Essentials Series/Porting a GameCube level to Xbox: Difference between revisions

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# Make a list of everything the level imported from the original game (e.g. Duplicatotrons, Fodders, Wooden Tikis, etc.), whether it was from an existing level or from the Industrial Park Editor Files.
# Find a level that contains one or more of these things from the clean copy of the Xbox version of the game. For example, you can find Fodders, Ham-Mers, Duplicatotrons, Tikis, and more in <tt>JF01</tt>.
# Find the assets related to these things that you could not copy before. Generally, these are things like <tt>ATBL</tt>, <tt>MINF</tt>, <tt>MODL</tt>, <tt>RWTX</tt>, <tt>SND</tt>, etc.
# Copy those assets to the appropriate places in your level. For example, you would copy a <tt>MODL</tt> to the MODEL layer in your HOP file; you would copy an <tt>ATBL</tt> to the DEFAULT layer in your HIP file. In reality, it doesn't actually matter if these assets are in the HIP or HOP, or what layer they are on, but it helps a lot to remain organized, and to add future-proofing for any specific dealings with the assets we find out are done by the game.
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Certain things in the original game are different depending on what version you are using. For instance, when you walk up to the clam gate at the top of Jellyfish Fields, it will read "Press the R button to enter Jellyfish Caves" on GameCube, but on Xbox it will read "Pull the R trigger to enter Jellyfish Caves." For an extra coat of polish on your level, I would make similar changes to fit the Xbox version.
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