A Particle Emitter Property asset contains settings for particles created by a Particle Emitter.

Particle Emitter Property
Base Type0x2E
Games usedBattle for Bikini Bottom

The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie

Rise of the Underminer

Ratatouille Prototype
Source codexParEmitter.h


A Particle Emitter Property asset describes how a particle changes over its lifetime, such as its color, size, and velocity. Each of these properties are defined by an xParInterp struct:

struct xParInterp
    float val[2];
    unsigned int interp;
    float freq;
    float oofreq;
  • val is an array of 2 floats. The 1st float is the start value of the interpolation, and the 2nd float is the end value.
  • interp is the interpolation mode, which determines how the current value of the interpolation is computed over time:
    • ConstA (0 or 0x48e48e7a) - Always the start value.
    • ConstB (1 or 0x48e48e7b) - Always the end value.
    • Random (2 or 0x0fe111bf) - A new random value between the start and end value, refreshed every freq seconds.
    • Linear (3 or 0xb7353b79) - A value between the start and end value, found by using linear interpolation.
    • Sine (4 or 0x0b326f01) - A value between the start and end value, found by using sine interpolation.
    • Cosine (5 or 0x498d7119) - A value between the start and end value, found by using cosine interpolation.
    • Time (unused, 6) - The current time of the interpolation.
    • Step (7 or 0x0b354bd4) - The start value until time*freq >= 0.5, then the end value.
  • freq is the frequency of the interpolation when using Random, Linear, or Step mode.
  • oofreq is the frequency of the interpolation when using Sine or Cosine mode.

The actual asset is defined by an xParEmitterPropsAsset struct, which inherits xBaseAsset (Object Asset):

struct xParEmitterPropsAsset : xBaseAsset
    unsigned int parSysID;

    // This union is so that you can either access each xParInterp individually,
    // or as an "array" of xParInterps
    // value is length 1 but you'd access it as if it were a length 14 array
    // (rate is index 0, life is index 1, etc... vel_angle is index 13)
        xParInterp rate;
        xParInterp value[1];

    xParInterp life;
    xParInterp size_birth;
    xParInterp size_death;
    xParInterp color_birth[4];
    xParInterp color_death[4];
    xParInterp vel_scale;
    xParInterp vel_angle;
    xVec3 vel;
    unsigned int emit_limit;
    float emit_limit_reset_time;
  • parSysID is the ID of the Particle System that the Particle Emitter should use.
  • rate is how many times per second a particle is emitted.
  • life is the lifetime in seconds of a particle.
  • size_birth is the start size in units of a particle.
  • size_death is the end size in units of a particle.
  • color_birth is the start color of a particle (red, green, blue, and alpha).
  • color_death is the end color of a particle (red, green, blue, and alpha).
  • vel_scale is unknown/unused (all set to 0).
  • vel_angle is unknown/unused (all set to 0).
  • vel is unknown/unused (all set to 0).
  • emit_limit is always -1.
  • emit_limit_reset_time is unknown (usually set to 0 but sometimes not).

At the end of the xParEmitterPropsAsset is a list of Links.


Particle Emitter Property has no events.