Industrial Park (level editor): Difference between revisions

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==Asset Types==
The following table shows the current status of each asset type for Industrial Park. Some are editable, some can be used only for display, and some must be edited externally. The table also shows if copying and pasting the asset to a different platform/game it was originally from is supported or not.
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! Status
! Info
! Cross-Version Copy
| align=center | [[ALST]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Yes</span>
| align=center | [[ANIM]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>
|| ANIM editor is very rudimentary as not all is known about the format.
|| <span style="color:#FF0000">No</span>
| align=center | [[ATBL]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>
|| <span style="color:#FF0000">No</span>
| align=center | [[BOUL]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>, <span style="color:#0000FF">Display from model</span>
|| See [[Essentials Series/Boulders|Boulders]] for more information.
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Yes</span>
| align=center | [[BSP]], [[JSP]]
Line 47 ⟶ 42:
* Use the Export function to export the model to one of the Assimp formats. OBJ or DAE are recommended. This might not work on all models; it has a higher change of working on Xbox files. It can also be exported as a raw BSP (BSP assets) or DFF (JSP assets).
* Import function grayed out as it hasn't been implemented yet.
|| <span style="color:#FF0000">No</span>
| align=center | [[BUTN]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>, <span style="color:#0000FF">Display from model</span>
|| See [[Essentials Series/Buttons|Buttons]] for more information.
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Yes</span>
| align=center | [[CAM]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>, <span style="color:#0000FF">Display as widget</span>
|| See [[Essentials Series/Cameras|Cameras]] for more information.
|| The view button will place Industrial Park's view in the exact position the camera assumes ingame. The internal editor features functions to get the position and direction of the camera from Industrial Park's view. Be careful not to click these buttons when the view is not where you want the camera to be!
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Yes</span>
| align=center | [[CNTR]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>
|| See [[Essentials Series/Buttons|Buttons]] for more information.
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Yes</span>
| align=center | [[COLL]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>
|| See [[Essentials Series/Stage Controllers#Collision Table|Stage Controllers]] for more information.
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Yes</span>
| align=center | [[COND]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>
|| See [[Essentials Series/Conditionals#Conditionals]] for more information.
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Yes</span>
| align=center | [[CRDT]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>
|| <span style="color:#FF0000">No</span>
| align=center | [[CSN]]
|| <span style="color:#FF0000">Extract onlyUnavailable</span>
|| <span style="color:#FF0000">No</span>
| align=center | [[CSNM]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Yes</span>
| align=center | [[DEST]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Yes</span>
| align=center | [[DPAT]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>
|| See [[Essentials Series/Dispatchers|Dispatchers]] for more information.
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Yes</span>
| align=center | [[DSCO]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>
|| <span style="color:#FF0000">No</span>
| align=center | [[DSTR]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>, <span style="color:#0000FF">Display from model</span>
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Yes</span>
| align=center | [[DUPC]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>, <span style="color:#0000FF">Display from model</span>
|| <span style="color:#007F00">No</span>
| align=center | [[DYNA]]
|| <span style="color:#FF7F00">Edit</span>, <span style="color:#0000FF">Display asfrom model or widget</span>
|| Allows editing of all DYNA types in BFBB and some from the other games. Has a generic editor for unsupported types.
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Yes</span>
| align=center | [[EGEN]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>, <span style="color:#0000FF">Display from model</span>
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Yes</span>
| align=center | [[ENV]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>
|| See [[Essentials Series/Stage Controllers#Environment|Stage Controllers]] for more information.
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Yes</span>
| align=center | [[FLY]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>, <span style="color:#0000FF">Live preview</span>
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Yes</span>
| align=center | [[FOG]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>
|| See [[Essentials Series/Stage Controllers#Fog|Stage Controllers]] for more information.
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Yes</span>
| align=center | [[GRUP]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>
|| Editor has feature to add all selected assets to group.
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Yes</span>
| align=center | [[GUST]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Yes</span>
| align=center | [[HANG]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>, <span style="color:#0000FF">Display from model</span>
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Yes</span>
| align=center | [[JAW]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>
|| See [[Essentials Series/Sound and Music|Sound and Music]] for more information.
|| The SND/SNDS editor has a function to import external JAW data from a file for that sound and send it to the JAW asset.
|| <span style="color:#FF0000">No</span>
| align=center | [[LITE]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>, <span style="color:#0000FF">Display as widget</span>
|| <span style="color:#FF0000">No</span>
| align=center | [[LKIT]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>
|| See [[Essentials Series/Stage Controllers#Light Kit|Stage Controllers]] for more information.
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Yes</span>
| align=center | [[LOBM]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>
|| <span style="color:#FF0000">No</span>
| align=center | [[LODT]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>
|| See [[Essentials Series/Stage Controllers#Level of Detail Table|Stage Controllers]] for more information.
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Yes</span>
| align=center | [[MAPR]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Yes</span>
| align=center | [[MINF]]
|| <span style="color:#0000FF007F00">Use for displayEdit</span>, <span style="color:#FF00000000FF">limitedUse editingfor display</span>
|| Doesn't allow you to edit all fields yet, but they will be used to find a MODL to display assets as.
|| <span style="color:#FF0000">No</span>
| align=center | [[MODL]]
Line 195 ⟶ 161:
* Use the Export function to export the model to one of the Assimp formats. OBJ or DAE are recommended. This might not work on all models; it has a higher change of working on Xbox files. It can also be exported as a raw BSP (BSP assets) or DFF (JSP assets).
* Use the Import function to select a model file to import. Industrial Park uses Assimp for model importing, so DFFs will be imported as they are, while other formats will be converted to DFF - using either OBJ or FBX is recommended. This does not work with rigged models and any rigging present in the files will be discarded during the conversion.
|| <span style="color:#FF0000">No</span>
| align=center | [[MRKR]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>, <span style="color:#0000FF">Display as widget</span>
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Yes</span>
| align=center | [[MVPT]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>, <span style="color:#0000FF">Display as widget</span>
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Yes</span>
| align=center | [[NPC]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>, <span style="color:#0000FF">Display from model</span>
|| <span style="color:#FF0000">No</span>
| align=center | [[PARE]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>
|| See [[Essentials Series/Particles|Particles]] for more information.
|| <span style="color:#FF0000">No</span>
| align=center | [[PARP]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>
|| See [[Essentials Series/Particles|Particles]] for more information.
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Yes</span>
| align=center | [[PARS]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>
|| See [[Essentials Series/Particles|Particles]] for more information.
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Yes</span>
| align=center | [[PEND]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>, <span style="color:#0000FF">Display from model</span>
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Yes</span>
| align=center | [[PICK]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>, <span style="color:#0000FF">Use for display</span>
|| PKUP assets will try to find their models from the references in the PICK asset, so for that, boot.hip must be opened in an Archive Editor. Otherwise, the PKUPspickups will be displayed as widgets.
|| <span style="color:#FF0000">No</span>
| align=center | [[PIPT]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>
|| See [[Essentials Series/Stage Controllers#Pipe Info Table|Stage Controllers]] for more information.
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Yes</span>
| align=center | [[PKUP]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>, <span style="color:#0000FF">Display from model</span>
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Yes</span>
| align=center | [[PLAT]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>, <span style="color:#0000FF">Display from model</span>
|| See [[Essentials Series/Platforms|Platforms]] for more information.
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Yes</span>
| align=center | [[PLYR]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>, <span style="color:#0000FF">Display as widget</span>
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Yes</span>
| align=center | [[PORT]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>
|| See [[Essentials Series/Portals|Portals]] for more information.
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Yes</span>
| align=center | [[PRJT]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Yes</span>
| align=center | [[RWTX]]
Line 274 ⟶ 225:
* Import an image to overwrite the texture. Supported formats: BMP, GIF, EXIF, JPG, PNG, TIFF and RWTEX
* Export the image as RWTEX (which can be imported in Magic.TXD)
|| <span style="color:#FF0000">No</span>
| align=center | [[SCRP]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>
|| Uses the [[#Link List Editor|Link List Editor]] for timed links.
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Yes</span>
| align=center | [[SDFX]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>, <span style="color:#0000FF">Display as widget</span>
|| SDFX assets a minimum and a maximum radius. These values are collected from the SDFX's SGRP reference. The maximum will be only displayed if the asset is selected.
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Yes</span>
| align=center | [[SFX]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>, <span style="color:#0000FF">Display as widget</span>
|| SFX assets have a minimum and a maximum radius. The maximum will be only displayed if the asset is selected.
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Yes</span>
| align=center | [[SGRP]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Yes</span>
| align=center | [[SHDW]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>
|| See [[Essentials Series/Stage Controllers#Shadow Table|Stage Controllers]] for more information.
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Yes</span>
| align=center | [[SHRP]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>
|| Allows editing of entries of types 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9 for BFBB and TSSM.
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Yes</span>
| align=center | [[SIMP]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>, <span style="color:#0000FF">Display from model</span>
|| See [[Essentials Series/Simple Objects|Simple Objects]] for more information.
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Yes</span>
| align=center | [[SND]], [[SNDS]]
Line 318 ⟶ 261:
The SND/SNDS editor also includes a function to import external [[JAW]] data and automatically send it to the JAW asset.
The SND/SNDS editor can play sounds in GameCube (Scooby or BFBB) and Xbox (all games) archives.
|| <span style="color:#FF0000">No</span>
| align=center | [[SNDI]]
Line 324 ⟶ 266:
* The SNDI asset can be edited individually, and can also be updated automatically from a SND or SNDS import.
|| <span style="color:#FF0000">No</span>
| align=center | [[SPLN]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>, <span style="color:#0000FF">Display as spline</span>
|| <span style="color:#FF0000">No</span>
| align=center | [[SURF]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Yes</span>
| align=center | [[TEXT]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Yes</span>
| align=center | [[TIMR]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>
|| See [[Essentials Series/Timers|Timers]] for more information.
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Yes</span>
| align=center | [[TPIK]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>, <span style="color:#0000FF">Use for display</span>
|| DYNA pickups will try to find their models from the references in the TPIK asset, so for that, boot.hip must be opened in an Archive Editor. Otherwise, the DYNAs will be displayed as widgets.
|| <span style="color:#FF0000">No</span>
| align=center | [[TRCK]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>, <span style="color:#0000FF">Display from model</span>
|| The TRCK editor is actually just the SIMP editor.
|| <span style="color:#FF0000">No</span>
| align=center | [[TRIG]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>, <span style="color:#0000FF">Display as widget</span>
|| See [[Essentials Series/Triggers|Triggers]] for more information.
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Yes</span>
| align=center | [[UI]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>, <span style="color:#0000FF">Display from model/texture</span>
|| Texture UIs display properly, model UIs are slightly off. See [[Essentials Series/User Interfaces|User Interfaces]] for more information.
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Yes</span>
| align=center | [[UIFT]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>, <span style="color:#0000FF">Display from model/texture</span>
|| Texture UIs display properly, model UIs are slightly off, displaying as text is not supported yet. See [[Essentials Series/User Interfaces|User Interfaces]] for more information.
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Yes</span>
| align=center | [[VIL]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>, <span style="color:#0000FF">Display from model</span>
|| See [[Essentials Series/Tikis and Enemies|Tikis and Enemies]] for more information.
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Yes</span>
| align=center | [[VILP]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>
|| <span style="color:#FF0000">No</span>
| align=center | [[VOLU]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>
|| <span style="color:#FF0000">No</span>
| align=center | [[WIRE]]
|| <span style="color:#007F00">Edit</span>, <span style="color:#0000FF">Display as wireframe model</span>
|| <span style="color:#FF0000">No</span>
* Cross-version copy/paste of all other asset types is not supported.
* Assets which [[Essentials Series/Links|links]] (but not other fields) can be edited: [[CCRV]], [[DTRK]], [[GRSM]], [[NGMS]], [[PGRS]], [[RANM]], [[SLID]], [[SSET]], [[SUBT]], [[TRWT]], [[UIM]], [[ZLIN]].
* Assets which editing internally is not supported: [[ATKT]], [[BINK]], [[CSSS]], [[CTOC]], [[MPHT]], [[NPCS]], [[ONEL]], [[RAW]], [[SPLP]], [[TEXS]].