EvilEngine/DYNA/game object:task box

From Heavy Iron Modding

Games usedBattle for Bikini Bottom

The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie

The Incredibles
Source codezTaskBox.h
Offset Type Description
0x10 char/bool persistent
0x11 char/bool loop
0x12 char/bool enable
0x13 char/bool retry
0x14 AssetID (game_object:talk_box) talk_box
0x18 AssetID (game_object:task_box) next_task
0x1C AssetID[6] (Text) stages
  • 0 - begin text
  • 1 - description text
  • 2 - reminder text
  • 3 - success text
  • 4 - failure text
  • 5 - end text