Industrial Park (level editor): Difference between revisions

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** Move Layer Down: this will move the selected layer down in the list.
* Assets: each asset is an individual in-game object with a type and function. You can click on an asset in the list to select it, or Ctrl + click to select multiple. Use the checkboxes next to the asset names to hide the asset from the view.
** Show by type: this will allow you to see in the list only assets of a specific type, or all of them.
** Find Asset: type an asset ID (preceded by 0x) or name here. If an asset with this ID or name is present, it'll be selected.
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===Asset Templates===
Using templates is the fastest way to place new assets in the scene. IfYou you'vecan activatedeither templateplace focusnew onasset onetemplates ofby right clicking the Archiveasset Editorslist byin clickingthe onArchive "TemplateEditor Focusand OFF"choosing (turningthe ittemplate on)you want to place, or you can right click on the scene andview, choose one of the templates; afterand makinguse sureShift the+ correctRight layerclick forto thatplace assetthe typetemplate isin selectedthe inscene your(you Archivemust Editor,first useactivate Shifttemplate +focus Rightby clickclicking toon place"Template theFocus templateOFF" in thean scene.Archive AsideEditor, fromalso make sure the templatescorrect inlayer thefor listthat below,asset youtype is selected). You can also make your own [[#User Templates|User Templates]].
Note: '''placing a template is not enough for the asset to function''' if an asset of the same class was not present in the level before (for example, placing a Fodder template in Bikini Bottom will crash the game unless you [[Asset Porting|port the Fodder assets]] to Bikini Bottom's HOP file first).
Below is a list of templates currently available on Industrial Park:
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Template
! Asset Type
|| Shiny_Red
|| [[PKUP]]
|| Shiny_Yellow
|| [[PKUP]]
|| Shiny_Green
|| [[PKUP]]
|| Shiny_Blue
|| [[PKUP]]
|| Shiny_Purple
|| [[PKUP]]
|| Underwear
|| [[PKUP]]
|| Spatula
|| [[PKUP]]
|| Sock
|| [[PKUP]]
|| Spongeball
|| [[PKUP]]
|| WoodenTiki
|| [[VIL]]
|| FloatingTiki
|| [[VIL]]
|| ThunderTiki
|| [[VIL]]
|| ShhhTiki
|| [[VIL]]
|| StoneTiki
|| [[VIL]]
|| Fodder
|| [[VIL]] + [[MVPT]]
|| Hammer
|| [[VIL]] + [[MVPT]]
|| TarTar
|| [[VIL]] + [[MVPT]]
|| ChompBot
|| [[VIL]] + [[MVPT]]
|| GLove
|| [[VIL]] + [[MVPT]]
|| Chuck
|| [[VIL]] + [[MVPT]]
|| Chuck_Trigger
|| [[VIL]] + [[MVPT]] + [[TRIG]]
|| Monsoon
|| [[VIL]] + [[MVPT]]
|| Monsoon_Trigger
|| [[VIL]] + [[MVPT]] + [[TRIG]]
|| Sleepytime
|| [[VIL]] + [[MVPT]]
|| Sleepytime_Moving
|| [[VIL]] + [[MVPT]]
|| BombBot
|| [[VIL]] + [[MVPT]]
|| Tubelet
|| 3 * [[VIL]] + [[MVPT]]
|| TubeletSlave
|| [[VIL]]
|| BzztBot
|| [[VIL]] + [[MVPT]]
|| Slick
|| [[VIL]] + [[MVPT]]
|| Slick_Trigger
|| [[VIL]] + [[MVPT]] + [[TRIG]]
|| Jellyfish_Pink
|| [[VIL]] + [[MVPT]]
|| Jellyfish_Blue
|| [[VIL]] + [[MVPT]]
|| Duplicatotron
|| [[VIL]] + [[DYNA]] ([[game_object:NPCSettings]]) + [[GRUP]]
|| Button
|| [[BUTN]]
|| PressurePlateWithBase
|| [[BUTN]] + [[SIMP]]
|| PressurePlateBaseOnly
|| [[SIMP]]
|| TaxiStand
|| [[SIMP]]
|| TexasHitch
|| [[SIMP]]
|| SphereTrigger
|| [[TRIG]]
|| EnemyMVPT
|| [[MVPT]]
|| DuplicatotronSettings
|| [[DYNA]] ([[game_object:NPCSettings]])
|| EmptyGroup
|| [[GRUP]]
====User Templates====