadPressX||[[UI Font (445)]], UI (20)[[UIFT]]||?||
| 0x0040||PadPressSquare||[[DYNA\game_object:talk_box (4)|game_object:talk_box]]||?||
| 0x0041||PadPressO||UI Font (46), [[DYNA\game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]], (4)[[UI]]||?||
| 0x0042||PadPressTriangle||UI Font (500), [[DYNA\game_object:talk_box|game_object:talk_box]], (4)[[UIFT]]||?||
| 0x0043||PadPressL1||||?||
| 0x0044||PadPressL2||[[DYNA\game_object:talk_box (1)|game_object:talk_box]]||?||
| 0x0045||PadPressR1||[[DYNA\game_object:talk_box (424)|game_object:talk_box]], UI Font (24)[[UIFT]]||?||
| 0x0046||PadPressR2||[[DYNA\game_object:talk_box (1)|game_object:talk_box]], UI Font (1)[[UIFT]]||?||
| 0x0047||PadPressStart||UI Font (37)[[UIFT]]||?||
| 0x0048||PadPressSelect||||?||
| 0x0049||PadPressUp||[[UI Font (202)]], UI (123)[[UIFT]]||?||
| 0x004A||PadPressDown||[[UI Font (182)]], UI (120)[[UIFT]]||?||
| 0x004B||PadPressRight||[[UI Font (156)]], UI (70)[[UIFT]]||?||
| 0x004C||PadPressLeft||[[UI Font (156)]], UI (70)[[UIFT]]||?||
| 0x004D||FontBackdropOn||||?||
Line 168 ⟶ 172:
| 0x004E||FontBackdropOff||||?||
| 0x004F||UI Select||[[UI Font (623)]], UI (152)[[UIFT]]||?||
| 0x0050||UI Unselect||[[UI Font (303)]], UI (173)[[UIFT]]||?||
| 0x0051||UI Focus On||Group (100)[[GRUP]], UI Font (45)[[UIFT]]||?||
| 0x0052||UI Focus Off||UI Font (28)[[GRUP]], Group (2)[[UIFT]]||?||
| 0x0053||Collision On||Platform (13)[[GRUP]], Mechanism (8)[[PLAT]], Simple Object (7), Group (4)[[SIMP]]||?||
| 0x0054||Collision Off||Simple Object (31)[[DSTR]], Group (25)[[GRUP]], Platform (13)[[PLAT]], Destructible Object (7), Mechanism (4)[[SIMP]]||?||
| 0x0055||Collision+Visible On||Power Up/Item (105)[[GRUP]], Mechanism (93)[[PKUP]], Simple Object (62)[[PLAT]], Platform (54), Springboard Platform (44), Group (38), Conveyer Belt (8)[[SIMP]]||?||
| 0x0056||Collision+Visible Off||Mechanism (116)[[BOUL]], Group (96)[[DSTR]], Simple Object (69)[[GRUP]], Platform (52)[[PKUP]], Destructible Object (36)[[PLAT]], Springboard Platform (11), Power Up/Item (8), Boulder (4)[[SIMP]]||?||
| 0x0057||Scene Prepare||All||?||Sent to all assets which are enabled on level start.
Line 188 ⟶ 192:
| 0x0058||Scene Finish||||?||
| 0x0059||Room Prepare||All||?||
| 0x0059||Room Prepare||Dispatcher (62), Timer (34), NPC (18), Group (4), Mechanism (4), Conditional (3), Counter (3), Env (3), Fog (2), Power Up/Item (2), SFX (2), UI Font (2), Electric Arc Generator (1)||?||
| 0x005A||Room Finish||||?||
Line 196 ⟶ 200:
| 0x005C||LobMaster Reset||||?||
| 0x005D||FallToDeath||Player (1)[[PLYR]]||?||
| 0x005E||UI Focus On+Select||[[UI Font (249)]], UI (226)[[UIFT]]||?||
| 0x005F||UI Focus Off+Unselect||UI (180)[[GRUP]], Group (132)[[UI]], UI Font (118)[[UIFT]]||?||
| 0x0060||Set Pad Config to Preset A||||?||
Line 210 ⟶ 214:
| 0x0063||Set Pad Config to Preset D||||?||
| 0x0064||Pad Vibrate On||Dispatcher (15)[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x0065||Pad Vibrate Off||Dispatcher (15)[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x0066||Mono Sound||Dispatcher (9)[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x0067||Stereo Sound||Dispatcher (9)[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x0068||Increase Master Volume||||?||
Line 222 ⟶ 226:
| 0x0069||Decrease Master Volume||||?||
| 0x006A||Increase Music Volume||Dispatcher (12)[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x006B||Decrease Music Volume||Dispatcher (12)[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x006C||Increase SFX Volume||Dispatcher (12)[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x006D||Decrease SFX Volume||Dispatcher (12)[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x006E||IntroState_Sony||||?||
Line 266 ⟶ 270:
| 0x007F||SaveState_Count||||?||
| 0x0080||PauseState_Pause||Dispatcher (10)[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x0081||PauseState_Options||||?||
Line 274 ⟶ 278:
| 0x0083||GameState_FirstTime||||?||
| 0x0084||GameState_Play||Dispatcher (28)[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x0085||GameState_LoseChance||||?||
Line 304 ⟶ 308:
| 0x0092||SetLoadState_SelectSlot||||?||
| 0x0093||SetLoadState_Loading||Dispatcher (5)[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x0094||SetLoadState_Count||||?||
Line 312 ⟶ 316:
| 0x0096||SetOptionsState_Count||||?||
| 0x0097||SetSaveState_SelectMemCard||Dispatcher (2)[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x0098||SetSaveState_SelectSlot||||?||
| 0x0099||SetSaveState_Saving||Dispatcher (3)[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x009A||SetSaveState_Count||||?||
Line 326 ⟶ 330:
| 0x009D||SetPauseState_Count||||?||
| 0x009E||SetGameState_FirstTime||Dispatcher (4)[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x009F||SetGameState_Play||Dispatcher (13)[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x00A0||SetGameState_LoseChance||||?||
Line 342 ⟶ 346:
| 0x00A5||GameState_Exit||||?||
| 0x00A6||SetGameState_Exit||Dispatcher (3)[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x00A7||LobMaster Shoot From Widget||||?||
| 0x00A8||Back||Dispatcher[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x00A9||Cancel||Dispatcher[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x00AA||Retry||Dispatcher[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x00AB||Select Card||Dispatcher[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x00AC||Select Slot||Dispatcher[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x00AD||OK||Dispatcher[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x00AE||VilHurtBoss||||?||
Line 366 ⟶ 370:
| 0x00B1||AttackOff||||?||
| 0x00B2||Drop pickup||Power Up/Item[[PKUP]]||?||
| 0x00B3||VilReport_StartingIdle||||?||
Line 390 ⟶ 394:
| 0x00BD||VilReport_StartingRetreat||||?||
| 0x00BE||Preload||Cutscene Mgr (38)[[CSNM]]||?||
| 0x00BF||Done||Cutscene Mgr (119)[[CSNM]], [[SFX (15)]]||?||
| 0x00C0||Arcto||Move Point (38)[[MVPT]], Platform (28)[[PLAT]]||?||
| 0x00C1||Digup Reaction||||?||
| 0x00C2||Set Check Point||Dispatcher[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x00C3||AnimPlay||Simple Object (170)[[DSTR]], Platform (39)[[GRUP]], Breakaway Platform (21)[[PLAT]], Destructible Object (18), Mechanism (12), Group (1)[[SIMP]]||?||
| 0x00C4||AnimPlayLoop||Simple Object (152)[[GRUP]], Platform (32)[[PLAT]], Mechanism (9), Group (1)[[SIMP]]||?||
| 0x00C5||AnimStop||Platform (2)[[PLAT]], Simple Object (1)[[SIMP]]||?||
| 0x00C6||AnimPause||Simple Object (5)[[SIMP]]||?||
| 0x00C7||AnimResume||||?||
Line 416 ⟶ 420:
| 0x00CA||AnimPlayMaybe||||?||
| 0x00CB||SetSpeed||Platform (10)[[PLAT]]||?||
| 0x00CC||Accelerate||||?||
Line 434 ⟶ 438:
| 0x00D3||ShaggyAction||||?||
| 0x00D4||EnterEntity||Trigger (104)[[TRIG]]||?||
| 0x00D5||ExitEntity||Trigger (6)[[TRIG]]||?||
| 0x00D6||ENTER FLAGGED - DO NOT USE||||?||
Line 442 ⟶ 446:
| 0x00D7||EXIT FLAGGED - DO NOT USE||||?||
| 0x00D8||Drivenby||[[PLAT]]||?||
| 0x00D8||Drivenby||Mechanism (360), Platform (229), Springboard Platform (23), Breakaway Platform (12), Teeter-Totter (12)||?||
| 0x00D9||FollowTarget||||?||
Line 462 ⟶ 466:
| 0x00E1||Shaggy8_ClearMagnet||||?||
| 0x00E2||StartMoving||Mechanism (195), Teeter-Totter (26), Platform (8)[[PLAT]]||?||
| 0x00E3||StopMoving||Platform (68), Mechanism (50), Teeter-Totter (19)[[PLAT]]||?||
| 0x00E4||Swoosh||||?||
Line 506 ⟶ 510:
| 0x00F7||SetTextureAnimGroup||||?||
| 0x00F8||SetTextureAnimSpeed||Surface (1)[[SURF]]||?||
| 0x00F9||TextureAnimateStep||||?||
Line 524 ⟶ 528:
| 0x0100||VilGangTalkOff||||?||
| 0x0101||Give PowerUp||Player (2)[[PLYR]]||float powerup||0 = Bubble Bowl, 1 = Cruise Bubble
*float '''Powerup'''
||0 = Bubble Bowl, 1 = Cruise Bubble
| 0x0102||Unlock R001||||?||
Line 534 ⟶ 540:
| 0x0105||Unlock F001||||?||
| 0x0106||Disable Group Contents||Group (26)[[GRUP]]||?||
| 0x0107||ShaggyPhysHack||||?||
Line 582 ⟶ 588:
| 0x011D||SituationPlayerFailure||||?||
| 0x011E||Show Hud||Dispatcher (3)[[DPAT]], Group (1)[[GRUP]]||?||
| 0x011F||Hide Hud||Dispatcher (1)[[DPAT]], Group (1)[[GRUP]]||?||
| 0x0120||&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;FADE OUT||Dispatcher (1)[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x0121||SetRain||||?||
Line 598 ⟶ 604:
| 0x0125||WaitForInput||||?||
| 0x0126||Play Movie||Dispatcher (20)[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x0127||Mastermind is defeated||||?||
Line 604 ⟶ 610:
| 0x0128||-||||?||There is no event defined for this ID for some reason.
| 0x0129||PlayMusic||Dispatcher (73)[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x012A||Forward||Mechanism (303)[[GRUP]], Group (22)[[PLAT]]||?||
| 0x012B||Reverse||Mechanism (226)[[GRUP]], Group (14)[[PLAT]]||?||
| 0x012C||PlayerRumbleTest||||?||
| 0x012D||PlayerRumbleLight||Player (1)[[PLYR]]||?||
| 0x012E||PlayerRumbleMedium||||?||
| 0x012F||PlayerRumbleHeavy||Player (2)[[PLYR]]||?||
| 0x0130||Screen Adjustment ON||Dispatcher (7)[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x0131||Screen Adjustment OFF||Dispatcher (6)[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x0132||Set as Skydome||Mechanism (77)[[PLAT]], Simple Object (2)[[SIMP]]||?||
| 0x0133||Connect_IOwnYou||NPC (110)[[BOUL]], Group (73)[[GRUP]], Move Point (68)[[MVPT]], Boulder (66)[[VIL]]||?||
| 0x0134||Duplotron_WaveBegin||||?||
| 0x0135||Duplotron_WaveComplete||NPC (7)[[VIL]]||?||
| 0x0136||Duplotron_NPCBorn||||?||
Line 636 ⟶ 642:
| 0x0138||Duplotron_MaxNPCExpired||||?||
| 0x0139||Duplotron_Pause||NPC (39)[[GRUP]], Group (4)[[VIL]]||?||
| 0x013A||Duplotron_Resume||NPC (49)[[GRUP]], Group (2)[[VIL]]||?||
| 0x013B||Set as Goo||Simple Object (41)[[GRUP]], Mechanism (19)[[PLAT]], Group (1)[[SIMP]]||?||
| 0x013C||NPCScript_ScriptBegin||||?||
Line 680 ⟶ 686:
| 0x014E||Set Text||||?||
| 0x014F||Start Conversation||[[CAM]], [[DYNA\game_object:talk_box (663), Camera (418)|game_object:talk_box]], [[DYNA\game_object:task_box (36)|game_object:task_box]]||?||
| 0x0150||End Conversation||[[CAM]], [[DYNA\game_object:talk_box (460)|game_object:talk_box]], Camera (374), Group (2)[[GRUP]]||?||
| 0x0151||Switch||Camera (976)[[CAM]]||?||
| 0x0152||Add Text||||?||
Line 690 ⟶ 696:
| 0x0153||Clear Text||||?||
| 0x0154||Open Teleport Box||[[DYNA\game_object:Teleport|game_object:Teleport]]||?||
| 0x0155||Close Teleport Box||||?||
| 0x0156||On Signal 0||[[DYNA\game_object:talk_box (86)|game_object:talk_box]]||?||
| 0x0157||On Signal 1||[[DYNA\game_object:talk_box (221)|game_object:talk_box]]||?||
| 0x0158||On Signal 2||[[DYNA\game_object:talk_box (96)|game_object:talk_box]]||?||
| 0x0159||On Signal 3||[[DYNA\game_object:talk_box (86)|game_object:talk_box]]||?||
| 0x015A||On Signal 4||[[DYNA\game_object:talk_box (77)|game_object:talk_box]]||?||
| 0x015B||On Signal 5||[[DYNA\game_object:talk_box (74)|game_object:talk_box]]||?||
| 0x015C||On Signal 6||[[DYNA\game_object:talk_box (47)|game_object:talk_box]]||?||
| 0x015D||On Signal 7||[[DYNA\game_object:talk_box (45)|game_object:talk_box]]||?||
| 0x015E||On Signal 8||[[DYNA\game_object:talk_box (38)|game_object:talk_box]]||?||
| 0x015F||On Signal 9||[[DYNA\game_object:talk_box (31)|game_object:talk_box]]||?||
| 0x0160||Stop Wait||[[DYNA\game_object:talk_box (57)|game_object:talk_box]]||?||
| 0x0161||On Conversation Start||[[DYNA\game_object:talk_box (172)|game_object:talk_box]]||?||
| 0x0162||On Conversation End||[[DYNA\game_object:talk_box (276)|game_object:talk_box]]||?||
| 0x0163||Hit Melee||Platform (119)[[PLAT]], Mechanism (8), Simple Object (3)[[SIMP]]||?||
| 0x0164||Hit Bubble Bounce||||?||
| 0x0165||Hit Bubble Bash||Platform (100), Mechanism (23)[[PLAT]]||?||
| 0x0166||Hit Bubble Bowl||Mechanism (4)[[PLAT]], Simple Object (1)[[SIMP]]||?||
| 0x0167||Hit Patrick Slam||||?||
Line 732 ⟶ 738:
| 0x0168||Hit By Throwable||||?||
| 0x0169||Paddle Hit Left||Paddle (12)[[PLAT]]||?||
| 0x016A||Paddle Hit Right||Paddle (9)[[PLAT]]||?||
| 0x016B||Initiate Task||[[DYNA\game_object:task_box (23)|game_object:task_box]]||?||
| 0x016C||Set Success||[[DYNA\game_object:task_box (98)|game_object:task_box]]||?||
| 0x016D||Set Failure||[[DYNA\game_object:task_box (15)|game_object:task_box]]||?||
| 0x016E||On Accept||||?||
Line 748 ⟶ 754:
| 0x0170||On Complete||||?||
| 0x0171||Generate Boulder||[[DYNA\game_object:BoulderGenerator (12)|game_object:BoulderGenerator]]||?||
| 0x0172||Launch Boulder At Widget||[[DYNA\game_object:BoulderGenerator (72)|game_object:BoulderGenerator]]||?||
| 0x0173||Launch Boulder At Point||||?||
| 0x0174||Launch Boulder At Player||[[DYNA\game_object:BoulderGenerator (8)|game_object:BoulderGenerator]]||?||
| 0x0175||Duplotron_SuperDuperDone||||?||
| 0x0176||Duplotron_DuperIsDoner||NPC (11)[[VIL]]||?||
| 0x0177||Bus Switch Character||[[DYNA\game_object:BusStop (16)|game_object:BusStop]]||?||
| 0x0178||Group Update Together||Group (40)[[GRUP]]||?||
| 0x0179||Set Update Distance||[[BOUL]], [[BUTN]], [[GRUP]], [[PKUP]], [[PLAT]], [[SIMP]], [[VIL]]||?||
| 0x0179||Set Update Distance||Mechanism (62), Platform (45), NPC (32), Simple Object (26), Group (18), Boulder (16), Button (5), Breakaway Platform (3), Conveyer Belt (1), Power Up/Item (1), Springboard Platform (1), Teeter-Totter (1)||?||
| 0x017A||Translate, Local X||Platform (26)[[PLAT]]||?||
| 0x017B||Translate, Local Y||Platform (20)[[PLAT]]||?||
| 0x017C||Translate, Local Z||Platform (12)[[PLAT]]||?||
| 0x017D||Translate, World X||Platform (8)[[PLAT]]||?||
| 0x017E||Translate, World Y||Platform (112)[[GRUP]], Group (3)[[PLAT]]||?||
| 0x017F||Translate, World Z||Platform (1)[[PLAT]]||?||
| 0x0180||Rotate, Local X||Platform (22)[[PLAT]]||?||
| 0x0181||Rotate, Local Y||Platform (55)[[PLAT]]||?||
| 0x0182||Rotate, Local Z||Platform (123)[[PLAT]]||?||
| 0x0183||Rotate, World X||Platform (6)[[PLAT]]||?||
| 0x0184||Rotate, World Y||Platform (52)[[PLAT]]||?||
| 0x0185||Rotate, World Z||Platform (37)[[PLAT]]||?||
| 0x0186||Translate, Local X Done||||?||
| 0x0187||Translate, Local Y Done||Platform (8)[[PLAT]]||?||
| 0x0188||Translate, Local Z Done||||?||
| 0x0189||Translate, World X Done||Platform (1)[[PLAT]]||?||
| 0x018A||Translate, World Y Done||Platform (85)[[PLAT]]||?||
| 0x018B||Translate, World Z Done||Platform (2)[[PLAT]]||?||
| 0x018C||Rotate, Local X Done||||?||
| 0x018D||Rotate, Local Y Done||Platform (5)[[PLAT]]||?||
| 0x018E||Rotate, Local Z Done||||?||
Line 810 ⟶ 816:
| 0x018F||Rotate, World X Done||||?||
| 0x0190||Rotate, World Y Done||Platform (17)[[PLAT]]||?||
| 0x0191||Rotate, World Z Done||||?||
| 0x0192||<span id="Count1">Count1</span>||[[CNTR]]||?||Sets the value of a [[CNTR]] to 1. Automatically sent from the [[#Increment|Increment]] or [[#Decrement|Decrement]] event if the resulting value is 1.
| 0x0193||<span id="Count2">Count2</span>||[[CNTR]]||?||Sets the value of a [[CNTR]] to 2. Automatically sent from the [[#Increment|Increment]] or [[#Decrement|Decrement]] event if the resulting value is 2.
| 0x0194||<span id="Count3">Count3</span>||[[CNTR]]||?||Sets the value of a [[CNTR]] to 3. Automatically sent from the [[#Increment|Increment]] or [[#Decrement|Decrement]] event if the resulting value is 3.
| 0x0195||<span id="Count4">Count4</span>||[[CNTR]]||?||Sets the value of a [[CNTR]] to 4. Automatically sent from the [[#Increment|Increment]] or [[#Decrement|Decrement]] event if the resulting value is 4.
| 0x0196||<span id="Count5">Count5</span>||[[CNTR]]||?||Sets the value of a [[CNTR]] to 5. Automatically sent from the [[#Increment|Increment]] or [[#Decrement|Decrement]] event if the resulting value is 5.
| 0x0197||<span id="Count6">Count6</span>||[[CNTR]]||?||Sets the value of a [[CNTR]] to 6. Automatically sent from the [[#Increment|Increment]] or [[#Decrement|Decrement]] event if the resulting value is 6.
| 0x0198||<span id="Count7">Count7</span>||[[CNTR]]||?||Sets the value of a [[CNTR]] to 7. Automatically sent from the [[#Increment|Increment]] or [[#Decrement|Decrement]] event if the resulting value is 7.
| 0x0199||<span id="Count8">Count8</span>||[[CNTR]]||?||Sets the value of a [[CNTR]] to 8. Automatically sent from the [[#Increment|Increment]] or [[#Decrement|Decrement]] event if the resulting value is 8.
| 0x019A||<span id="Count9">Count9</span>||[[CNTR]]||?||Sets the value of a [[CNTR]] to 9. Automatically sent from the [[#Increment|Increment]] or [[#Decrement|Decrement]] event if the resulting value is 9.
| 0x019B||<span id="Count10">Count10</span>||[[CNTR]]||?||Sets the value of a [[CNTR]] to 10. Automatically sent from the [[#Increment|Increment]] or [[#Decrement|Decrement]] event if the resulting value is 10.
| 0x019C||<span id="Count11">Count11</span>||[[CNTR]]||?||Sets the value of a [[CNTR]] to 11. Automatically sent from the [[#Increment|Increment]] or [[#Decrement|Decrement]] event if the resulting value is 11.
| 0x019D||<span id="Count12">Count12</span>||[[CNTR]]||?||Sets the value of a [[CNTR]] to 12. Automatically sent from the [[#Increment|Increment]] or [[#Decrement|Decrement]] event if the resulting value is 12.
| 0x019E||<span id="Count13">Count13</span>||[[CNTR]]||?||Sets the value of a [[CNTR]] to 13. Automatically sent from the [[#Increment|Increment]] or [[#Decrement|Decrement]] event if the resulting value is 13.
| 0x019F||<span id="Count14">Count14</span>||[[CNTR]]||?||Sets the value of a [[CNTR]] to 14. Automatically sent from the [[#Increment|Increment]] or [[#Decrement|Decrement]] event if the resulting value is 14.
| 0x01A0||<span id="Count15">Count15</span>||[[CNTR]]||?||Sets the value of a [[CNTR]] to 15. Automatically sent from the [[#Increment|Increment]] or [[#Decrement|Decrement]] event if the resulting value is 15.
| 0x01A1||<span id="Count16">Count16</span>||[[CNTR]]||?||Sets the value of a [[CNTR]] to 16. Automatically sent from the [[#Increment|Increment]] or [[#Decrement|Decrement]] event if the resulting value is 16.
| 0x01A2||<span id="Count17">Count17</span>||[[CNTR]]||?||Sets the value of a [[CNTR]] to 17. Automatically sent from the [[#Increment|Increment]] or [[#Decrement|Decrement]] event if the resulting value is 17.
| 0x01A3||<span id="Count18">Count18</span>||[[CNTR]]||?||Sets the value of a [[CNTR]] to 18. Automatically sent from the [[#Increment|Increment]] or [[#Decrement|Decrement]] event if the resulting value is 18.
| 0x01A4||<span id="Count19">Count19</span>||[[CNTR]]||?||Sets the value of a [[CNTR]] to 19. Automatically sent from the [[#Increment|Increment]] or [[#Decrement|Decrement]] event if the resulting value is 19.
| 0x01A5||<span id="Count20">Count20</span>||[[CNTR]]||?||Sets the value of a [[CNTR]] to 20. Automatically sent from the [[#Increment|Increment]] or [[#Decrement|Decrement]] event if the resulting value is 20.
| 0x01A6||Set State||||?||
| 0x01A7||Enter SpongeBob||Trigger (152)[[TRIG]]||?||TheSent game sends this event toby a Trigger[[TRIG]] onwhenever the frame that SpongebobSpongeBob enters its collision area. This event is *not* continuously sent during the frames that the Player is still insidevolume.
| 0x01A8||Enter Patrick||Trigger (61)[[TRIG]]||?||TheSent game sends this event toby a Trigger[[TRIG]] on the frame thatwhenever Patrick enters its collision area. This event is *not* continuously sent during the frames that the Player is still insidevolume.
| 0x01A9||Enter Sandy||Trigger (26)[[TRIG]]||?||TheSent game sends this event toby a Trigger[[TRIG]] on the frame thatwhenever Sandy enters its collision area. This event is *not* continuously sent during the frames that the Player is still insidevolume.
| 0x01AA||Exit SpongeBob||Trigger (9)[[TRIG]]||?||TheSent game sends this event toby a Trigger[[TRIG]] onwhenever the frame that SpongebobSpongeBob exits its collision area. This event is *not* continuously sent during the frames that the Player is still outsidevolume.
| 0x01AB||Exit Patrick||Trigger (15)[[TRIG]]||?||TheSent game sends this event toby a Trigger[[TRIG]] on the frame thatwhenever Patrick exits its collision area. This event is *not* continuously sent during the frames that the Player is still outsidevolume.
| 0x01AC||Exit Sandy||Trigger (8)[[TRIG]]||?||TheSent game sends this event toby a Trigger[[TRIG]] on the frame thatwhenever Sandy exits its collision area. This event is *not* continuously sent during the frames that the Player is still outsidevolume.
| 0x01AD||NPCSpecial_PlatformSnap||NPC (10)[[VIL]]||?||
| 0x01AE||NPCSpecial_PlatformFall||NPC (10)[[VIL]]||?||
| 0x01AF||Goo set warb coeffs||Simple Object (31)[[PLAT]], Mechanism (14)[[SIMP]]||?||
| 0x01B0||Goo set freeze duration||Mechanism (1)[[PLAT]]||?||
| 0x01B1||Goo melt||||?||
| 0x01B2||Set State Range||Disco Floor (5)[[DSCO]]||?||
| 0x01B3||Set State Delay||||?||
Line 884 ⟶ 890:
| 0x01B4||Set Transition Delay||||?||
| 0x01B5||NPC Fight On||NPC (6)[[VIL]]||?||
| 0x01B6||NPC Fight Off||||?||
Line 908 ⟶ 914:
| 0x01C0||Hit (Lower Body)||||?||
| 0x01C1||GiveSocks (current level)||Player (3)[[PLYR]]||?||
| 0x01C2||GiveCollectables (current level)||Player (21)[[PLYR]]||?||
| 0x01C3||SetSocks (current level)||||?||
Line 916 ⟶ 922:
| 0x01C4||SetCollectables (current level)||||?||
| 0x01C5||On Answer Yes||[[DYNA\game_object:talk_box (307)|game_object:talk_box]]||?||
| 0x01C6||On Answer No||[[DYNA\game_object:talk_box (65)|game_object:talk_box]]||?||
| 0x01C7||Hit Cruise Bubble||Mechanism (4)[[PLAT]]||?||
| 0x01C8||Duplotron_KillKids||NPC (4)[[VIL]]||?||
| 0x01C9||On Signal10||[[DYNA\game_object:talk_box (17)|game_object:talk_box]]||?||
| 0x01CA||On Signal11||[[DYNA\game_object:talk_box (13)|game_object:talk_box]]||?||
| 0x01CB||On Signal12||[[DYNA\game_object:talk_box (11)|game_object:talk_box]]||?||
| 0x01CC||On Signal13||[[DYNA\game_object:talk_box (11)|game_object:talk_box]]||?||
| 0x01CD||On Signal14||[[DYNA\game_object:talk_box (6)|game_object:talk_box]]||?||
| 0x01CE||On Signal15||[[DYNA\game_object:talk_box (8)|game_object:talk_box]]||?||
| 0x01CF||On Signal16||[[DYNA\game_object:talk_box (4)|game_object:talk_box]]||?||
| 0x01D0||On Signal17||[[DYNA\game_object:talk_box (2)|game_object:talk_box]]||?||
| 0x01D1||On Signal18||[[DYNA\game_object:talk_box (1)|game_object:talk_box]]||?||
| 0x01D2||On Signal19||[[DYNA\game_object:talk_box (111)|game_object:talk_box]]||?||
| 0x01D3||Spongeball On||Player (2)[[PLYR]]||?||
| 0x01D4||Spongeball Off||Player (1)[[PLYR]]||?||
| 0x01D5||Launch Shrapnel||Boulder (60)[[BOUL]], Platform (21)[[GRUP]], Simple Object (16)[[PLAT]], Mechanism (9), Group (5)[[SIMP]]||?||
| 0x01D6||NPC HP Incremented||||?||
| 0x01D7||NPC HP Decremented||NPC (7)[[VIL]]||?||
| 0x01D8||NPC Set Active On||NPC (24)[[GRUP, Group (17)VIL]]||?||
| 0x01D9||NPC Set Active Off||NPC (68)[[GRUP, Group (26)VIL]]||?||
| 0x01DA||Switch Player Character||Player (7)[[PLYR]]||?||
| 0x01DB||Level Begin||[[DYNA\game_object:Flythrough (1)|game_object:Flythrough]]||?||
| 0x01DC||Scene Reset (death)||Dispatcher (2)[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x01DD||Scene Enter||Cutscene Mgr (2)[[BUTN]], Button (1)[[CSNM]], Dispatcher (1)[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x01DE||Destroyed Tiki||||?||
Line 1,014 ⟶ 1,020:
| 0x01F5||Change Texture of UI||||?||
| 0x01F6||NPC Cheer For Me||NPC (7)[[VIL]]||?||
| 0x01F7||Fast Visible||||?||
Line 1,036 ⟶ 1,042:
| 0x0200||UpdateAnimMatrices||||?||
| 0x0201||EnterCruise||Trigger (4)[[TRIG]]||?||
| 0x0202||ExitCruise||Trigger (1)[[TRIG]]||?||
| 0x0203||CruiseFired||||?||
Line 1,046 ⟶ 1,052:
| 0x0205||CruiseAddLife||||?||
| 0x0206||CruiseSetLife||Player (3)[[PLYR]]||?||
| 0x0207||CruiseResetLife||||?||
| 0x0208||Camera Collide Off||Group (1)[[GRUP]]||?||
| 0x0209||Camera Collide On||Group (3)[[GRUP]], Mechanism (2), Platform (1)[[PLAT]]||?||
| 0x020A||Slide On||||?||
Line 1,064 ⟶ 1,070:
| 0x020E||Force NPC Conversation||||?||
| 0x020F||Make A Splash||Move Point (8)[[MVPT]]||?||
| 0x0210||Credits start||Dispatcher (7)[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x0211||Credits stop||Dispatcher (2)[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x0212||Credits ended||Dispatcher (19)[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x0213||Bubble Wipe||||?||
Line 1,078 ⟶ 1,084:
| 0x0215||Set Opacity||||?||
| 0x0216||Take Socks||Player (8)[[PLYR]]||?||
| 0x0217||Debug BREAK||||?||
Line 1,084 ⟶ 1,090:
| 0x0218||Born||||?||
| 0x0219||Platform Pause||Mechanism (7)[[PLAT]], Simple Object (7)[[SIMP]]||?||
| 0x021A||Platform Unpause||Mechanism (7)[[PLAT]], Simple Object (7)[[SIMP]]||?||
| 0x021B||Store Options||Dispatcher (3)[[DPAT]]||?||
| 0x021C||Restore Options||Dispatcher (12)[[DPAT]]||?||
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