EvilEngine/DYNA/Scene Properties

Scene Properties
Games usedThe SpongeBob SquarePants Movie

The Incredibles
Rise of the Underminer

Ratatouille Prototype


The Spongebob SquarePants Movie and The Incredibles (Prototypes)

Offset Type Variable Description
0x00 int32 idle03ExtraCount
0x04 ANIM idle03Extras
0x08 int32 idle04ExtraCount
0x0C ANIM idle04Extras
0x10 uint8 bombCount always 20
0x11 uint8 extraIdleDelay always 5
0x12 uint8 hdrGlow varies
0x13 uint8 hdrDarken varies
0x14 SND/SNDS musicID Background music for the level.
0x18 uint32 flags always 0 or 1
0x1C float32 waterTileWidth
0x20 float32 lodFadeDistance always 4
0x24 uint32 padding[4]


The Incredibles, Rise of the Underminer, Ratatouille Prototype

Offset Type Variable Description
0x00 uint32 idle03ExtraCount
0x04 ANIM idle03Extras
0x08 uint32 idle04ExtraCount
0x0C ANIM idle04Extras
0x10 uint8 bombCount varies
0x11 uint8 extraIdleDelay always 5
0x12 uint8 hdrGlow varies
0x13 uint8 hdrDarken varies
0x14 SND/SNDS musicID Background music for the level.
0x18 uint32 flags always 0 or 1
0x1C float32 waterTileWidth
0x20 float32 lodFadeDistance Usually 4
0x24 float32 waterTileOffsetX
0x28 float32 waterTileOffsetZ
0x2C uint8 numCheckpoints
0x2D uint8[3] padding
0x30 float32 grassDistFade
0x34 float32 grassDistCull
0x38 uint32 piggybank
0x3C uint32 maxAnimationMem
0x40 uint32 maxArtMem
0x44 uint32 maxDesignMem
0x48 uint32 maxProgrammingMem
0x4C uint32[3] padding