Progress Scripts is similar to Scripts but uses Percentages.

Progress Script
Base Type0x75
Games usedThe Incredibles
Rise of the Underminer



xProgressScriptAsset is the data structure that defines the format for PGRS assets. It inherits from xBaseAsset (8 bytes long).

class xProgressScriptAsset : public xBaseAsset
    unsigned int eventCount;
Offset Type Variable Description
0x08 u32 eventCount Number of xProgressScriptEventAssets.


xProgressScriptEventAsset defines the format for events in PGRS assets.

class xProgressScriptEventAsset
    float percent;
    signed int flags;
    unsigned int widget;
    unsigned int paramEvent;
    float param[4];
    unsigned int paramWidget;
Offset Type Variable Description
0x00 f32 percent .
0x04 s32 flags
0x08 AssetID widget Asset to send this asset to.
0x0C u32 paramEvent Event ID enum. (See the list of events for your game to find the correct event ID)
0x10 f32[4] param Event parameters (can be floats, ints, AssetIDs, etc.)
0x20 AssetID paramWidget Asset ID parameter.